first test Flashcards
3 Stages of Aristotle
Animal, human, superior human. The reason what you need no overextending.
3 Stages of Kohlberg
Self Centered, Social centered, principle-centered.
3 Stages of Gilligan
Self Centered, self-sacrifice, thinking of others and yourself.
4 Noble Truths
The main moral ideas of buddhism.
5 Precepts
Don’t harm others, do not steal, do not speak slander, do not use the body in harmful ways, no intoxicants
The view of complete certainly
Selfless brotherly love
Respec for all living things
the principle for the happiness of other human beings
Principle of autonomy
states that each person must decide things for themselves. Part of the categorical imperative.
Categorical Imperative
a set of four principles developed by kant. Includes humanity, rationality, universality, and autonomy.
people who evaluate the morality of an action based on the expected outcome of the action. believe in egoism and utilitarianism.
Distributive Justice
views on the fairest way to districute resources, rights and responsibilities. Includes Merit, Equality, contribution and Effort.
moral principles that govern a persons behavior
what Aristotle thinks all humans are reaching for, happiness
Golden Mean
theory of aristotle, through reasoning can find the middle path, compromise of the two extremes.
Golden Rule
Do unto others what you would do to yourself.
Good Samaritan
someone who is selfless and puts someone elsese needs first.
pursuit of self indulgence
Hedonistic Calculus
practical way of thinking by bentham. Seven elements. intensity, duration, extent, purity, lead to further pleasure, how new. Measurable. GAMGGMPI
Principle of Humanity
One of kants categorical imperative, people are the final goal.
Something that is pre known, comes within.
what goes around comes around
Law of Karma
our thoughts and actions determine our desity
follwoing the laws for fact
the state of being free in society
person witha great soul
Maximin Principle
John Rawls. Any action is ok as long as it improves the poisition of the worst in society.
in the mind, not physical
meditation Buddhist
concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong
Natural Law Theory
Laws that are determiond by nature
Prima Facie
six duties outlined by ross. Fideltiy, gratitude, justice, beneficence, self improvement and nonmaleficence.
non violent resistance