First nations, Métis, and HBC Flashcards
Describe how First Nations believe North America was created.
People began to fight and argue, The creator (Kitchi-Manitou) purified the earth with a flood.
Only Nanaboozhoo survived, but holding onto a log. He shared the log with the birds and animals.
Took turns swimming to bottom trying to get a piece of Earth. A muskrat finally got a piece of Earth but died. Nanaboozhoo packed Earth on a turtles back and North America came.
What is the spiritual worldview of First Nations people?
There’s an interconnection between all parts of the universe.
Everything has a spirit
Animals give up there life for human life.
How do First Nations people view land?
There is no ownership- people are just caretakers if land.
Resources were viewed as gifts from creator
What based most of First Nations languages?
What are some core values of First Nations people?
Respect Sharing Diversity Everyone contributing Giving Potlatches
What is oral tradition?
Passing down art, knowledge, ideas and culture orally
What is social organization?
What are the traditions method of social organization?
A relationship between and among individuals
- Kinship communities (blood relatives)
- Community size
- Roles and Contributions
- Traditional Education
- Justice and Conflict resolution
What Is Michif?
A language made up of English, French, Cree, and Ojibway spoken by Métis
What is the unofficial Métis anthem?
The red river jig
Name some roles of Métis woman.
- Make moccasins
- prepare pemmican
- Work at trading posts
- Cleaned and tanned hides
- Make snowshoes
- bead work
How did the Métis change Buffalo hunting?
Hundreds of Métis hunters got closer to the herd on horseback, select an animal and fire at close range.
Two organized hunts a year
What was the significance of the red river cart?
It could float
Who were the two men who asked French king to set up new trading post?
What was the Kings decision?
Medard Des Groseillier and Pierre Radison
French king put them in jail and fined them for not having proper trapping license.
Who do the French men turn to next?
What was his decision?
King Charles of England
Sent Nonsuch and Eaglet to North America. Eaglet doesn’t make it.
Fort sent up in James Bay creates a monopoly over Rupert’s land.
What did First Nations receive in the ritual of exchange if gifts?
What did the Europeans receive?
Metal tools, guns, alcohol (last)
Furs, knowledge of land, and technology
How did the French trade so well?
Went into First Nations communities directly.
Also able to marry First Nations woman and have family.
How did the French take York Factory?
In 1697 king of France sent fleet of ships. All but the Pelican were trapped in ice. The British couldn’t tell how many ships there was in the fog. 1 French ship took over York against three British ships.
What year did the French give up York in the treaty of Utrecht?
1712- French gave up claims to Hudson’s Bay Area and focused on North west
What is the overall goal of the North West Company?
To find the west and reach Pacific Ocean
Describe the Selkirk Settlement
In 1812 Thomas Douglas of Scotland receives title of Lord Selkirk. Buy shares in HBC and get gets land in Red River Valley. Hires Miles Macdonell to help with First immigrants.
Immigrants told not to interact with First Nations
Who helped the Selkirk settlers in their first year?
Chief peguis
Gave them food and survival skills
Who bans pemmican production and starts a war?
Miles Macdonell
What were the advantages and disadvantages to the Northwest and Hudson’s Bay companies?
Hudson’s Bay: Rich with shareholders, but has less fur. Able to lower to a price NWC can’t compete with.
Northwest Company: Has lots of furs, but no financial backing.
What year do HBC and NWC merge?
1821 under Hudson’s Bay Company