Fixed Income Flashcards
Discuss roles of fixed-income securities in portfolios and how fixed-income mandates may be classified.
Fixed income as an asset class provides 3-major roles when added to an investment portfolio:
1. diversification
2. regular cash flows
3. inflation protection (floating-rate securities and inflation-linked securities)
There are 2-major classifications of mandates:
1. liability-based mandates: which invest to fund future liabilities.
2. total return mandates: which invest to track or beat a benchmark.
What are the types of liability-based mandates for fixed-income securities?
Cash-flow matching: funds liabilities with coupon and par amounts received on the dates the liabilities are paid.
Duration matching: matches asset and liability duration to achieve comparable results. Duration matching generally gives more flexibility in asset selection and, therefore, may meet the objective at a lower cost.
Contingent immunization: is a hybrid of active management with potential immunization. The portfolio must initially be overfunded and can be actively managed. If successful (unsuccessful), the surplus will grow (be lost) and the ultimate cost will end up being lower (higher) than from immunization.
What are the types of total return mandates for fixed-income securities?
Pure indexing: which exactly matches the holdings of the index.
Enhanced indexing: which allows modest deviations (but matches duration to control interest rate risk).
Active management: which does not restrict deviations versus the index and allows duration mismatches.
Describe fixed-income portfolio measures of risk and return as well as correlation characteristics.
To aggregate duration and convexity measures for a portfolio of fixed-income assets, the cash-weighted average of the durations and convexities of the individual bonds is usually used.
Duration times spread (DTS) = spread duration × credit spread. It reflects the fact that bonds with larger spreads tend to have larger movements in spread.
A manager who expects interest rates to rise (fall) will lower (increase) duration.
A manager who expects credit spreads to widen (narrow) will lower (increase) spread duration.
Describe bond market liquidity, including the differences among market sub-sectors, and discuss the effect of liquidity on fixed-income portfolio management.
Liquidity in the bond market (ability to buy or sell on a timely basis at or near fair market value) is substantially lower than in equity markets.
Most bonds do not trade or trade infrequently after issuance (said to go “off-the-run”).
The sheer number and variety of individual bond issues is immense.
The market is mostly over-the-counter with trade price and volume not reported.
Liquidity is highest for sovereign government, higher-quality, and most recently issued (on-the-run) bonds.
Smaller issues are generally less liquid.
What is Relative value analysis?
Relative value analysis: involves the ranking of individual bonds according to fundamental value drivers in order to pick the best securities to express a top-down view on markets.
Why are smaller issue bonds generally less liquid?
Bond pricing data are more difficult to obtain.
Portfolio managers have to choose between more-liquid bonds or less-liquid bonds that may offer a liquidity premium.
Derivatives and ETFs are generally more liquid and are an alternative to direct investment in bonds.
Describe and interpret a model for fixed-income returns.
Return can be projected (or actual return decomposed) as the sum of the following:
1. Coupon income: annual coupon amount / current bond price.
2. Rolldown return, assuming no change in yield curve: (projected ending bond price [BP] − beginning BP) / beginning BP.
3. Price change due to investor yield change predictions: (–MD × ΔY) + (½ C × ΔY^2).
4. Price change due to investor yield change predictions: (–MD × ΔS) + (½ C × ΔS^2).
5. Currency G/L: projected change in value of foreign currencies weighted for exposure to the currency.
Rolling yield = Coupon income + rolldown return
Discuss the use of leverage, alternative methods for leveraging, and risks that leverage creates in fixed-income portfolios.
Leveraged portfolio return can be calculated as rI + [(VB / VE) × (rI − rB)].
If rI exceeds (is below) rB, the leverage enhances (reduces) portfolio return.
Repurchase agreements (and securities lending), futures contracts, and swaps can all be used to leverage return.
In addition to the detrimental effects if rI is less than rB, the lender of the funds can demand repayment, forcing liquidation of portfolio assets at fire sale prices, which can feed a financial crisis.
Discuss differences in managing fixed-income portfolios for taxable and tax-exempt investors.
Taxes complicate portfolio management, as managers seeking to maximize return must consider the different tax effects of each portfolio decision.
What is Macaulay duration?
Macaulay duration is the weighted average time to receive cash flows.
Macaulay duration increases linearly with maturity.
What is Modified duration?
Modified duration is the estimated percentage change in a bond price given a 1% change in yield [measured as Macaulay duration / (1 + the periodic yield of the bond)].
What is Effective duration?
Effective duration is the modeled estimated percentage change in a bond price given a 1% change in a benchmark curve. It is used for bonds with embedded options.
What is Key rate duration?
Key rate duration (partial duration) is the estimated percentage change in a bond price given a 1% change in a key benchmark maturity yield while other yields remain the same.
What is Empirical duration?
Empirical duration is the actual sensitivity of a bond’s price relative to movements in a benchmark rate from a linear regression.
What is Money duration?
Money duration (dollar duration) equals modified duration × market value. It gives a sense of size, as well as sensitivity.
What is the Price value of a basis point?
Price value of a basis point [DV01 or basis point value (BPV)] equals money duration × 0.0001. It measures the absolute currency sensitivity to a basis point move in rates.
What is Convexity?
Convexity measures the curvature of the relationship of price and yield.
More-convex bonds are expected to outperform less-convex bonds when yields shift.
Convexity is approximately proportional to duration squared.
Convexity is also directly related to the dispersion of cash flows in time around the Macaulay duration.
What is Effective convexity?
Effective convexity models convexity when cash flows are not certain. It is used for bonds with embedded options.
What is Spread duration?
Spread duration is the sensitivity of a bond’s price to a unit change in spreads.
Describe liability-driven investing.
Liability-driven investing is a form of asset-liability management (ALM) that manages the assets in relation to the characteristics of the liabilities. This is easier when the future liability payouts are known in amount and timing. The liabilities are essentially the benchmark for making decisions.
Asset-driven investing is a less common form of ALM and adjusts the liabilities in relation to the characteristics of the assets.
What are the 3 strategies for managing a single liability?
Immunization: used to fund liabilities with a high degree of certainty. The assets are dedicated to this purpose and all cash flows are reinvested until needed for payout.
Cash flow matching: is without risk, assuming there are no defaults. Bonds are bought and held in sufficient amount and pay date to meet the liabilities. It is the most restrictive strategy, costs more, and has the lowest return.
Duration matching: less restrictive in the assets selected. Matching Macaulay duration of the assets to liabilities balances the exposure between price and reinvestment risk. It should be based on portfolio yield (IRR).
How to immunize a single-period liability?
Initial PVA equals (or exceeds) PVL.
Match Macaulay durations (DA = DL).
Minimize portfolio convexity.
Rebalance the portfolio to maintain the duration match.
What are some Immunization (duration matching) issues?
The assets have greater convexity than the single date liability; therefore, the portfolio benefits from large parallel shifts but is at risk from curve twists (nonparallel shifts). Minimizing convexity minimizes this structural risk.
Immunization can be interpreted as zero replication, meaning a successful immunization will replicate the price and yield path of a zero-coupon bond that could have been used for a perfect cash flow match immunization.
Compare strategies for a single liability and for multiple liabilities, including alternative means of implementation.
Cash flow matched: with a portfolio of zero-coupon bonds or coupon-bearing bonds whose cash flows (P&I) most closely match the liability payouts.
Duration matching: can be done by matching the BPV of the assets and liabilities.
Contingent immunization (CI): requires the portfolio be overfunded with a positive surplus (PVA > PVL). If the surplus is positive, the portfolio can be actively managed (not immunized):
If active management is successful, the return will exceed the initially available immunization rate, the surplus will grow, and the ultimate cost of the strategy will be less than immunizing.
How are Derivatives used to adjust the BPV of the assets and hedge or partially hedge the duration gap?
Buying futures or receive fixed swaps increases asset duration and BPV.
Selling futures or pay fixed swaps decreases asset duration and BPV.
Describe construction, benefits, limitations, and risk–return characteristics of a laddered bond portfolio.
Can be useful in cash flow matching multiple liabilities.
Provide diversification across the yield curve and natural liquidity as a portion of the bonds come due each year.
In an upward-sloping yield curve, each maturing bond is rolled over into the longest (and highest yielding) maturity used in the ladder.
Have more convexity than a bullet portfolio because their cash flows are more distributed.
Could be constructed with a sequence of target-date ETFs as an alternative to individual bonds.
Evaluate liability-based strategies under various interest rate scenarios and select a strategy to achieve a portfolio’s objectives.
A 100% hedge eliminates the duration gap (matches BPV of assets and liabilities).
In the normal scenario of BPVA < BPVL, a manager who expects interest rates to:
* Increase will reduce the hedge size, leaving the BPV of assets less than that of a fully hedged duration gap (decline in value less as interest rates increase).
* Decrease will increase the hedge size, increasing the BPV of assets above that of a fully hedged duration gap (increase in value more as interest rates decrease).
Regarding the 3-swap methods of reducing a negative duration gap (increase BPV of assets):
* Entering a receive-fixed swap is generally optimal if interest rates in the future are below the swap’s SFR.
* Using a zero-cost collar (buy receiver swaption and sell payer swaption) if interest rates in the future are moderately higher.
* Buying a receiver swaption if interest rates in the future exceed the payer swaption SFR by some amount.
Explain risks associated with managing a portfolio against a liability structure.
Risks include:
* Hedge amounts are approximations based on assumed durations and ignore convexity.
* Duration assumes parallel shifts in the curve.
* Twists in the yield curve can create structural risk.
* Multiple assumptions (model risk) are required to model the characteristics of complex liabilities.
* Measurement error issues occur when weighted average characteristics are used instead of portfolio yield (IRR).
* Futures base calculations are approximations based on an assumed CTD bond.
* Spread risk exists if the relationship between asset yield and liability discount rate changes.
* OTC derivatives have counterparty risk.
* Cash flow risk for exchange-traded and OTC derivatives requiring gain/loss or margin.
* Asset liquidity risk if positions cannot be quickly adjusted at near fair market value.
Discuss bond indexes and the challenges of managing a fixed-income portfolio to mimic the characteristics of a bond index.
Bond index funds offer low cost diversification. Their goal is to minimize tracking error.
But there are challenges (compared to equity):
* A much larger number of bond issues with diverse characteristics exists.
* Liquidity, is often low, and varies by bond issue.
* Trading is OTC, and dealers have become less able to supply liquidity.
* Most individual bonds rarely trade, and price must be estimated based on matrix pricing.
* Bond index composition and characteristics can change.
Using Enhanced indexing how do you minimize tracking error?
Match modified duration—and effective duration if there are option features.
Match key rate durations.
Match weighting exposure to the various bond sectors, quality ratings, issuers, and all other material factors. Cell matching is a common technique used to do this.
Compare alternative methods for establishing bond market exposure passively.
Passive bond market exposure can be achieved with:
* A separately managed account that replicates the index.
* Index mutual funds, either open ended or ETFs.
* Synthetic strategies such as receiving a bond index return under a total return swap.
Discuss criteria for selecting a benchmark and justify the selection of a benchmark.
Determine the client’s objectives and constraints before finalizing the strategic asset allocation.
Then, select a bond index that matches the objectives and constraints as well as the desired asset class characteristics.
Selecting a suitable index is complicated by:
* The possible decline in index duration as the bonds age.
* The changing characteristics of many indexes over time as the holdings change.
Describe the factors affecting fixed-income portfolio returns due to a change in benchmark yields.
The three primary yield curve changes are changes in:
* Level, as measured by a parallel shift in yields across the curve.
* Slope, as measured by long-term yields – short-term yields.
* Curvature, as measured by the butterfly spread:
The five-step return decomposition process can be used to analyze the impact of changes in the yield curve on fixed-income securities.
Formulate a portfolio positioning strategy given forward interest rates and an interest rate view that coincides with the market view.
Active strategies when the (upward-sloping) yield curve is expected to be stable:
* Buy and hold: extend duration
* Rolling down the yield curve: weight the portfolio highest for securities at the long end of the steepest yield curve segments, which maximizes price gains on securities from declines in yield as time passes.
* Repo carry trade: buy a long-term bond using short-term repo financing.
* Long futures: increase the leverage
* Receive-fixed swap: earn the swap carry of swap fixed rate – MRR.
Formulate a portfolio positioning strategy given forward interest rates and an interest rate view that diverges from the market view in terms of Change in Yield Curve Level.
A manager expecting a parallel shift down (up) in yields should increase (decrease) the duration of the portfolio.
Strategies to alter the duration of a portfolio:
Cash bond:
+ Overweight longer-dated bonds
- Short sell bonds/overweight shorter-dated bonds
+ Receive fixed
- Pay fixed
+ Long contracts
- Short contracts
Formulate a portfolio positioning strategy given forward interest rates and an interest rate view that diverges from the market view in terms of Change in Slope.
Steepening curve: short sell long-dated bonds and buy short-dated bonds.
Flattening curve: buy long-dated bonds and short sell short-dated bonds.
Formulate a portfolio positioning strategy given forward interest rates and an interest rate view that diverges from the market view in terms of Change in Curvature.
Increasing curvature (negative butterfly): short sell bullet (body), buy barbell (wings)
Decreasing curvature (positive butterfly): short sell barbell (wings), buy bullet (body)
Formulate a portfolio positioning strategy based upon expected changes in interest rate volatility.
A callable bond: will rise at a slower rate than an option-free bond as yields fall (exhibiting negative convexity).
A putable bond: will fall at a slower rate than an option-free bond as yields rise.
Option strategies: Impact on Duration
* Long call on bond prices/bond futures prices = Increase
* Long put on bond prices/bond futures prices = Decrease
* Long payer swaption = Decrease
* Long receiver swaption = Increase
Evaluate a portfolio’s sensitivity using key rate durations of the portfolio and its benchmark.
A high positive (negative) key rate duration at a specific maturity implies that the portfolio will outperform if this maturity rate falls (rises) relative to other maturities.
Discuss yield curve strategies across currencies.
Covered interest rate parity: means that high interest rate currencies trade at a forward discount.
* A hedged foreign bond position cannot earn excess returns because any interest rate advantage of the foreign bond is offset by the forward discount.
* An unhedged manager in a foreign bond will earn the foreign currency return of the bond and any appreciation/depreciation of the foreign currency over the investment horizon
Uncovered interest rate parity: theorizes that high interest rate currencies should actually weaken over time. This theory tends not to hold.
* A unhedged manager can earn excess returns from the carry trade (borrow in a low interest rate currency, deposit in a high interest rate currency).
* A manager wishing to hedge should enter a fixed-fixed cross-currency swap as the foreign currency payer and domestic currency receiver.
Evaluate the expected return and risks of a yield curve strategy.
The five-step return decomposition process can be used to assess the relative performance of different portfolios under different yield curve change scenarios.
Describe risk considerations for spread-based fixed-income portfolios.
The 2-primary components of credit risk are:
* probability of default (POD): usually expressed as an annualized probability
* loss given default (LGD): or loss severity
The credit valuation adjustment (CVA): of a credit-risky bond is the present value of expected credit losses, calculated as the sum of (POD × LGD × expected exposure) across the life of the bond.
The credit-risky bond’s fair value is equal to an equivalent risk-free bond’s value minus the CVA.
A plot of credit spreads versus maturity for a class of bonds is called the credit spread curve. This curve is largely driven by the credit cycle linked to the general level of economic activity.
What are the Floating-Rate Note (FRN) Credit-Spread Measures?
Quoted margin (QM): is the fixed margin above a floating market reference rate (MRR) making up an FRN coupon.
Discount margin (DM): is the constant spread above the current MRR rate offered by an FRN.
If DM is less (greater) than QM, then the FRN will trade above (below) par.
Zero-discount margin (Z-DM): is the constant spread above the current term structure of MRR rates offered by an FRN.
What is the duration times spread (DTS)?
The duration times spread (DTS) of a bond portfolio respects the fact that spread changes tend to be proportional to spread size, and is approximately defined as follows:
DTS ≈ EffSpreadDur × spread
What is the “excess spread”?
The excess return over credit losses expected from a bond portfolio is defined as the excess spread and calculated as follows:
expected excess spread = spread – (EffSpreadDur × ∆spread) – (POD × LGD)
Discuss bottom-up approaches to credit strategies.
Bottom-up credit strategies: aim to identify the most attractive individual bond investments by focusing on the operating history of the borrower and key financial ratios.
Credit-risk models: used on a bottom-up basis can structural or reduced form.
Structural models: assess the probability of default as the probability of the assets of the borrower falling below the value of their liabilities.
Reduced form models: assess probability of default and the impact of credit losses through modeling the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the characteristic of the borrower. (example the Altman’s z-score)
Discuss top-down approaches to credit strategies.
Top-down credit strategies: focus on macroeconomic factors that are likely to affect the credit portfolio.
* lowering the credit rating of the portfolio prior to good economic conditions
* increasing the credit rating of the portfolio prior to poor economic conditions.
Factor-based credit strategies: focus on identifying factors in fixed-income securities that are rewarded with a risk premium. Four factors are:
1. carry
2. defensive
3. momentum
4. value
ESG techniques: in fixed income include negative screening, use of ESG ratings, and direct funding of ESG initiatives such as green bonds.
Discuss liquidity risk in credit markets and how liquidity risk can be managed in a credit portfolio.
Fixed income has historically been an OTC market with
* emerging market corporate issues: low liquidity in off-the-run, smaller.
* developed market sovereign issues: higher liquidity for on-the-run, larger.
Transaction costs can be measured through the effective spread:
effective spread for a buy order = trade size × (trade price – midquote)
effective spread for a sell order = trade size × (midquote – trade price)
where: midquote = (bid + ask) / 2
Describe how to assess and manage tail risk in credit portfolios.
Value at risk (VaR): is a measure of minimum expected loss occurring in a given time frame with a specified probability.
The 3-common methods used:
1. parametric method, which uses the parameters of the normal distribution
2. historical method
3. Monte Carlo simulation.
Extensions of VaR include the following:
* Conditional value at risk (CVaR): is the expected loss given the portfolio is experiencing a loss in the tail.
* Incremental VaR (IVaR) (or partial VaR): measures the change in VaR from adding or removing a position in a portfolio.
* Relative VaR: measures the VaR of a portfolio’s returns relative to a benchmark.
Discuss the use of credit default swap strategies in active fixed-income portfolio management.
Under a credit default swap (CDS), a protection buyer pays a regular fixed coupon to the protection seller periodically over the life of the contract in return for a payment on a prespecified credit event on a reference issuer(s).
If the fair value of the protection (the CDS spread) is different from the fixed coupon paid, then an upfront premium is paid as follows:
* CDS spread = fixed coupon: None
* CDS spread > fixed coupon: paid to protection seller
* CDS spread < fixed coupon: paid to protection buyer
What is a CDS long-short strategy?
A CDS long-short strategy involves buying protection on issuers where credit spreads are expected to widen relative to other issuers, while simultaneously selling protection on issuers where credit spreads are expected to narrow relative to other issuers.
What is a CDS curve trade?
A CDS curve trade involves involves buying protection at maturities where CDS spreads are expected to rise relative to other maturities and selling protection at maturities where spreads are expected to fall relative to other maturities.
Discuss various portfolio positioning strategies that managers can use to implement a specific credit spread view.
Static credit spread curve strategies: when the (upward-sloping) credit spread curve is expected to be stable include the following:
Lower the credit quality of the portfolio or extend the spread duration of the portfolio.
Sell protection on lower-quality credit issuers or sell protection over longer maturities.
Discuss considerations in constructing and managing portfolios across international credit markets.
A manager engaging in cross-border credit strategies should consider:
* foreign market reliance on an industry
* commodity export limits diversification
* significant sector weight differences between markets
* differences in accounting standards
* difference in the magnitude and timing of credit cycles between countries.
Investors in emerging markets should consider institutional factors such as:
* political stability
* enforcement of the law
* economic profile of the country
* exchange rate regime
Describe the use of structured financial instruments as an alternative to corporate bonds in credit portfolios.
Structured credit instruments allow managers to access collateral they could not access directly asset backed securities (ABS), mortgage backed securities (MBS), covered bonds), to tailor their risk exposure through the tranching of securities (collateralized debt obligations [CDO], collateralized loan obligations [CLO]), or both.
Describe key inputs, outputs, and considerations in using analytical tools to manage fixed-income portfolios.
Fixed-income analytical tools comprise three major parts:
1. inputs: positions, market data, ratings, and index data
2. user-defined parameters: models, time horizon, and objectives
3. outputs: risk summaries, portfolio construction, trading, and cash management tools
What is the yield spread (benchmark spread)?
yield spread (benchmark spread) = bond’s YTM – YTM of closest maturity on-the-run government bond
What is the g-spread?
g-spread = bond’s YTM – interpolated YTM of the two adjacent maturity on-the-run government bonds
What is the i-spread (interpolated spread)?
i-spread (interpolated spread) = bond’s YTM – the maturity interpolated swap fixed rate
What is the asset swap spread (ASW)?
asset swap spread (ASW) = bond’s fixed coupon – the maturity interpolated swap fixed rate
What is the zero-volatility spread (z-spread)?
zero-volatility spread (z-spread) = bond’s spread over risk-free spot rates
What is the CDS spread and the CDS basis?
The CDS spread is the fair value of the protection bought under a CDS contract, expressed as a periodic percentage of notional exposure.
CDS basis = CDS spread – z-spread
What is the option-adjusted spread (OAS)?
The option-adjusted spread (OAS) is a bond’s spread over an interest rate tree of potential future risk-free forward-rate paths. The OAS removes the impact of options on the spread and should be used to compare across different types of bonds.