Fitness Flashcards
3 strengths
3 weaknesses
Aerobic Endurance
Reaction Time
Strength definition (Strength)
Ability to carry out work against a resistance
Coordination definition (Strength)
Ability to move two or more body parts under control, smoothly and efficiently
Balance definition (Strength)
Ability to maintain the centre of mass of a body above the base of support
Strength - Impact (Strength)
- Keep possession of ball and won’t get knocked off
- Win tackles by being stronger than opposition
Coordination - Impact (Strength)
- Allow him to keep possession whilst assessing best passing option with head up
Balance - Impact (Strength)
- Less likely to take loose touches
- Keep possession
Strength - Content Link (Strength)
- Strong rectus abdominis and Hull’s Drive Theory (Arousal) -> Use strength in aggressive but legal way
Coordination - Content Link (Strength)
- Autonomous stage of necessary skills meaning does not have to over think the performance of them
Balance - Content Link (Strength)
- Stability (wide base of support) -> low CoM, Line of gravity falls inside base
Aerobic Endurance -Definition (Weakness)
Ability to exercise continuously for extended period without tiring
Speed - Definition (Weakness)
Quickness of limbs and the rate at which an individual can cover a distance in a period of time
Reaction Time - Definition (Weakness)
Time taken to respond to a stimulus
Aerobic Endurance - Impact (Weakness)
- Out of position if team loses ball -> cannot track back
- More space for attackers to run into