First Midterm - Class Notes Flashcards
What is Econ?
The study of the CHOICES people make and the actions they take in order to make the best use of SCARCE resources in meeting their WANTS and NEEDS ex. 4.0 GPS vs Social Life (Time is Scarce)
Econ Choices
Consider some activity X. Then a simple rule of econ is…
- If benefits (X) > Cost (X), then do activity X
- If cost (X) > Benefits (X), then do not do activity X
Ex. X is a policy to reduce speed limits on a highway from Edmonton to Calgary to 10 Km/HR
Costs: traffic, increased time, more cops, more emissions, replace signs, fuel consumption
Benefit: Less deaths
What are the 2 main branches of Econ?
MICROECON: The study of choices and actions of individual economic units such as households, firms, consumers etc.
MACROECON: The study of the behaviour of the entire economy, including issues like unemployment, inflation, and changes in the levels of national income
Judging Econ Allocations
Allocation of resources can be evaluated on the basis of …
1) EFFICIENCY: allocative efficiency is present when society resources are so organized that the present value of net benefits are maximized. (Net Benefits = Benefits - Cost)
2) EQUITY: Distributing goods and services in a manner considered by society to be FAIR
Positive vs Normative Econ
POSITIVE ECON: Involves statements about what is and can be tested by checking the statements against the observed facts. Ex. if the price of coffee raises, ppl will buy less
NORMATIVE ECON: Involves statements about what ought to be. Depends upon values and beliefs and can’t be tested Ex. Taxes should be used to re-dist income from high income families to low econ groups
Econ As a Science
Econ is a social science that seeks to explain how people act.
Like any other science it uses models, theories and assumptions to decide how people behave.
A model is a simplified description of the way things work.
A model is not a complete description of ever detail but rather a simple description that covers a wide range of possibilities
Models and theories are meant to provide an understanding and explanation.
They also should be useful in predicting behaviour
Econ is an EMPIRICAL science
Theories and models are tested against observed info
The Correlation Fallacy
Incorrect belief that correlation implies causation. (One causes another, possible 3rd factor)
The Post Hoc Fallacy
Special case of the correlation fallacy From latin “post hoc ergo propter hoc” meaning after this therefore bc of this
Error of reasoning that a first event causes a second event bc/ the first event occurred before the second Ex. Shopping causes christmas
Fallacy Composition
Incorrect belief that what is true for the individual is also true for the group.
Ex. When the econ is struggling, one individual takes out all of his money out of the bank, but if everyone does it, it will make the economy go into recession.
The Production Possibilities Front (PPF)
The graph that shows the combinations of goods that can be produced when the factors of production are utilized to their full potential. Is drawn for a given level of the society’s inputs (Labour, natural resources, capita) and for a given state of the society technology
TYPES OF POINTS ATTAINABLE: Points that are on the PPF graph line, and within
EFFECIENT: Strictly only the points that are on the PPF Graph line
INEFFECIENT: Points that are OUTSIDE of the PPF graph line PPF illustrates Scarcity and Choice When we make choices, we incur costs
Opportunity Cost
Is the benefit given up by not using the resource sin a next best alternative way
Ex. Opp Cost of Econ Class Sleeping has the most value to us. So that is our next best option, opportunity cost
Law of Increasing Costs
In order to produce extra amounts of one good, society must give up amounts of another good
This occurs because resources are not equally productive in all activities. Product workers with many years of experience for the bottled water company are very good at bottling water but not very good at making DVD’s. Other workers may not be very productive at bottling water so if we move them to DVDs from Bottled Water, production, we get an increase in quantity of DVDs but a small decrease in the quantity of bottled water. As we produce more DVDs, we would have to move ppl who are good at producing bottled water into DVD production Another unit of DVDs would cost an increasing number of bottled water.
This is true to some of capital inputs, we are moving resources away from their best relative use
The Market Economy
In economics, we assume that individuals act as if we are motivated by self interest and act in a rational way
The Rationality Assumption
Individuals do not intentionally make decisions that will leave them worse off Notice that the rationality assumption doesn’t imply that people only make choices based upon monetary benefits Nor, does it rule out acts of kindness or charity It only states that people will not intentionally make themselves worse off
The players in the market belong to what 3 groups?
Consumers of goods and services and the sellers of factors of production.
Objective: Maximize their satisfaction
Producers of goods and services and demanders of factors of production.
Objective: Maximize profits
All public officials
Objective: ???