Fixed Income Valuation Flashcards
BEY - Bond Equivalent Yield formula
(OAY) - Option - adjusted yield?
True yield?
street Yield?
Simple Yield?
Yield to worst?
1.Add on yield, 365 basis { BEY = HPR x 365
Days (Holding }
- Yield on a Option-free bond
- Adjusted for payments (Weeknds, holidays)
- 365 basis, street > true
- Single rate used to discount all of the future CFs and calculate de price
- Anuual payments + amortization of Discount (Or - amortization of a premium)
- Lowest of Yield-to-call and yield-to-maturity
What is and when Matrix (Matriz) prices are used ?
What it estimate?
Matrix prices is the estimate of Iliquid bond based on YTM of similar liquid bonds.
Used when bonds are iliquid
Extra yield over Govs Bonds
Clean value =
Full price is =
Value wihtout accrued interest
Full p = Flat + Accr. Interest
3 Curves (Fwd, par bond and zero cupon bond)
1.Foward yield curve
Future short-term rates
2.Par bond yield curve
Show YTM (rate) at which bond (Dif. maturities) would trade at par value
3.Zero cupon yield(Treasury spot rate)
Appropriate rates for discounting single cash flows.
Can be different times in the future.
Z spread (Zero coupon spread, Zero Vol Spread) is…
Relation with OAS n ORP (Option risk premium)
G-Spread =?
And Option-Adjusted spread
G-spread =
I-Spread (Interpolate spread) is a yield spread related to?
- Z-Spread
Interest rate added to each zero cupon bond spot rate .That will make cash flows PV = Market Value, in risky bonds
PV = PMT1 + PMT2 + PMT3 + FV
———— ——- —————- ——> Trial and error.
[(1+r)+ZS] [(1+r)+ZS]^2 [(1+r)+ZS]^3
Z-spread = OAS + ORP (Option risk premium)
- Option-Adjusted Spread
- G Spread = YTM Bond - YTM Treasury
OAS = (YRisky Bond - Ygovernment) - Option
- Swap rates
When Yield = Cupon, what is the par value?
equal to the issuing (normally 1000)
Current Yield (C) Forumula
Relations bout price/Yield
Current Price
Yield = Cupon –> par value
Yield > Cupon –> discount
Yield < Cupon –> Premium
Nominal spread is
Spread Add to YTM risk free bond of similar maturity
YTM Rf + Nominal Spread = YTM Risky bond
What means : a bond is trading for 89.14
The bond is trading of 89.14% of the princpal value
G - spread formula
YTM bond - YTMtreasury
Any cupon bond can be views of a sum of…?
Sum of Collection of zero cupon bonds, Discounted by a proper discount rate
What is the relation about Spot Rates and YTM?
Spot rates are used to calculate No-Arbitrage rates
YTM -> IRR of all CFs = Price
No- Arbitrage Value is
The value calculated using spot rates
If the bond is convertible, at what spread should trade? (Higher, lower, etc..)
At a lower spread. Benefit, so the spread (Taxa sobre o título option free) need to be lower
Calculation method of
1. corporate bonds
2. governament (Lembrar do br)
Corporate - 30/360
Governament - Actual/Actual
1.Hard-Bullet Covered bond
2.Soft-Bullet Covered Bond
3.Conditional pass through
- Default if the company misses one payment
2.May postpone the originally schedule
- Converts in maturity if it has any payments due
Yes, Therefore trades with discount over other similar bonds