First Set Flashcards
What website can you go and visit to find more information about LDO/CWO?
The NPC (Navy Personnel Command)
What instruction provides guidance for Enlisted to Officer commissioning?
After initial submission of LDO/CWO package, can candidates submit additional items?
Yes, the deadline is 01DEC of the year in which the board is a scheduled to convene.
If a Sailor is applying for both LDO and CWO what must be done to CO’s recommendation?
If the applicant is applying for two designators, the CO’s recommendation must address qualifications for both.
Can the CO delegate a “By Direction” signature on any LDO/CWO application?
No it must be the CO themselves that signs recommendation for application.
How are LDO/CWO’s selected explain the process?
LDO/CWO’s personnel put in their applications which are due by October 1st of each year. LDOs and CWOs are selected for appointment by In-Service Procurement Selection Boards. A new board is convened each fiscal year, usually in January, for approximately three weeks. The results are normally released to the fleet by NAVADMIN message in February. Selectees are commissioned monthly, beginning 1 October. Details are included in the message.
Who sets the quota for LDO/CWO Sailors?
Quotas are set by the Chief of Naval Personnel.
Who is the Head LDO/CWO OCM?
CAPT Ed Callahan
When do personnel that are accepted into the LDO program conduct leadership training?
After they are selected not prior.
What PRT standards must an LDO/CWO candidate meet prior to appointment?
A phsical fitness standard of satisfactory-medium or higher.
What are the time frames for personnel to apply for LDO?
FY-14 8-15 years. No waivers over 16 years.
FY-15 8-14 years. No waivers over 15 years.
FY-16 8-14 years. No waivers over 14.5 years.
Who is the military CWO OCM?
CWO5 Hector Sandoval
What are the time frames for personnel to apply for CWO?
FY-14 13-22 years. Waivers between 12-23 years.
FY-15 14-21 years. Waivers between 13-22 years.
FY-16 14-20 years. Waivers between 14-22 years for MCPO Only.
What grade can an E9 with 2 years TIR be appointed if applying for CWO program?
CWO3 as long as TIR is 2 years as of October 1 of year in which application is submitted.
Where do Active Duty LDO/CWO applications get forwarded to?
They get forwarded to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-803)
What is PERS-803?
PERS-803 is the sponsor for the Active Duty Redesignation Selection Board
Why is NAVADMIN 097/11 so important to many Sailors right now?
2790 NEC replaces 2735. Personnel with 2735 have to complete a Delta package and certifications in order to receive/maintain new NEC. 2791 personnel have to attain IAt Level II by October 2011
For CWO’s upon appointment as an LDO what is the required time obligated for service?
6 years of Active Duty.
What LDO Designator is 611X?
Deck Surface
What LDO Designator is 612X?
What LDO Designator is 613X?
When are annaul NAVADMINS concerning final dates for LDO/CWO package deadlines normally released?
Annual NAVADMINS are normally released in May for Active Duty and June for Inactive Duty.
What LDO Designator is 615X?
Special Warfare
What LDO Designator is 616X?
For an LDO to retire voluntarily how many years must they serve? (Checking instruction for any new changes will update)*
10 years IAW MILPERSMAN 1426-010.
What LDO Designator is 618X?
What LDO Designator is 621X?
What LDO Designator is 623X?
What LDO Designator is 626X?
What LDO Designator is 628X?
What LDO Designator is 629X?
What LDO Designator is 631X?
Aviation Deck
What LDO Designator is 632X?
Aviation Operations
What LDO Designator is 633X?
Aviation Maintenance
What LDO Designator is 636X?
Aviation Ordnance
What LDO Designator is 639X?
Air Traffic Control