First Test Flashcards
What does compel mean?
to force to act
What is an apex?
a peak of a mountain
What is a frock?
a table
What does breach mean?
to break something
What is a correlation?
an association
What is a subsidy?
financial aid
What does shirk mean?
to avoid
What does atone mean?
to amend something
What does bedevil mean?
to torment someone
What does construe mean?
to interpret something
What does palatable mean?
to be acceptable
What does ample mean?
What does hectic mean?
to have frantic activity
What does atypical mean?
to be untypical
What is a heirloom?
an object that is inherited by your family and passed down for generations
What does abet mean?
to encourage one
What does abhor mean?
to detest
What does abjure mean?
to renounce under oath
What does abominable mean?
to be unplesant
What does abrasive mean?
to cause damage by rubbing, grinding, etc.
What does abridge mean?
to shorten via omission
What does abrupt mean?
to be very sudden
What does abscond mean?
to escape
What does absolve mean?
to free from guilt
What does abstemious mean?
to be marked by restraint
What does accede mean?
to agree on a request
What is an accordance?
a formal or official agreement
What does accrue mean?
to increase
What is an acumen?
an ability to think clearly and make good decisions
What does acquiesce mean?
to accept
What does ad-lib mean?
to deliver spontaneously
What is an adage?
a moral
What does adamant mean?
to be very determined
What does adulterate mean?
to make something taste less good by mixing a poor quality substance into it
What is an adversary?
one who resists an enemy opponent
What is an adversity?
a difficult situation