First Line Poems Flashcards
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks
Dulce et decorum est
He clasps the crag with crooked hands
The eagle
The old woman across the way
The whipping
the last night she lived
The last night she lived
Mother deer, may I go down town
Ballad of Birmingham
Terrence, this is stupid stuff
Terrence this is stupid stuff
Had he and I but met
The man he killed
‘Tis true, ‘this day; what though it be?
Break of day
It’s wonderful how I jog
Animals are passing from our lives
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions
In ethics class so many years ago
The glass has been falling all afternoon
Storm warnings
At twenty she was brilliant and adored
Pathedy of manners
My old mans a while old man
Brushing out out daughter’s brown