Define Parasitology
Parasitology is the study of parasites, their host , and the relationship between them , and its way of life.
Ciliophora is the Phylum. It has two main characteristic which is Sessilina and Mobilina. What are the genus for them?
Sessilina : Epistylis
Mobilina : Ichthyopthirius , trichodina and Chilodonella
Characteristic of Epistylis?
Stalked Protozoa
Fluffy growth
Attachment substrate
Characteristic of Icthyopthirius?
Non stalked Protozoa
Horse shoe like macronucleus
Obligate parasite
“Ich “ Spot disease
Characteristic of Trichodina
UFO like
Round shaped denticles
Non-stalked protozoa
Milky appearance
Attachment substrate
Characteristic of Chilodonella.
Non-stalked Protozoa
Leaf shaped
Ventral w cilia
Tolerate wide range of temperature
Found in weakened fish
What’s under Ciliophora?
What are Sarcomastigophora?
Sarcomastigophora are protozoans with characteristic of one or more whip-like organelles used for locomotion and sensation.
What are Ciliophora?
Ciliophora are protozoans with presence of hair like organelles called cilia, variously used in swimming, crawling, attachment, feeding and sensation.
What’s under Sarcomastigophora?
1 Flagellum - Trypanosoma
2 Flagellum - Cryptobiidae, Bodoniidae
What’s characteristic of Trypanosoma?
Have single flagellum along margin
What’s characteristic of Cryptobia and Icthyobodo?
Cryptobia - Subtriangular, have flagella at both ends, can cause black striped syndrome in fish, infest fish gills and skin
Icthyobodo - is ovoid, as flagellar pocket at body margin, Costiasis
What is Dinoflagellata characteristics?
It posses 2 dissimilar flagella
Lives in aquatic environment
Cause Velvet disease or Gold Dust Disease
It can use chloroplast in dormant state but can depend on host in full blown infestation.
What’s under Dinoflagellata?
Genus that cause disease in Fresh water velvet disease, Brackish and Salt Water?
Fresh water velvet disease - Piscinoodinium
Brackisn and Saltwater - Amyloodinium, Crepidoodinium.
What’s under Cnidaria?
Myxobolus and Henneguya
What’s Myxobolus?
It’s a myxosporean parasite of salmonids
Cause Whirling Disease
C/S - Whitish cyst with milkish substance
Intermediate host is Turbifex turbifex
What’s Henneguya?
It’s caused by myxosporean parasite. A metazoan. Affect salmonids.
Cause nodular disease in fish
Cause fish to have milky flesh or tapioca disease, havin a raised whitish nodular lesion.
Affect skin and gill
What’s under Nemahelminthes?
What is Anisakis and Eustrongylides?
They are under Nemahelminthes.
Anisakis cause fish to have “wasting” effect, it is nutrient rob, adult is at GIT.
Eustrongylides , has worm track, cause physical pressure n organs and abdominal distension.
What is Acanthocephala?
It is spiny-head worm, Nutrient rob, absorb nutrient through body surface, dosen’t have GIT
What’s under Platyhelminthes?
Cestoda and Trematoda
What’s under Trematoda?
Monogenea - Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus
Digenea - Sanguinicola
Differences between Dactylogyrus vs Gyrodactylus?
Dactylogyrus - Affect gill, it is oviparous, have 4 eyespot , habe 12-14 hooks
Gyrodactylus - affect skin, it is viviparous , has no eyespot, have 16 hooks
What’s the characteristic of Digenea?
Digenea usually found in GIT.
Sanguinicola IM host are usually host snail and worm
Sanguinicola doesn’t involve metacercaria .
What’s the agent for White grub, Black grub and Yellow grub? These are the species that cause metacercariea infestation.
White grub - Posthodiplostonum & Balbophorus
Black grub - Uvulifer & Crassiphiala
Yellow Grub - Cilinostomum
What are the Annelids?
Leech , a segmented worm that have 33 segments.
It’s subclass is Hirudinea, has 2 sucker , one at each end
What are the family of Annelids that parasitize fish?
What are the list of Arthropoda?
- Argulus
- Caligus
- Ergasilus
- Cernaea
- Isopoda
Common treatment for fish parasite?
Bath, Oral (feed medication), Injection