Fissiped Flashcards
6 family names
5 species in family canidae (common names)
coyote,grey wolf, red fox, arctic fox, grey fox
species in family mephitidae (common names)
striped skunk
8 species in family mustelidae (common names)
river otter
american mink
least weasel
long-tailed weasel
american marten
species in family procyonidae (common names)
species in family ursidae (common names)
american black bear
polar bear
3 species in family felidae(common names)
Canada lynx
mountain lion/puma
General carnivore characteristics
fourth upper premolar and first lower molar,together form an efficient shear (carnassial pair.)
most have 3/3 incisors (except otter)
large conical canines
Coyote scientific name
Canis Latrans
Canis Latrans ID
back foot has 4 digits, front have 5
Canis lupus ID
grey wolf
large size, broaded snout and shoter ears from red wolves
tracks in straight line like coyote
Vulpes vulpes ID
red fox
dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3
tooth row is more than half the skull
5 claws on manus (front feet) 4 claws on pes (hind feet)
vulpes lagopus ID
arctic fox
track in a straight line (like red fox)
grey wolf scientific name
Canis lupus
red fox scientific name
vulpes vulpes
arctic fox scientifc name
vulpes lagopus
Grey fox scientific name
Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Urocyon cinereoargenteus ID
grey fox
grizzeled upperparts, buff neck, black tipped tail
temporal ridge makes a U shape
similar tracks to red fox but smaller, and sharper
Skunk scientific name
Mephitis mephitis
Mephitis mephitis ID
dental formula is 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2
The skull is distinct from other carnivores in having only one molar on each side of the upper jaw and two on each side of the lower jaw. The upper molars have a characteristic square shape.
North american river otter scientific name
Lontra canadensis
Lontra canadensis ID
river otter
can see slide prints in snow
scat has fish/bones in it , flattened irregular shapes
wolverine scientific name
Gulo gulo
Gulo gulo ID
reminiscent of a large marten with a heavy build, large head,
small ears, short tail , massive limbs
track: 5 toes and semi-retractile claws print; small toe often does not print.
Mink scientific name
Mustela vison
Mustela vison ID
dark brown with white patches on the
chin, chest, and throat areas.
webbed toes
least weasel scientific name
Mustela nivalis
Mustela nivalis ID
least weasel
long neck; a flat, narrow head; and short limbs. This
animal has large black eyes and large, round ears. The
feet have five fingers with sharp claws.
fur colour is chocolate brown
on the back, and white with brown spots on the
in winter can be all white
Hindprint about 10mm long, only 4 toes printing. Straddle 30-45 mm; leaps occasionally 600 mm. tail marks seen in snow often
Long tailed weasel scientific name
Mustela frenata
Mustela frenata ID
Long tailed weasel
have long, bushy tails that are about 50% of their total body length.
a small, narrow head with long whiskers. They also have short legs.
coat in northern populations is white in the winter and brown in the summer
track: usually with only 4 of 5 toes printing. Foreprints slightly wider than hindprints, but approximately half as long. Hindfeet usually placed in or near foreprints, but sometimes side by side, or with one
slightly ahead.
Ermine scientific name
Mustela erminea
Mustela erminea ID
typical weasel form,
fine fur is white in the winter and the tip of the tail is black. In the summer, the dorsal fur is chocolate
brown while the
ventral fur extending
to the upper lip is
yellowish white.
Tracks showing only 4 of the 5 toes, Foreprints slightly wider than hindprints, but approximately half as long. Hindfeet usually placed in or near foreprints, but sometimes side by side, or
with 1 slightly ahead.
Marten scientific name
Martes americana
Martes americana ID
tail are very dark brown or black, the chest has a cream coloured patch, and the back is light brown.
track: Typical mustelid trail of twin prints, like that of Mink but slightly larger; very difficult to differentiate from Fisher’s
fisher scientific name
Martes pennanti
Martes pennanti ID
coats range from medium to dark brown, with gold to silver hoariness on their head and shoulders, and with black legs and tail. They may also have a cream chest patch of variable size and shape
Fishers have five toes on their
feet, and their claws are
TRACK: Similar to Mink’s and American Marten’s but larger. prints wider than long
raccoon scientific name
Procyon lotor
Procyon lotor ID
Hindprint much longer than wide; resembles a miniature human footprint with abnormally long toes. Foreprint shorter,
claws show on all 5 toes. Tracks are relatively large for animal’s size because Common Raccoon is flat-footed
When walking, animal’s left hindfoot print is almost beside right
When running, brings hindfeet down ahead of forefeet in a pattern similar to that of squirrel tracks.
Black bear scientific name
Ursus americanus
Ursus americanus ID
Black bear
Broad footprints; 5 toes print on all feet,
although innermost, smallest toe may fail to register.
d, claw indentations usually visible just in front of toe marks. Bears have a shuffling gait; hind tracks and front tracks are paired, with hind track several inches before front track on same side.
Polar bear scientific name
Ursus maritimus
Ursus maritimus ID
polar bear
Large, hindfoot human like but more “flatfooted”, forefoot print resembles front portion of human footprint, impression of heel pad of forefoot only registers in mud and soft sand. Entire print, particularly small toe and heel pad are obscure due to presence of heavy fur.
often on ice
Lynx scientific name
Lynx canadensis
Lynx canadensis ID
The tail is quite short and is often ringed and tipped with black
triangular ears are tipped with tufts of long black hairs. The paws are quite large and furry,
Foreprint 75–110 mm long, almost as wide; hindprint slightly smaller; both with 4 toes,
no claws showing.
larger and rounder track than bobcat
bobcat scientific id
Lynx rufus
Lynx rufus ID
dark brown or black stripes and spots on some parts of the body. The tip of the tail and the backs of the ears are black.
Foreprints and hindprints about same size, , slightly longer than wide, with 4 toes, no claw marks.
If clearly outlined, heel pad can be distinguished from canine print: domestic dog’s or Coyote’s is lobed only at rear; Bobcat’s is lobed at rear
Trail very narrow, sometimes as if made by a 2-legged animal, because hindprints are set on, close to, or overlapping foreprints
Mountain lion scientific name
Puma concolor
Puma concolor ID
puma/mountain lion
yellowish brown to greyish brown on the upper parts and a paler, almost buffy, colour on the belly. The throat and chest are whitish. Mountain lions have a pinkish nose with a black border that extends to the lips
skull is noticeably broad
and short.
The forehead region is high and arched.
The rostrum and the nasal bones are broad.
The dental formula is 3/3 1/1 3/2 1/1.
The mandible is short, deep, and powerfully
The carnassial teeth are massive and long.
The canines are heavy
and compressed.
The incisors are small and straight.
Mountain lions have an
additional small premolar on each side of the upper jaw than do bobcats and
Prints quite round, usually with all 4 lower toes showing but no claw marks, as
claws are retracted.
Tracks usually in a fairly straight line, staggered in pairs, with hindfoot track close to or overlapping forefoot track
how to identifcy canine track
A Claw marks- dogs usually show claw marks in their tracks.
However, it is possible to see claw marks in cat tracks, usually when
they are running or pouncing.
B The lack of a third lobe on the hind edge of the heel pad (compare
with the cat track below). Although it is visible in some dog tracks, the third lobe is located higher and not aligned with the other two as it is in cats.
C The shape of the leading edge of the heel pad is a single lobe.
D The alignment of the two front toes. They are side-by-side, or close to it. Exceptions occur when
a canine is turning or travelling on a slope.
E The pads of the outer two toes are almost triangular in shape.
How to identify feline tracks
A Front two toes are not lined side-by-side. The toe positioned further forward is analogous to a human index finger. The alignment of toe
“A” will tell you whether this is a left or right paw.
B The leading edge of the heel pad has two lobes.
C The hind edge of the heel pad has three aligned lobes.
D The straight edge of the heel pad indicates this as a front paw.