First Form Latin Sayings Flashcards
alma mater
nurturing mother
Anno Domini (A.D.)
In the year of our Lord
ante bellum
before the war
Caput Mundi
Head of the World
Carpe diem.
Seize the day.
Cave canem.
Beware the dog.
Civis Romanus sum.
I am a Roman citizen.
Docere, delectare, movere
To teach, to delight, to move
Errare est humanum.
To err is human.
Fortes fortuna juvat.
Fortune aids the brave.
In choro recitemus.
Let us recite together.
In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
Then we will fight in the shade.
Mater Italiae Roma.
The mother of Italy, Rome
nunc aut numquam
now or never
Ora et labora.
Pray and work.
Pax Romana
The Roman Peace
Quattro anni tempora
The four seasons of the year
Rex Regum
King of Kings
Roma Aeterna
Eternal Rome
semper fidelis
always faithful
Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR)
The Senate and People of Rome
Stabat Mater
The Mother was Standing
Veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Video et taceo.
I see and am silent.