First trimester bleeding most common complication
Vaginal spotting
Frank bleeding
25% of patients
Pregnancy unlikely to progress if bleeding
Accompanied by severe pain
Uterine contractions
dilated cervix
Benefits from early TV examination
Carfully examine ,uterine cavity
Investigate of presence embryo
Fetal heart beat
Yolk sac
Retained products of conception
Placental hemáromas and subchorionic hemorrhage
Placental hematoma do not cause bleeding or spotting bcs it is in the chorionic sac without communication with endometrium
Most common occurrence of bleeding in first trimester
Subchorionic hemorrhage
Low pressure bleeding
Results from process of implantation of ovum into endometrial cavity and myometrium wall
Hematoma btw nyometrium and G sac
Clinical finding in sub chorionic hemorrhage
uterine cramping
If hemorrhage become large enough can lead spontaneous abortion
Distinguish subchorionic from abruption placenta
Occurs in second trimester abruption
Lucency posterior to the placenta retroplacental hemorrhage or abruption
Edge of the placenta subcharionic
Patient present with active vaginal bleeding
Sub chorionic bleeding is easily seen by
US adjacent o the G sac
Separation of the anterior placenta from uterine wall
Sub chorionic hemorrhage
Positive test no signal G SAC differential will be
Very early intrauterine pregnancy
Non developing pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
Absence of adnexal masses or free fluid
Grows of sac in first trimester for each day
1 mm/day
Normal embryo grows
At rate of 1mm/day
Yolk sac should be visualized TV when G SAC
Reaches 8 mm
Embryo should be seen when sac diameter
> 16 mm
If endometrium abnormal thick or irregularly echogenic different diagnosis
Intrauterine blood
Retained product of conception from incomplete abortion
Decidual reaction of ectopic pregnancy
Ar early intrauterine pregnancy
Incomplete spontaneous abortion US
From intact gestational sac with nonviable embryo to collapsed gestational sac grossly misshaped
Pregnancy failure when
The embryo is 7 mm or greater without heart beat
MSD is 25 mm but no embryois visible
Spontaneous abortion
US of retained products may be subtle
Thickend endometrium>8mm
Increased vascularity of endometrium
Color Doppler strongly predictive bcs of throphablastic reaction
Presence of visible embryonic parts,g sac
Embryonic disc
Distinguish retained products of conception from blood clot
With color Doppler
clot= - No vascularity
Discriminating evidence for retained products
Quantitative hCG levels that da no decline normally
Thickened endlemétrium
Increased vascular flow
G sac without embryo or yolk sac 3possible conditions
Normal early intrauterine pregnancy <5werk)
Abnormal intrauterine pregnancy
Pseduogesiational sac in ectopic pregnancy
Criteria for abnormal gestational sac
Should be imaged TV or TA us when mean diameter is 5 mm
Correspond of age of 4 to 5 weeks
Interval growth of 1 mm per day
Lack means abnormal sac
Typical appearance of blighted or an . embryonic pregnancy is
Gestational sac
Do not demonstrate York sac amnion embryo
MSD increase 1.1 mm per day but abnormal only 0.7 mm per day
US finding of G sac with abnormal intrauterine pregnancy
Yolk sac amnion
Large G sac
Throphoblastic reaction
MSG level
Abnormal embryo
Absence of cardiacmation in embryo 5mm or larger
Absence of cardiac motion after 6.5 mensiral weeks
Abnormal sac position
Hour glassing through cervical os
Abnormal throphoblasti c reaction
Absence of decidual sac
Thin trophoblastic reaction <2mm
Intra trophoblastic venous flow
Gestational trophoblastic disease
Prolifrative disease from benign form to malignant form from hydatiform (partial, complete or coexisíani
To invasive mole or choriocarcinoma
Coexistent molar pregnancy
Molar with normal intrauterine pregnancy
The first and most common of coexistent molar pregnancy
Twin pregnancy with normal fetus and normal placenta and complete mole
Second type of coexistent molar
Twin pregnancy with normal fetus am places an partial mole
The third and most uncommon type of coexistent
Singleton normal fetus with partial mole
Clinical landmark of trophoblastic disease
Is vaginal bleeding in first or early
Second trimester
Beía_hcg dramatically elevated > 100000
Hypermesis gravidarum or preeclampsia
AFT maternal notably low by complete mole
U S characteristic appearance of mole
Snow storm
Moderate echogenic soft tissue mass filling the uterus
Marked with small cystic spaces representing
Hydropic chorionic villi
Uterus filled with tiny grapelike clusters of tissue
Appearance of first trimester molar may simulate
Missed abortion
Incomplete abortion
Blighted ovum
Hydropic degeneration of placenta
Sonographic examination of thophoblastic disease
Uterine larger than date
Filled with heterogenous complex
Bilateral adnexal fullness
Ovarian enlargement of theta Lutron cyst
Partial mole appearance in US
Has identifiable placenta
Placenta enlarged with cystic spaces
Embryo arembryo tissue may seen
Often embryo abnormal and aborted in first trimester triploidy 69chromosome
Clinically symptoms in trophoblastic disease
Heavy bleeding
Very elevated hCG
Enlarged uterus with multiple focal areas of grapelikesters
in TV living embryo detects by
46 menstrual days
Cardiac rate less than … have poor prognosis
< 90 bpm away gestational age within first trimester
> 170 bpm
Lead to heart failure
Pleural effusion
Pericardial effusion
Oligohydrammous firsítrimesíer
G Sac 5 mm less tha CRL
Chromosomal abnormality with embryonic growth restriction and embryonic Oligohydramnios
Such as triploidy
Expected yolk sac growth
Maxima diameter of 0.3 mm/ day
Enlarged Yolk sac
5.6 mm or greater increased risk for spontaneous pregnancy loss.
Amnion best visualized with
… Td. Btw Month
Trans vaginal
5 to 7 weeks
Double bleb sign
Amnion and yolk sac in us
Simultaneous sis de by
Side the yolusac appearance
Amnion should appear as thinner of the two concentric structures
Embryonic lies btw amnion , , and yolk sac
How does look like abnormal amnion
Amnion becomes very easy to see
Thickness “echogenicity approach to yolk sac
Mean amniotic sac
Equal -to crown rump length
Anembryonic or failed pregnancy if
Mean sac diameter
>25 mm without embryo
One of the most emergent diagnoses with US
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy located outside central or fundal location of uterus
Clinical finding in ectopic pregnancy
Vaginial bleeding
empty uterus
Adnexal mass
Positive pregnancy test