First trimester complications Flashcards
a gestational sac or intrauterine fluid collection compatible with pregnancy is visible at
4.5 to 5 weeks of gestation.
DX of pregnancy is based on the following
Detection of HCG in blood or urine.
Identification of pregnancy by ultrasound examination.
Identification of fetal cardiac activity by Doppler Ultrasound (you can hear heartbeat around 10-12 weeks)
Hydatidiform mole
an aberrant placenta composed of multiple grape like vesicles . It is not malignant and does not invade the uterine wall.
clinical features of hydatidiform mole
- uterine bleeding
- uterine size that exceeds expected from gestational age
uterus remains a pelvic organ until ( ) weeks
12, so abdominal trauma should not harm the fetus before this
fetal heart activity by doppler is seen at
10-12 weeks
Chadwicks signs:
Hegar’s sign:
cervical and vaginal cyanosis
lengthening and softening of the
Seen in early pregnancy, normal signs bc of hypertrophy
what to do if pt is nauseous in first trimester?
Best tx is to tel pt this is normal and goes away by 11/12 week
severe hyperemesis is associated with….
high levels of BHCG, seen in multiple pregnancies and hydatidiform moles
hyperemesis gravidum
Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy that are associated with systemic effects of dehydration; weight loss (>5% of pre-pregnancy weight); electrolyte abnormalities; ketosis , all appearing before the 10-12th week of gestation
main tx for hyperemesis gravidum
Normal saline; ringers lactate; D5NS (when u/o 100ml/hr)
thiamine, folic acid
you should be concerned if your pt is vomiting beyond ( ) weeks
what should you always check when a pregnant lady comes in?
urine, could have an asymptomatic UTI
how to treat acute HTN?
Toxoplasmosis-protozoa found in cat stool, triad of chorioretinitis/hydrocephalus/intracranial calcifications
Other (syphillis, Varicella Zoster, parovirus)
Cytomegalovirus-MCC of deafness
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-acquired during the birthing process via contact, skin/eye/encephalitis