What socket does the AMD Ryzen 3, 5, 7 CPUs use?
Socket AMA 4
UEFI BIOS (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)
A firmware interface for computers and works as a “middleman” to connect a computer’s firmware to its operating system. It is used to initialize the hardware components and start the operating system stored on the hard disk when the computer starts up.
Is another name for a PS/2 connector.
What is the largest motherboard form factor?
ATX. In order of largest to smallest, the form factors are ATX, Micro-ATX, ITX, Mini-ITX.
What is the speed of DDR (Double Data Rate RAM)?
DDR speed is x2 the clock speed
Continuous Reboots as related to mass storage
Rarely manifests as something related to mass storage. It could be some type of corruption in the operating system where it can’t boot properly.
Flashing the ROM updates the firmware on the flash chip
Flashing the ROM updates the firmware on the flash chip
Center channel
Is a big speaker that sits right underneath the monitor and is usually used for dialogue.
Game controllers often have a proprietary connection that requires a converter.
Game controllers often have a proprietary connection that requires a converter.
What ports are used for printers?
Parallel ports
CPUs (Central Processing Units) run programs
CPUs (Central Processing Units) run programs
What is DDR?
It is Double Data Rate RAM. For any one click of the clock, this gives two bits of information.
What are the CPU socket types?
Intel: LGA 1151 (more main-stream), LGA 2066 (very high-end) and AMD: AMA4 (main-stream), TR4 (very high-end)
CPU sockets are the mount where a CPU connects to the motherboard.
CPU sockets are the mount where a CPU connects to the motherboard.
DDR4 uses a 288 pin stick. It is the fastest RAM described on the COMPTIA Exam. It is the most common. It is x8 the clock-speed. Bandwidth is used with DDR4. Bandwidth is measured with MT/s (mega transferred per sec)
Incorrectly installed CPUs or RAM can make your PC seem dead
Incorrectly installed CPUs or RAM can make your PC seem dead
There are many types of mass storage used today, including hard drives, solid-state drives (SSD), and optical media
There are many types of mass storage used today, including hard drives, solid-state drives (SSD), and optical media
Magnetic disk drives use spinning platters to store data via magnetism and read/write heads
Magnetic disk drives use spinning platters to store data via magnetism and read/write heads
POST runs at boot requesting devices to self-check. POST errors manifest as specific beep codes or display (text) codes. POST cards enable testing of “dead” computers.
POST runs at boot requesting devices to self-check. POST errors manifest as specific beep codes or display (text) codes. POST cards enable testing of “dead” computers.
They provide output and web cameras provide visual input.
Keyboards, mice, and game controllers provide input
Keyboards, mice, and game controllers provide input
Liquid cooling uses a pump, a radiator, and a cooling block with liquid to remove heat
Liquid cooling uses a pump, a radiator, and a cooling block with liquid to remove heat
A voltmeter can test wall power.
A voltmeter can test wall power.
Which item is not likely to be in a technician’s toolkit?
Solid State Drive (SSD) memory cells are called pages
Solid State Drive (SSD) memory cells are called pages
When a system boots it looks for a bootable device.
When a system boots it looks for a bootable device.
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface)
Is an ancient standard that still has great support
The CPU interacts directly with fast hardware including RAM and video cards.
The CPU interacts directly with fast hardware including RAM and video cards.
Which chip is typically found on modern motherboards?
The South Bridge. The functions of the old North Bridge chip have been moved to modern CPUs
USB 3.1 Gen 2
10 Gbps
Standard - Max Speed USB 1.0 - 1.5 Megabits/sec USB 1.1 - 12 Megabits/sec USB 2.0 - 480 Megabits/sec USB 3.0 - 5 Gigabits/sec USB 3.1 Gen 1 - 5 Gigabits/sec USB 3.1 Gen 2 - 10 Gigabits/sec
Standard - Max Speed USB 1.0 - 1.5 Megabits/sec USB 1.1 - 12 Megabits/sec USB 2.0 - 480 Megabits/sec USB 3.0 - 5 Gigabits/sec USB 3.1 Gen 1 - 5 Gigabits/sec USB 3.1 Gen 2 - 10 Gigabits/sec
USB port colors
White - USB 1.1 Black - USB 2.0 Neutral Blue - USB 3.0 or 3.1 Gen 1 Teal - USB 3.1 Red, Orange, Yellow - Charging Ports
USB is backward-compatible
USB is backward-compatible
USB connector types
Type-A, Type-B, Type-C, standard, mini, and micro
USB connectors A & B
USB A connectors - take commands from downstream
USB B connectors - take commands from upstream
Every time you connect any device via USB, you have a USB upstream connector and a USB downstream connector
Motherboards require RAM at a certain speed
Motherboards require RAM at a certain speed
Flashing can be done to fix any bugs and to update BIOS in order to accept new technology
Flashing can be done to fix any bugs and to update BIOS in order to accept new technology
When installing a CPU what can you use to protect it?
Antistatic wrist strap
A common Intel socket
LGA 1151
CPUs take a system speed and multiply it to reach the MAX CPU speed. CPUs come often with multiple cores.
CPUs take a system speed and multiply it to reach the MAX CPU speed. CPUs come often with multiple cores.
- Minimum of 4 drives
- Similar to RAID 5 except it uses double parity
- Highly secure and fault-tolerant
DVD capacities
Dual Layer (DL) format - On one side of the disc you have 2 layers and different lasers hit the different layers. Double-sided format (DS)
DVD-5 (12cm, SS/SL) 4.37 GB > 2 HRS of video
DVD-9 (12cm, DS/DL) 7.95 GB about 4 HRS
DVD-10 (12cm, DS/DL) 8.74 GB about 4.5 HRS
DVD-18 (12cm, DS/DL) 15.90 GB > 8 HRS
-Refers to software that has been permanently installed in a machine, device, or microchip usually by the manufacturer. Without it, the electronic device will not be able to work. Unlike standard software firmware is meant to control, operate, or maintain the hardware in the background, and not interact with human users.
Using SATA how is data passed between the computer and hard drive?
One bit at a time.
Small Computer Systems Interface connected to your computer via ethernet cable
The real-time clock battery keeps system time without external power.
The real-time clock battery keeps system time without external power.
3 rules with mass storage
- Back it up
- Mental reinstall
- Triple Check
RAM is based on a square
RAM is based on a square
Double-sided RAM sticks are very common
Double-sided RAM sticks are very common
Services are BIOS programs that make hardware functional
Services are BIOS programs that make hardware functional
Which critical components are found on the outside of the case?
-Front panel connections
Which is best to do before mounting the motherboard case?
-Test the motherboard with a CPU and RAM installed.
Clock speed is the motherboard speed. It is measured in megahertz.
Clock speed is the motherboard speed. It is measured in megahertz.
Install core components and test them before mounting them into the case.
Install core components and test them before mounting them into the case
Errors in System Setup can cause a dead PC; try clearing the CMOS jumper
Errors in System Setup can cause a dead PC; try clearing the CMOS jumper
The System Setup enables custom information about changeable devices such as changes to CPU frequencies, RAM timings, BIOS passwords, boot options, and more
The System Setup enables custom information about changeable devices such as changes to CPU frequencies, RAM timings, BIOS passwords, boot options, and more
What failures would you expect POST to issue beep codes?
Video card
To prevent random people from booting the OS, a technician should do what?
Set a user password.
Connectors with cables that plug into the motherboard
Magnetic drive storage units are called sectors
Magnetic drive storage units are called sectors
Which interface is the fastest of the following: SATA, SCSI, NVMe, PATA?
What must be done before installing a motherboard into a case?
Install the I/O shield
Hardware RAID has its own BIOS that comes with a special system setup to configure the RAID array
Hardware RAID has its own BIOS that comes with a special system setup to configure the RAID array
Hardware RAID requires a controller to configure the RAID arrays
Hardware RAID requires a controller to configure the RAID arrays
POST cards
All POST cards use a hexadecimal two-digit readout.
It shows POST codes.
POST codes are only valid as the computer’s booting up.
Regardless of the media, your operating system sees mass storage as a string of logical block addresses.
Regardless of the media, your operating system sees mass storage as a string of logical block addresses.
Every stick of RAM stores a certain amount of bytes of RAM that can be used.
Every stick of RAM stores a certain amount of bytes of RAM that can be used.
CPUs come in primarily what two makes?
Intel and AMD
When an instruction is sent to the CPU in a binary pattern, how does the CPU know what instruction the pattern means?
SATA uses a serial data transfer protocol
SATA uses a serial data transfer protocol
CPUs use pipelines to optimize the processing commands
CPUs use pipelines to optimize the processing commands
Make sure you can recognize all the rear desktop connections, including USB, network, power, video, and audio
Make sure you can recognize all the rear desktop connections, including USB, network, power, video, and audio
What is the design foundation on which families of CPUs are built?
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
A set of standards for physically connecting and transferring data between computers and peripheral devices. The SCSI standards define commands, protocols, electrical, optical, and logical interfaces.
Many different CPUs come from a single microarchitecture.
Many different CPUs come from a single microarchitecture.
USB devices must have a device driver.
USB devices must have a device driver.
Human Interface Device (HID)
-Base drivers that get the core stuff working.
RAID 5 Striping with Parity
- Minimum of 3 drives
- Can only lose 1 drive.
- Because data and parity are striped even across all disks, no single disk is bottlenecked
- Striping allows users to reconstruct data in case of disk failure
- Evenly reads/writes
- Considered one of the most secure RAID configurations
Keyboard, video, mouse (KVM) switch
Enable multiple computers to share a single keyboard, monitor, and mouse.
Mice almost exclusively use USB
Mice almost exclusively use USB
RAID 0 Striping
-Minimum of 2 drives
Advantage: Speed
Disadvantage: No data safety. If one of the drives die you lose everything.
CPU caching works between RAM and the CPU
CPU caching works between RAM and the CPU
The old parallel SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) is long gone, but SCSI language lives on in serial SCSI versions
The old parallel SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) is long gone, but SCSI language lives on in serial SCSI versions
The “No RAM” beep code will repeat until you power down the system
The “No RAM” beep code will repeat until you power down the system
Different motherboards support a specific RAM technology
Different motherboards support a specific RAM technology
What is true of an I/O shield?
It is customized to fit the motherboard I/O area.
RAM speeds are measured using DDR or PC ratings
RAM speeds are measured using DDR or PC ratings
What is found in BIOS?
-The Power On Self Test (POST) program and services
Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)
The small amount of memory on a computer motherboard that stores the BIOS settings. Some of these settings include the system time and date as well as hardware settings.
RAID 10 (1+0) Striping Mirroring
- Minimum of 4 drives
- Drives are set up as mirrored pairs and then striped
- A drive in each mirror pair can fail
RAID 01 (0+1) Mirroring Stripes
- Requires a minimum of two pairs
- Drives are set up as striped pairs and then mirrored
- Can lose a complete striped pair
RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks)
- A disk or solid-state drive (SSD) subsystem that increases performance or provides fault tolerance or both
- Provides Speed and Data Redundancy
RAID 1 Mirroring
-Use two or more drives
Advantage: Redundancy
Disadvantage: Slower (slightly slower than RAID 0)
More than 50 percent of all desktop motherboards have a built-in RAID controller
More than 50 percent of all desktop motherboards have a built-in RAID controller
All USB devices connect to USB controllers built into the motherboard of the system; the USB controller is in charge of all connected USB devices
All USB devices connect to USB controllers built into the motherboard of the system; the USB controller is in charge of all connected USB devices
Lighting uses a proprietary lighting connector
Lighting uses a proprietary lighting connector
USB Type-A connectors plug into downstream USB ports; USB Type-B connectors plug into upstream USB ports on peripherals
USB Type-A connectors plug into downstream USB ports; USB Type-B connectors plug into upstream USB ports on peripherals
Resolving USB security issues
- Disable USB ports
2. USB lock - Type of software that is designed to watch over USB ports
Thunderbolt is a general-purpose I/O port that runs at 10 Gbps up to 40 Gbps
Thunderbolt is a general-purpose I/O port that runs at 10 Gbps up to 40 Gbps
DDR uses 184 pins and has one notch
DDR uses 184 pins and has one notch
How does a CPU increase the speed of the system clock?
Clock multipliers
What is the cable length limitation for Ethernet network cables?
What is the cable limit for the USB 2.0 standards?
What are the 2 things you want to make sure to have when flashing the ROM?
- Good power
2. A complete copy of BIOS Flash Image
Which is more likely to cause a computer’s reported time to fall behind?
The CMOS battery is weak or failing
Which battery provides power to the RTC and CMOS chip?
What are the benefits of liquid cooling?
- It makes your computer quieter
2. Pours more heat away than any fan could
RAID not found
- Has it been installed before?
- Is your RAID controller active?
- Do you have the right drivers?
- Make sure they are connected properly and make sure they have power
RAID stops working
-Does the hard drive have power?
Is it plugged in?
Has someone erased something you weren’t anticipating?
Failure to boot
-Most failure to boot is because someone put a thumb drive in and it messed up your boot order
Loud Clicking
- “Click of death” mass storage device physically starts to break
- It is terminal
- Replace the hard drive
OS not found as related to mass storage
- 99% of the time you messed up your boot process
- It could be a thumb drive that was put in
The Lightning standard is exclusive to Apple products
The Lightning standard is exclusive to Apple products
Attempts to boot incorrect device as related to mass storage
-Boot order issue
Drive not recognized as related to mass storage
- The drive itself has a formatting problem
- Data issues
- Could be the result of yanking a hard drive from one window system and you plug it into another one
- You need to initialize the disk before windows can recognize it
A completed array looks like a single drive to the operating system
A completed array looks like a single drive to the operating system
What is the difference between a thick client and a thin client?
A thin client rarely counts on its own internal storage to do anything.
The two most critical components in a virtualization workstation are a powerful CPU and what?
What is the core component in a NAS setup?
RAID array
What is a valid capacity for a Compact Disc (CD)
74 minutes
Each version of USB in a computer has its own what?
USB controller
Most USB peripherals already have a what?
Windows driver
What color is a PS/2 mouse port?
Which utility would a technician use to configure mouse settings?
Control Panel
What kind of audio connector provides digital audio output?
S/PDIF connector
What are the steps in installing a new expansion card?
Select a connector and slot, secure the card in its slot with a slot-cover screw, connect any power or data cables to the card
What is the minimum number of drives to create a RAID 5 array?
What is the maximum number of drive failures under RAID 6 at which the array will still function?
What is an example of a hardware RAID controller?
Dedicated expansion card
RAID 10 requires how many drives?
What is most likely the result of a corrupted operating system?
Continuous reboots
A power supply with optional cable plug-ins is known as a what?
Modular power supply
A power supply that has all of its power cables soldered to the power supply unit (PSU)
Soldered Power Supply
What does the on/off switch on a power supply do?
Provides wall power to the power supply.
Which is a primary characteristic to be considered when choosing a power supply?
Which is the quietest cooling solution
Liquid cooling
What is the primary result of overheating the CPU?
Shutdowns and rebooting
Catastrophic (fast) power failures typically include which symptom?
Burning smell
Unexpected noise coming from inside a running computer likely comes from what?
Something interfering with a fan.
What does a picture element consist of?
Three individual pieces that emit red, green, and blue light
What does First Generation Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) use?
Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CPFL)
What is a monitor?
It is composed of individual picture elements (pixels); the total pixels across and down is the resolution
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Monitors that use liquid crystals to allow light to pass or not pass for each color in a pixel
LCD backlights
Are fluorescent or LED lights and shine through the liquid crystals
Organic LED (OLED)
Doesn’t use a backlight, as the pixels make their own light
Digital Light Processing (DLP)
Uses a grid of tiny mirrors that shine through a color wheel to create an image.
An LCD panel has a preset resolution
An LCD panel has a preset resolution
Only CCFLs use inverters
Inverters convert DC power back into AC power for florescent lights. LEDs don’t need inverters.
Who makes the majority of GPUs?
Nvidia, AMD (ATI), and Intel
What is the difference between VGA and DVI?
VGA uses an analog signal; DVI uses a digital signal
All graphics cards have RAM to help resolve the screen
All graphics cards have RAM to help resolve the screen
Almost all graphics cards use 16-lane PCIe slots and one or two PCIe power connectors.
Almost all graphics cards use 16-lane PCIe slots and one or two PCIe power connectors.
With multiple graphics cards, define the primary card in the system setup
With multiple graphics cards, define the primary card in the system setup
Always run the system at your monitor’s native resolution
Always run the system at your monitor’s native resolution
Projectors have resolutions and aspect ratios just like monitors
Projectors have resolutions and aspect ratios just like monitors
Define the brightness of the projector
Projectors usually have either DLP or LCD technology
Projectors usually have either DLP or LCD technology
Projector terms
Throw, pincushion, keystone and skew
Overheat shutdown (as related to monitors)
Likely your video card got too hot and it shut down. It needs to have proper cooling, and it should have come with its own cooling built-in. You could have bad fans on your video card or your video could be packed in too tight and it is not getting enough ventilation.
Dead pixels (as related to monitors)
Dead pixels happen on LCD monitors. A certain number of dead pixels are allowed. Don’t put up with dead pixels towards the middle of the screen. If you have a pixel that’s always off (always black) or a pixel that’s always bright white on go back to the manufacturer or store and get a new one. It cannot be fixed.
Artifacts (as related to monitors)
Pieces of stuff that show up on the screen that look like they may have belonged there earlier, but don’t belong there anymore. First check the video ram. Video ram can go bad. Try running it with a different video card and see if it does the same thing. If it works then the ram on the graphics card is bad. Need a new graphics card as the ram is soldered on.
Incorrect color patterns (as related to monitors)
First check your cable, especially if it’s an old VGA cable. If it’s not plugged in all the way it could give you some strange colors. Second, check the video ram. Use another video card and see if the problem persists,
Dim image (as related to monitors)
Something that makes light isn’t making enough of it. Always check first that the brightness isn’t turned down. Dim image was a big issue on older CCFL LCD panels because the CCFLs begin to fade and you wouldn’t see a lot of the image. All the parts are replaceable.
Flickering image (as related to monitors)
Immediately check the cable. Cables are notorious for a flickering image, especially like HDMI cables that aren’t designed to be plugged in and out a lot.
Distorted image (as related to monitors)
First, make sure you are running at your native resolution for your monitor. If it’s for a projector it is a matter of adjusting your geometry.