Flammable and combustible Liquids Flashcards
- What is the flashpoint of combustible liquids?
The flash point of combustible liquids is above 37.8 degrees centigrade or 100 degrees Fahrenheit and below 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Explain a Combustible Liquid
A Combustible Liquid has the ability to burn at a temperature that is usually above working temperatures ( above 37.8 degrees Centigrade)
- What is the Flashpoint of Flammable Liquids?
The Flashpoint of Flammable Liquids is below 37.8 degrees C or 100 degrees F
- When combustible or flammable liquid ignites, explain what is burning.
It is the vapours of the liquid mixed with air that burn.
- What is auto-ignition?
Auto ignition is the temperature at which material self-ignites without any obvious sources of ignition, such as spark or a flame.
- Explain flashpoint
Flashpoint is the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapour to be ignited ( start burning ) at the surface of the liquid.
- What is meant by ‘flashback’?
Vapours can flow from open liquid containers. The vapours from nearly all combustible and flammable liquids are heavier than air. If ventilation is inadequate these vapours can settle and collect in low areas such as vessel bilges. The vapour trail can spread far from the actual liquid. If this vapour trail contacts with an ignition source the fire produced can ‘ flashback’ to the liquid. Flashback can occur even if the liquid and ignition source are 100s of metres or several decks apart.