Flash Card 2
Noun : great enthusiasm, passion
Syn : heat; passion; zeal
Young Fred’s ardor eagerness to meet Sara caused no end of amusement to Sara’s sisters.
Adjective: Difficult and tiring
Syn: hard; strenuous
Ant: easy; effortless
Her arduous efforts had sapped her energy.
Noun ; Jargon
Syn; slang
We had devised a new kind of argot among us and when we spoke in it, few others would understand what we spoke of.
Syn; group of closely located islands
This summer, we are making an exotic trip to the Hawaiian archipelagoes.
Noun ;
Syn; operatic solo
The opera began with an exquisite aria that moved people to tears.
Syn; able to walk
Being still in an ambulatory stage, Mr. Rogers will not resume duty for another fortnight or so.
Adjective :
Syn: readily managed; willing to be led
Ant: unamenable; independent; irresponsible; determinate.
“ Provided I find the terms amenable I shall sign the document” said Paul
Adjective : full of life or excitement
Syn: lively, spirited
ant: lethargic,apathetic,lifeless
The conversation at the party was lively and animated.
Verb :to make better
Syn: improve
Ant: injure; spoil; debase; deteriorate
It was his deep seated desire to ameliorate and improve the condition of his poorer relations.
Verb: to merge into a single body
Syn: combine; unite ion one body
Ant: break down
The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body.
Adjective: showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
Syn: unselfishly generous; concerned for others
Ant: frugal
Because of his altruistic nature he has no qualms about donating even millions to charity.
Adjective : open to more than one interpretation
Syn : unclear or doubtful in meaning
Ant : Clear, accessible
His ambiguous instructions mislead us; we did not know which road to take
Noun : a noisy, heated, angry dispute
Syn : noisy quarrel, argument
As per the eyewitnesses, the altercation between two men started because of the lady accompanying them.
Noun / Verb : moving at an easy pace.
syn : stroll,saunter,wander
ant :stride
Soaking in the list greenery around them, they ambled along behind the guide on the long winding road..
Noun : a covered passageway, usually lined with shops
syn : gallery,colonnade
We strolled leisurely under the arcade as it offered good protection from the heat of the sun.