First group verbs Flashcards
To give
Donner [duhnay]
I give
Je donne [duhn]
You give
Tu donnes [duhn]
He gives
il donne [duhn]
We give
Nous donnons [dohnohn]
We give
Nous donnons [dohnohn]
You give (formal/plural)
Vous donnez [dohneh]
They give
Ils donnent [duhn]
To talk
I talk
Je parler [parluh]
You talk
Tu parler [pahrluh]
He talks
Il parler [pahrluh]
We talk
Nous parlons [pahrlohn]
You talk (formal/group)
Vous parlez [pahrlay]
They talk
Ils parlent [pahrluh]
My name is Valerie
Je m’appelle Valerie
I eat chicken
Je mange du poulet
We think about you
Nous pensons à toi [noo pahnsahn ah twah)
They play football
Ils jouent au football (eel joo ooh football)
You draw very well
Vous dessinez très bien [voo dehsseeneh tray beeyah]