flash cards
Large-scale cutting and/or burning of forests
Global warning
Rise in Earth’s average surface temperature during the past 100 years
Greenhouse gas
A gas in the atmosphere that absorbs Earth’s outgoing infrared radiation
Greenhouse effect
Natural process that occurs when certain gases in the atmosphere absorb and reradiate thermal energy from the Sun
Organisms that is sensitive to environmental conditions and one of the first respond to changes
Nonpoint-source pollution
Cannon be traced to one location
Point-Source Pollution
Can be traced to one location
Water equality
Chemical, biological, and physical status of a body of water
Carrying capacity
Largest number of individuals of a given species that Earth’s resources can support and maintain for a long period of time
All members of a species living in a given area
Natural source of supply or support
Development of desertlike conditions due to human activities and/or climate change
The process of resorting land disturbed by mining
Planting trees to replace trees that have been cut or burned down
Portion of percipitation that moves over land and eventually reaches streams, rivers, lakes and oceans
Urban sprawl
Development of land near a city build houses and other buildings
Acid precipitation
Rain or snow that has lower pH than that of normal rainwater
Air quality index (AQI)
Scale that makes ranks levels of ozone and other air pollutions
Particulate matter
mix of solid and liquid particles in the air, including, smoke, dust and dirt
Photochemical smog
Type of air pollution that occurs when nitrogen and carbon compound, released by the burning of fossil fuels, react in sunlight