Fish Vocabulary Flashcards
Having a backbone
Vertebral Column
Backbone or spine
Neural Crest
Little cell population that creates the brain
Closed Circulatory System
Having the blood vessels closed at all times within vessels of different sizes and wall thickness
Cycloid scales
scale having smooth edged, more or less circular in form and having concentric striations
Placoid Scales
Scales found in the cartilaginous fishes: rays and sharks
Ganoid Scales
A scale made of an inner layer of bone and an outer layer of ganoin
Paired respiratory organ of fishes, where oxygen is extracted from the water flowing over the surfaces within or attached to the walls of the pharynx
Lateral line
A visible line along the side of a fish consisting of a series of sense organs that detect pressure and vibration
Release or deposit eggs
Jawless fish
Lacking a jaw
Cartilaginous fish
A fish of a class distinguished by having a skeleton of cartilage rather than bone, including sharks and rays
Bony fish
A fish of the large class distinguished by a skeleton of bone
Lobe-finned fish
A fish of a largely extinct group having fleshy lobed fins