Fissure protection Flashcards
What is the purpose of fissure protection?
• GIC creates a hardened outer surface using the glass ionomer reaction to form a more acid-resistant ion exchange layer which provides addition protection for the tooth
• The operculum covering the distal half of teeth during eruption tends to retain plaque and the initiation of the caries process before complete eruption = prolonged acid attack
• Thus, we protect the the newly-erupted, highly vulnerable immature molar with fissure protection
• When teeth are erupting, infra-occlusion occurs; the occluding surface of a tooth does not reach the normal occlusal plane and is out of contact with the opposing tooth.
• Infra-occluded teeth is hard to brush, so GIC is helpful because it releases fluoride which can protect partially erupted molars during brushing
* Teeth affected by enamel hypoplasia (thin enamel) and enamel hypomineralization in either primary or permanent dentition can be protected by GIC
What is the composition of fissure PROTECTION GIC?
• Fine fluoroaluminosilicate glass filler
• Strontium based – provides radiopacity
* Polyacrylic acid and distilled water
What is the normal working time of conventional GIC?
- Working Time (from start of mix) 1’40”
• Setting reaction can be reduced to 40 sec by light curing Fuji VII Pink for 40 sec using halogen curing light
What is the composition of Fuji VII EP capsule?
- Fuji VII Enchanced Protection
- It has 3% RECALDENT ™ (CPP-ACP) into the high fluoride releasing Fuji VII
- Enhanced protection through biofilm inhibition, better than Fuji VII
- Addition of 3% CCP-ACP results in a slight increase in adhesive bond strength but a slight decrease in compressive strength, but these differences were not considered clinically significant