First & Second Form Latin Sayings Flashcards
Et tu, Brute?
You too, Brutus?
Mare Nostrum
Our Sea
Ad astra per aspera
To the stars through difficulties
Ego sum via et veritas et vita.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Ab urbe condita
From the founding of the city
Ars longa vita brevis
Art is long and life is short
Ager Vaticanus
The Vatican Field
Tempus fugit
Time flies
In hoc signo vinces
In this sign you will conquer
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
I shall either find a way or make one
Hannibal ad portas
Hannibal at the gates
mea culpa
my fault
Magister dixit
The master has spoken
Noscitur ex sociis
He is known by his companions
Ferrum ferro exacuitor
Iron is sharpened by iron
Repetitio mater studiorum
Repetition is the mother of learning
Amicus in necissitate probatur
A friend is proven in time of necessity
Dictum et factum
said and done
quid novi?
what’s new?
a mari usque ad mare
from sea to sea
festina lente
make haste slowly
capitur urbs quae totum cepit orbem
the city which captured the whole world is now captured
You too, Brutus?
Et tu, Brute?
Our Sea
Mare Nostrum
To the stars through difficulties
ad astra per aspera
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Ego sum via et veritas et vita.
From the founding of the city
ab urbe condita
Art is long and life is short.
Ars longa vita brevis.
The Vatican Field
Ager Vaticanus
Time flies.
Tempus fugit.
In this sign you will conquer.
In hoc signo vinces.
I shall either find a way or make one.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.
Hannibal at the gates
Hannibal ad portas
my fault
mea culpa
The master has spoken.
Magister dixit.
He is known by his companions.
Noscitur ex sociis.
Iron is sharpened by iron.
Ferrum ferro exacuitor
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Repetitio mater studiorum
A friend is proven in time of necessity.
Amicus in necissitate probatur.
Said and done.
Dictum et factum
what’s new?
quid novi?
from sea to sea
a mari usque ad mare
make haste slowly
festina lente
The city which captured the whole world is now captured.
capitur urbs quae totum cepit orbem
alma mater
nurturing mother
Anno Domini(A.D.)
In the year of our Lord
ante bellum
before the war
Caput Mundi
Head of the World
Carpe diem
Seize the day
Cave canem
Beware the dog
Civis Romanus sum
I am a Roman citizen
Docere, delectare, movere
To teach, to delight, to move.
errare est humanum
to err is human
fortes fortuna juvat
Fortune aids the brave.
in choro recitemus
let us recite together
In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
Then we will fight in the shade
Mater Italiae Roma
The mother of Italy, Rome
nunc aut numquam
now or never
ora et labora
pray and work
Pax Romana
The Roman Peace
Quattuor anni tempora
the four seasons of the year
Rex Regum
King of Kings
Roma Aeterna
Eternal Rome
semper fidelis
always faithful
Senatus Populusque Romanus(SPQR)
The Senate and People of Rome
Stabat Mater
The Mother was Standing
veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
video et taceo
I see and am silent
nurturing mother
alma mater
In the year of our Lord
Anno Domini(A.D.)
before the war
ante bellum
Head of the World
Caput Mundi
Seize the day
Carpe diem
Beware the dog
Cave canem
I am a Roman citizen
Civis Romanus sum
to teach, to delight, to move
Docere, delectare, movere
To err is human
errare est humanum
Fortune aids the brave
Fortes fortuna juvat
Let us recite together
in choro recitemus
Then we will fight in the shade
In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
The mother of Italy, Rome
Mater Italiae Roma
now or never
nunc aut numquam
pray and work
ora et labora
The Roman Peace
Pax Romana
the four seasons of the year
Quattuor anni tempora
King of Kings
Rex Regum
Eternal Rome
Roma Aeterna
always faithful
semper fidelis
The Senate and People of Rome
Senatus Populusque Romanus(SPQR)
The Mother was Standing
Stabat Mater
I came, I saw, I conquered
veni, vidi, vici
I see and am silent.
Video et taceo.