First & Second Language Acquisition (Part II) Flashcards
the study of second language acquisition
- focus on language teaching in 1950s and 1960s
- the shift from focusing on teacher to the learner in 1970s
- the shift from behaviourism to cognitive psychology, focusing on children’s internal grammars
- the application of some knowledge in first language acquisition to second language acquisition
- SLA learners are subjects to an influence of the first language acquisition
- interlanguage grammar is influenced by the first and second language, has features of both
- the target of IL is actual proficiency for communicative competence
- textual competence, sociolinguistic competence, illocutionary competence
- analysis of mistakes that are subjects of transfer from the first language
- the imperfect use of linguistic knowledge rather than the deficits in the knowledge itself
- the goal of SLA is to shift processing from controlled to automatic
interlanguage grammar
- system of mental representations influenced by both the first and second language and has features of each
- describes the process whereby a feature or rule from a learner’s first language is carried over to the interlanguage grammar
- when the interlanguage grammar stops changing
communicative competence
- the learner must be able to use the language in a way that is appropriate to the situation or context
textual competence
- recognizes the ability to string sentences together appropriately
sociolinguistic competence
- involves the ability to use the linguistic register appropriate to the situation
illocutionary competence
- refers to the ability to comprehend a speaker’s intent
- more than half of the world’s populatino is bilingual
simultaneous bilingualism
- bilingual from birth or at least from a very early age
successive bilingualism
- others have become bilingual later in life
- occurs when a child learns a second language after the first language has been established
additive bilingualism
- a second language has been added to the first
- late in life
- happens very often for occupational purposes
subtractive bilingualism
- the second language ultimately replaces the first
bilingual education program
- minority-language maintenance programs
- french immersion programs
minority-language maintenance programs
- minority-language children often have difficulty in majority-language schools
- these children suffer a setback in their education
- receive their initial instruction in the minority language. the majority language is gradually introduced
- performing as well as their peers by grade 6
- receiving instruction in L1 does not have negative effects on the L2
french immersion programs
- increase in students over the years
- it is the teaching in French, not the teaching of French
- native speakers of French do not enroll
- by grade 6, students from french immersion outperform their monolingual peers
dual language programs
- students from two linguistic backgrounds are formally instructed in both languages
benefits of bilingualism
- increased syntactic complexity in the L1
- higher scores on the SAT
- increased sensitivity to the needs of the listener
- higher scores on tests of analogical reasoning
- higher scores on test of mathematical ability
- delay in the onset of symptoms in cases of dementia
does a bilingual speaker represent each language in different areas of the brain?
- there is evidence of different degrees of recovery in each language after a stroke
- Ojemann and Whitaker found that electrical stimulation of certain areas interrupted naming in both languages, where stimulation of other areas interrupted naming in only one language
- naming in L2 involves activation in areas that are involved on L1
- lexical and semantic judgement of words activate mostly overlapping areas of the brain
what effects does age of second language acquisition have on brain representation?
- work in event-related potentials (ERP) suggests that second language learning is better in those who learn their second language early
- PET scans have found that listening to passages in a first language results in an activation of area that is not apparent in the second language for late second language learners
- ‘yes and no’
- learning before age 7 will have nativelike L2 speech
- after age 14 might have non-native L2 speech
- older learners initially learn faster, younger learners outperform older learners in the long run
- young learners are more successful in SLA
- older learners are more efficient
affective factors
- have to do with the emotional side of learning a second languaeg
integrative motivation
- wanting to fit better in a particular culture
instrumental motivation
- wanting to learn the L2 for a specific purpose or a goal
- degree of motivation is a better predictor of future learning than is type of motivation
- degree is high you will learn a language quicker and better
different strategies for learning a second language
- has to be learned deliberately
- learners who are field independent are not distracted by irrelevant background information, more successful in SLA
- learners who are field dependent can be distracted by all kinds of background information, less successful in SLA
- L2 learners need to be concerned with both accuracy and fluency
approaches to second language teaching
- contrastive approach
- interlanguage approach
contrastive approach
- the mother tongue and a second language are compared to find common and non-common features
interlanguage approach
- the learner builds up his/her own rules and speaks a language which is neither the target language nor the mother tongue
- associated with the study of the ways in which nonnative speakers acquire, comprehend, and use linguistic patterns
the second language learning process (SLL)
- the nature-nuture debate
- chomsky believed that second language learners are still using universal grammar when learning
issues in SLL
- the SLL process is complex
- the SLL process is gradual
- the SLL process is nonlinear
- the SLL process is dynamic
- learners learn when they are ready to do so
- learners rely on the knowledge and experience they have
- there is tremendous individual variation among language learners
- learning a language is a social phenomenon