First Preboards (Notes) Flashcards
(T/F) Current and noncurrent presentation of assets and liabilities provides useful information when the entity supplies goods or services within a clearly identifiable operating cycle
(T/F) Regardless whether similar or dissimilar, all material items must be presented separately.
(T/F) Emphasis of financial accounting is on external reporting.
(T/F) Income from continuing operations excludes income from discontinued operations.
(T/F) The income statement would help in estimating future financial flexibility.
False. The SFP helps here.
(T/F) The income statement is prepared using accrual method if it is possible to estimate amount, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows.
(T/F) Highly marketable equity investment cannot be considered cash equivalents.
True. No maturity date.
(T/F) The amount of purchases/sales remain relatively unchanged from period to period - basic assumption of gross profit method.
False. What remains relatively unchanged should be gross profit rate, not absolute amount of purchases/sales
“Measurement of purchase involving derivatives
Allowed treatment: Net UGL-OCI of DL against Purchases”
“Unrealized gain to be reported as component of OCI for 2018” - Current year only! Not cumulative balance.
Okay! To make it cumulative balance, “as of” siguro…
(T/F) Debt investments are measured at either amortized cost, FVPL, and FVOCI.
(T/F) Debt investments under FV option, equity investments at FVPL and equity investments at FVOCI are exemptions from reclassification
(T/F) Opportunity cost is not recorded.
(T/F) Borrowing costs can be capitalized as cost of an asset when the asset is a qualifying asset and it is probable that the borrowing costs will result in future economic benefit and the costs can be measured reliably.
“Analyze the following terms related to the maritime term FAS:
(T/F) The seller must bear all expenses in delivering goods to the dock alongside the vessel. (Lahat ng goods sagot ng seller until the loading dock)
(T/F) The buyer bears all cost of loading and cost of shipment.
(T/F) Title passes to the buyer when the carrier takes possession of the goods.”
All true.