Fission Product Poisons Flashcards
Define fission product poison.
A fission product that has a substantial neutron absorption cross section and does not fission.
State the characteristics of Xenon-135 as a fission product poison.
To be significant in the neutron balance, a fission product must be relatively abundant (that is have a high fission yield) and have a high absorption cross section.
Xenon-135 is near the top of the fission yield curve, and it has a high absorption cross section at 2.6 × 106 barns.
The absorption cross section for U-235 is 684 barns and for water, about 0.3 barns.
Describe the production of Xenon-135
The production of a fission product is due to the direct production from fission and the decay of other fission products into that isotope.
- About 0.3% of all fissions produce Xe-135 directly.
- Xe-135 is also the product of a radioactive decay chain.
Either tellurium-135 (Te-135) or iodine-135 (I-135) is produced in 5.6% of all fissions.
Describe the removal of Xenon-135
Removal of Xe-135 from the core is by burnout and decay.
- Xe-135 absorbs a thermal neutron and is transformed into Xe-136. The microscopic cross section for absorption of Xe-136 is negligible, and Xe-136 is stable.
- Xe-135 decays by beta emission, with a 9.1 hour half-life, to cesium-135 (Cs-135). Cs-135 has a very long half-life (>106 years) and small absorption cross section.
What is the formula for total production of Xenon-135?
What is the formula for Xenon-135 removal?
Describe Equilibrium Xenon and its effect on reactor operations.
- When the production and removal rates of Xe-135 equal each other, equilibrium is established. Equilibrium Xe-135 concentration is a function of the flux and, therefore, a function of reactor power level.
- Equilibrium Xe-135 concentration is reached faster at a higher power level. At 100% power for a typical PWR, the equilibrium Xe-135 concentration is reached in about 40 hours.
Describe Xenon behaviour following power changes.
Equilibrium Xe-135 is reached in about 40 hours when starting up to full power, in about 44 hours when at 50% power, and about 48 hours at even lower power levels.
The equilibrium level is reached sooner at the higher power level due to the faster production rate.
To maintain constant power during the buildup of Xe-135, the operator must add positive reactivity by reducing boron concentrations or withdrawing additional control rods.
Describe Xenon behaviour following reactor trip and its effect on operations.
From equilibrium Xenon it takes approximately 6 to 10 hours post shutdown to reach peak Xenon.
Xenon then decays to a xenon free condition at a rate that eventually approaches the 9.1 hour half-life of Xe-135.
Rule of Thumb: Time to peak Xenon (hrs) equals the square root of % power prior to the trip or downpower.
Plot the curve for the reactivity insertion by Xenon-135 versus time.
Explain the reason for the reactivity insertion by Xenon-135 versus time plot for initial reactor startup (xenon free).
On start-up from a xenon-free condition results in the immediate production of Xe-135 directly from fission and a large amount of I-135.
Additional Xe-135 is produced as a decay product of the iodine. As the Xe-135 starts building in, burnout and decay remove some of it.
Equilibrium Xe-135 is reached in
- 40 hours starting up to full power
- 44 hours going to 50% power
- 48 hours at even lower power levels.
At 100% power, the reactivity associated with equilibrium Xe-135 is about -2.7% delta k/k.
Explain the reason for the reactivity insertion by Xenon-135 versus time plot for reactor startup with Xenon-135 already present in the core.
Once the reactor begins producing significant power (5-10%), the Xe-135 inventory starts to decrease faster than just the decay rate.
This is due to two factors. The first is that the burnout rate is again present and is even increased, due to the fact that a high concentration of Xe-135 already exists.
The second is that although direct production of I-135 and Xe-135 from fission is again occurring, it takes some time for the equilibrium conditions to be re-established.
If the reactor is taken critical but power is held low (1-2% or below), then the burnout mechanism is not sufficient to alter the xenon removal rate, and xenon follows its normal decay curve.
Explain the reason for the reactivity insertion by Xenon-135 versus time plot for down power from steady state operations.
Assume xenon concentration is at equilibrium with reactor power at 100%. Reactor power is then decreased to 50%.
Xenon production directly from fission decreases by one half, but production from I-135 initially remains at the 100% level.
Xenon removal by decay remains constant, and removal by burnout decreases by one half.
Xenon production exceeds removal. Xenon concentration increases at a decreasing rate as I-135 decays. Peak xenon is reached 8 to 10 hours after the power decrease.
To maintain power constant during this time, the operator must add positive reactivity by withdrawing additional control rods or decreasing boron concentration.
At 8-10 hours, xenon production exactly equals xenon removal, but I-135 concentration is still decreasing, and xenon removal begins to exceed production. Xenon concentration decreases and reaches equilibrium for the 50% power level between 40 to 50 hours after the power decrease.
A greater power change requires a longer time for xenon to reach equilibrium.
Explain the reason for the reactivity insertion by Xenon-135 versus time plot for up power changes from steady state operations.
If reactor power increased, an immediate increase in the burnout rate occurs due to the increased neutron flux level. An immediate increase in the direct Xe-135 production term also occurs.
Since direct Xe-135 only accounts for about 5% of the Xe-135 produced, the burnout term is predominate and causes the concentration of Xe-135 to decrease.
As the concentration of the I-135 increases, more Xe-135 is produced, and in about five hours, the concentration of Xe-135 stops decreasing.
Eventually a higher equilibrium level is established for the higher power level. The total time for the transient is 20 to 30 hours. The greater the power level changes the greater the time required to re-establish the equilibrium.
Describe the effects that Xenon concentration has on neutron flux shape.
Since the neutron flux is not uniform over the core volume, the production and removal rates, and the isotopic concentrations of Xenon-135 and Iodine-135 are also not uniform over the core volume.
Thus, Xenon-135 has a local reactivity effect which tends to change the thermal neutron flux shape, especially during transient conditions where production and removal rates differ.