FL & IR Flashcards
the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from investing money, from business, etc.
The lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay by law
minimum wage
money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually payed once or twice a month.
The money that is available to a person or organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time
The ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime of financial well-being
financial literacy
the series of jobs that a person has in particular are of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes.
a place where you can go after high school is done
An institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a basic or advanced degree or do research.
A school that teaches skills that are necessary for particular jobs, especially in a trades; usually offers certificates, not degrees
vocational school
to buy property, shares in a company, etc. in the hope of making profit.
work for which you receive regular payment.
the state of not having a job
an increase in food goods and services.
the extent to which income is distributed in an uneven manner among a population
income inequality
to be in a condition or situation which you must have something
to desire or wish for something
whatever you have to give up when a choice is made
opportunity cost
an amount of money you are payed for a job that is large enough to provide you with the basic things in life,
living wage
an amount of money you have to pay the government
to send away to be done by people outside the company
having a job, but the job doesnt pay enough to live on
making enough money to live on your own and not be dependent
financial independence
making enough money to live comfortably and safely
financial security
if you make less than this amount per year, you can receive federal financial assistance
poverty line
robots taking over human jobs - you can avoid being able to do something robots cant.