Fixed oils Flashcards
Scientific names - castor oil
Ricinus communis, R. zanzibarinus
Family - castor oil
Variation of castor oil with high ricinoleic acid content
R. zanzibarinus
R. zanzibarinus is the variation of castor oil with high ____ content
ricinoleic acid
Synonym: castor oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: castor oil
Ricinoleic acid/ Triricinolein
Obtained by decortications
Castor oil
Castor oil is obtained by ____
Pomade from ___ contains an allergen
___ from castor contains an allergen
Pomade from castor contains an ___
Main uses - castor oil (3)
Used as plasticizer in flexible collodion, stiffening agent, lubricant for combustion engines
Addtl uses - castor oil (3)
Domestic purgative once
Cathartic for food poisoning and preliminary to intestinal examination (hospital use)
ion IV preparations which contain drugs of low aqueous solubility (Nonionic surfactants/polyethoxylated castor oils)
All uses - castor oil (6)
Plasticizer in flexible collodion, stiffening agent, lubricant for combustion engines
Domestic purgative once
Cathartic for food poisoning and preliminary to intestinal examination (hospital use)
ion IV preparations which contain drugs of low aqueous solubility (Nonionic surfactants/polyethoxylated castor oils)
domestic purgative once
Restricted to hospital use for administration as cathartic for food poisoning and preliminary to intestinal examination
CASTOR OIL: Restricted to hospital use for administration as __ for __ and preliminary to ___
cathartic for food poisoning and preliminary to intestinal examination
used as ion IV preparations which contain drugs of low aqueous solubility
Nonionic surfactants (polyethoxylated castor oils)
Nonionic surfactants (polyethoxylated castor oils) are used as ion IV preparations which contain drugs of ___
low aqueous solubility
Contains toxic lectin known as ricin
poisonous at high amounts as it contains a toxic __ called __
castor oil, lectin, ricin
Scientific name: cottonseed oil
Gossypium hirsutum
Family - cottonseed oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: cottonseed oil (2)
Oleic and linoleic acid
Uses - cottonseed oil (4)
Used for manufacture of soap
Solvent for intramuscular injection
Solvent for number of injections, hydrogenated
used to make substitutes for lard
hydrogenated fixed oil
cottonseed oil
T or F: All IM inj solvents are non-drying
F: semi-drying
All __ are semi-drying
IM injection solvents
Cottonseed oil is used to make substitutes for __
All cons: cottonseed oil
Oleic and linoleic acid, gossypol
Cons of cottonseed oil used as male contraceptive in China
Scientific name: corn oil
Zea mays
Family - corn oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: corn oil (2)
Oleic and linoleic acid
Uses - corn oil (6)
Semi-drying oil for IM injections (2 of 4)
High-calorie dietary supplement
Baking (hydrogenated oil - semisolid)
Used in salads
Solvent for irradiated ergosterol
Germ oil cake - cattlefeed
Hydrogenated oil is semisolid and used in baking
Corn oil
Used for germ oil cake
Corn oil
Germ oil cake is for ?
Solvent for irradiated ergosterol
Corn oil
Used in salads
Corn oil
Synonyms: sesame oil (4)
Linga, Gingelly oil, Teel oil, Benne oil
Scientific name: sesame oil
Sesamum indicum
Family - sesame oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: sesame oil. (2)
Oleic and linoleic acids
ID test for sesame oil
Baudoin test
Reagent for ID test for sesame oil, Baudoin test?
HCl containing 1% sucrose (with shaking)
What indicates the presence of sesame oil in Baudoin test? (+ result)
T or F: there is a current BP test for absence of sesame
Reagents for current BP test for absence of sesame (3)
acetic anhydride + furfuraldehyde + sulfuric acid
What (+) result indicates absence of sesame?
Uses - sesame oil (7)
potential reduction in serum cholesterol and increased vitamin E activities (sesame lignans)
synergist for pyrethrum insecticides (sesamolin)
Semi-drying oil for intramuscular injection
Nutritive, laxative, demulcent, and emollient
Addtl cons - sesame oil. (2)
Sesamolin, Sesame lignans
All cons - sesame oil (4)
Oleic and linoleic acids, Sesamolin, Sesame lignans
Cons of sesame oil used as synergist for pyrethrum insecticides
Cons of sesame oil that has potential reduction in serum cholesterol and increased vitamin E activities
sesame lignans
Sci name - peanut oil
Arachis hypogaea
Family - peanut oil
Synonyms - peanut oil (2)
Groundnut oil, arachis oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: peanut oil (3)
Oleic (~50%), linoleic, arachidic
Uses - peanut oil (4)
Semi-drying oil for intramuscular injection (4 of 4)
One of the most likely adulterants of other fixed oils (ex. olive)
Used in production of margarine, cooking fats, etc.
Lubricant, and forms excellent, firm, white soap
One of the most likely adulterants of other fixed oils (ex. olive)
Peanut oil
4 Semi-drying oil used as IM injection solvents?
Cottonseed oil
Corn oil
Sesame oil
Peanut oil
Scientific name: almond oil (2)
Prunus amygdalus var. dulcis (sweet), var. amara (bitter)
Family - almond oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: almond oil
Oleic acid (~60-80%)
Uses - almond oil (6)
Sweet almonds used as food, but bitter almonds are not
Used for many toilet articles
Vehicle for oily injections
Internally, causes mild laxative action
Ingredient in cosmetics
ALMOND OIL: __ and __ are separated by steam distillation
Benzaldehyde and HCN
ALMOND OIL: Benzaldehyde and HCN are separated by __
steam distillation
Scientific name: ETHIODIZED OIL
Papaver somniferum
Family - ethiodized oil
T or F: Bitter almonds used as food
F - sweet
T or F: Sweet almonds are not used as food
F - bitter
Iodine addition product of the ethyl ester of fatty acids of poppy seed oil
ETHIODIZED OIL: __ addition product of the __ of fatty acids of ___
iodine, ethyl esters, poppy seed oil
Decomposes when exposed to air and sunlight, becoming dark brown
ETHIODIZED OIL: Decomposes when exposed to air and sunlight, becoming __
dark brown
Uses - ethiodized oil
used in hysterosalpingography and lymphography
Ex of ethiodized oil injection
Sci name - olive oil
Olea europaea
Fam - olive oil
Synonyms: Olive oil (2)
Salad oil, sweet oil
Significant lipid constituent/s: olive oil
Oleic acid
Odor is due to C6 alcohols like hexanol and hexenols
Olive oil