Fitting a Logistic Regression Model Flashcards
What method does PROC LOGISTIC use for estimating the unknown parameters in a logistic regression model?
PROC LOGISTIC uses the maximum likelihood method for estimating the unknown parameters in a logistic regression model.
TRUE or FALSE: Higher percentages of concordant pairs and lower percentages of discordant and tied pairs indicate a more desirable logistic regression model
PROC LOGISTIC is appropriate for what type of response variable?
binary, ordinal, or nominal
What does the maxpoints=none option do when using PROC LOGISTIC?
The maxpoints=none option requests that no observations be displayed in the effect plots
What PROC LOGISTIC option displays confidence intervals on the plots?
What do goodness of fit measures allow you to do?
Compare one model to another (The smaller the values of the goodness-of-fit statistics, the better fit of the model to the data.)
Which PROC LOGISTIC table shows which input variables are statistically significant, controlling for all of the other input variables in the model. ?
The Type 3 Analysis of Effects table
What can be used to give an approximate ranking of the relative importance of the input variables on the fitted logistic regression model?
The absolute value of the standardized estimates
What does the estimate in maximum likelihood estimate table measure ?
the rate of change in the logit
The Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses table provides what kind of information?
several measures that assess the predictive ability of the model
How should you interpret the four rank correlation indexes: Somers’ D, Gamma, Tau-a, and the c statistic?
a model with higher values for these indexes– the maximum value is one– has better predictive ability then a model with lower values for these indexes.
What is posterior probability?
The probability that y equals 1 given the inputs. The term posterior means that the probability is calculated after you provide the input information to the model.
Logistic regression is a special form of what kind of model?
A generalized linear model
What is an odds ratio?
The odds ratio is the ratio of two odds.
The odds ratio compares the odds of the event in one group to the odds of the event in another group.
What does the logit transformation do?
The logit transformation takes the log of the odds.