Fixed Income Flashcards
What is tenor?
Time period until maturity
What is perpetual bond?
Bond with no maturity
What is floating-rate notes (FRNs)?
Its coupon is based on the variable market rate of interest
What is market reference rate (MRR)?
It is variable market rate of interest
What are contingent provisions?
Fixed income securities that may have embedded options
What is yield of a bond?
It is expected return of a bond
What is relationship between bond yield and price?
How does bond yield curve looks?
It is upward sloping, the higher the maturity, the higher the yield
What is used as benchmark for credit spreads?
Government bonds
How sovereign bonds are repaid?
From current/future taxes
What is secured bond?
It is repaid from operating cashflows with collateral if it defaults
What is unsecured bond?
It is repaid from operating cash flows only
What is affirmative covenant?
It is specific requirement the issuer must fulfill
What is cross default covenent?
If issuer defaults on any other debt, then it is considered to default on this one as well
What is pari passu?
Bond will have the same priority as any other senior debt
What are negative covenants?
They are restrictions put on the issuer
What is negative pledge cause?
Issuer cannot issue more senior debt than existing one
What is amortizing loan?
Periodic payments include interest and some repayment of principle
What is fully amortized?
Payment is fully paid off with the last payment
What is partially amortized/ballon payment bond?
Some remaining part of principle is repaid at the maturity
What is sinking fund provisions?
It is repayment of principle thorugh series of payment over the lifetime e.g. some random payment of X at year Y
What is waterfall structure?
It is used to establish principle payments for AB and MBs, where junior tranches does not receive principle repayments until senior tranches are paid
What is step-up bond?
Coupon rate increases overtime based on the schedule
What is credit-linked bond?
Its coupon increases if credit rating detoriates
What is payment in kind bond?
It allows issuers to make the coupon payments by increasing principle amount of the other outstanding bonds
What are green bonds?
Its payments increases if certain environmental goals are not met by the issuer
What are index-linked bonds?
Its principle or coupon is based on the published index
What are inflation linked bonds?
Its coupon rate is adjusted, but principle remains
What is capital-index bonds?
Coupon rate remains, but principle amount is adjusted
What are deffered coupon bonds?
Regular coupon payments do not begin until specified time after issuance
What is contingence provision?
It is specified action that needs to be taken in event actually occurs
What is call protection?
It is time period for which bond in not callable
What is call risk?
It is uncertainty about the redemption date
What is contingent convertible bond?
Its bonds that convert from debt to common equity automatically if specific event occurs
What is domestic bond?
Bond issued in the same market in which bonds are issued and traded
What is foreign bond?
Its bonds on issuers from countries other than the market in which bond trades
What are Eurobonds?
Bonds issued outside the jurisdiction of any one country and can be issued in any currency
What are global bonds?
Bonds that trade in at least on of the domestic market as well as in the Eurobonds market
What are international bonds?
Bonds that involve more than one market
What is income paid to bondholders treated?
As ordinary income
What are Sukuk bonds?
Sharia-compliant bonds with specific restrictions on the payment of interest and use of proceeds to comply with islamic law
If you sell coupon before maturity, how it is treated?
It is considered as capital loss/gain and is taxed at lower rate than the ordinary income
What are main differences between bond and equity indexes?
Many different bonds are used, they have frequent turnover, sovereign bonds makes significant part
What is debut issuer?
It is issuer that is offering first ever bond
What is underwritting offering?
It is price of the bond guaranteed by the financial intermediary
What is best-efforts offering?
It is when price is not guaranteed, but the intermediary tries its best to sell at best conditions
What is shelf registration?
It is when bond issue is registered with regulators in tis aggregates value with master prospectus
What is distressed debt?
It is bonds of issuers that are expected to file for bankcrupty
What are on the run bonds?
The most recent issue of the bonds
What are seasoned bonds?
Older bonds of the issuer/on the market
What is commercial paper?
It is ST unsecured debt security issued by large corporations with high credit ratings
What is bridge financing?
It is temporary debt until permanent financing can be secured
What is rollover risk?
It is risk that re-issued CP will not be sold
What are checking accounts?
It offers transaction services and immediate avaiability of funds, but pays no interest
What are operational deposits?
it is depostis made by larger customers who require cash management, custody and clearing services
What are saving deposits?
They have stated term and interest rate
What is certificate of deposit?
It pays interest at specified maturity <1y, might be nonnegotiable meaning that it cannot be sold before maturity and ealy withdrawals may face a penalty
What are interbank funds?
It is when banks lend to each other for periods of one day to one year.
What is repurchase agreement (repo)?
It is arrangement by which one party sells a security to a coutnerparty with a commitment to buy it back at the later date and higher price
Formula of repo purchase price
market value of security/initial margin
Formula of repo repurchase price
purchase price*(1+repo rate)
What is haircut?
It is discount applied to market value of collateral to get purchase price
Formula of haircut
(market value-purchase price)/market value
1-1/initial margin
What is variation margin?
It is when more collateral is asked if market value of collateral fall below this value and initial margin
Formula of variation margin
(initial margin*adjusted purchase price)-market value of collateral
What are overnight and term repos?
Overnight - one night, term - longer
What is master repurchase agreement?
It is details of the contractual terms of the repo
When repo rate is higher? (3)
IR for alternative ST funding is higher, longer repo term, repo is undercollateralized
When repo rate is lower? (2)
It has higher credit quality of collateral, collateral is in high demand or low supply
What is bilateral repo?
Agreement between two parties
What is tri-party repo?
It employs third party intermediary as an agent
In what currency debt is denominated in developed markets?
Reserve currency
In what currency debt is denominated in emerging markets?
Domestic or external
What is domestic debt?
Debt denominated in the issued entities home country currency and is held by the domestic investors
What is external debt?
It may be denominated in home currency or gireghn reserve currency
What are general obligation bonds?
It is debt raised for general public spending backed by local tax raising power
What are revenue bonds?
It is bonds issued for a specific project where funds for repayment comes from fees
What are supranational bonds?
These are bonds issued by international institutions
Where sovereign bonds are traded when first issued?
In the public autions