fixed income markets Flashcards
non financial short term funding
- lines of credit
lines of credit
- uncommitted
- committed (regullar)
- revolving credit agreement
unsecured loans
1.can be canceled at any time
2. least reliable
3. up to certain ammount
4. floating rate +spread
5. no cost other than interest
- formal written committment
- up to 365 days
- will involve commitment fee
- borrower face renewal risk
revolving credit agreements
- multi-year
- covenants will be added
secured loans
asset backed (fixed assets, receivebals, securities)
commercial paper
issued by a larger highly rated companies
- unsecured notes to fund or bridge financing
- typically rolled over
- usually requires back up line of credit
bridge financing
financing of banks
saving deposits
lokata, pays interest in maturity. (<1y)
1. penalty in early withdrawn
2. retail - small, institutional large
interbank market
short term lending between financial institution
1. Interbank rate (central banks funds rate)
2. up to 1 y
borrowing from central bank
- greater rate
- more oversight (you may do smth wrong)
commercial paper
unsecurred, dominated by large financial institution
repurchase agreement
- sale of a security with agreement to repurchase it (usually sov bond)
- short term financing
- buyer buys security. After a repo term seller gives money back with repo rate, buyer gets also yield
- repos are generally overcollateralized
overnight repo
1 day
term repo
> 1 day
repo counting
initial margin = security price/purchase price
if the collateral value changes margin may change
we buy a face of a security for a slightly slower amount. the difference is a haircut
repo rate
yearly rate of a collateral grow
variation margin
how much are we overcollaterilized
why repo
- finance ownership of a security
2.earn short term income - borrow the security in order to short it
shorting a security by repo
- borrow the security (very specific ones) buyer pays interest (negative repor rates)
- sell a security (cash)
- buy a security back (hopefully at a lowe price)
- return a security
when a security price drop we win
repo risks
default risk - counterparty may not repurchase
collateral risk - only low quality collateral
margining risk - counterparty may not meet margin calls if the collateral drops in value
legal risk
netting risk
one party wont send smth
triporty repo violates this risk
long term corporate debt
more stable funding
wider spread at wider maturity (more credit risk)
if shorter maturity rollover risk (less stable funding)