Fishing Flashcards
Name the 2 factors that affect marine productivity
Outline light as a factor that affects marine productivity
Autotrophs in deeper water are free floating phytoplankton
Turbidity can reduce the depth of water that light can penetrate
In polar regions, the sun never sets in summer and never rises in winter. These changes can produce great seasonal variations with summer algal blooms that support rich food webs
Outline nutrients as a factor that affects marine productivity
Marine autotrophs absorb nutrients directly from the water because there is no soil
Some essential nutrients are always abundant such as CO2
Others can be a limiting factor when they are not abundant such as nitrates and phosphates
Define photic layer
The water layer into which light can penetrate
What are the two fishing techniques
Pelagic fishing
Dermersal fishing
What is pelagic fishing?
Pelagic species live near the surface. They include tuna and mackerel.
What is dermersal fishing?
Dermersal species live on or just above the sea bed, which makes it impossible to select the species that are going to be caught
Give an example of pelagic fishing techniques
Drift net (e.g. for tuna)
Give 2 examples of demersal fishing techniques
Bottom trawling
Demersal longline
Estimating the MSY of fish populations is not easy. What information is needed to estimate MSY?
Current total biomass
Annual biomass growth
Breeding rate
Survival rate of each age group
Name a fish species that has been overfished
The orange roughy
Name 5 environmental impacts of fishing
Factory fishing
Seabed disturbance
Food web effects
Ghost fishing
Drift nets can cause bycatch to which species?
Whales, turtles, dolphins
Demersal longlines can cause bycatch to which species
To avoid ghost fishing of lobsters, what do some countries do?
Lobster pots must be held together by biodegradable rope