Flagellate Flashcards
parasitic protozoa with whip like flagella
mode of locomotion
also known as the old man with an eyeglasses
giardia lamblia
a flagellate that lives in the duodenum
giardia lamblia
gold standard for detecion of gardia lamblia
direct fluorescent antibody assay
the method to obtain duodenal specimen
the only pathogenic trichomonas spp.
trichomonas vaginalis
this can be transferred from the pregnant woman to their child through birth canal
trichomonas vaginalis
largest flagellate in man
chilomastix mesnili
has a lemon-shaped cyst
chilomastix mesnili
has a pear-shaped trophozoite
trichomonas vaginalis
traveller’s diarrhea can be acquired because of this organism
giardia lamblia
also known as ping pong disease
it is relatively smaller than t. vaginalis
pentatrichomonas hominis
it has 2 fused fibrils in the cyst
retortamonas intestinalis