First Exam (Chapter 1-2) Flashcards
define food and nutrition system
set of operations and processes involved in
transforming raw materials into foods and transforming nutrients into health outcomes, all of which function as a system within biophysical and socio-cultural contexts
major keys of resillient food and nutri system
-environmental integrity
-economics self-reliance
-social welfare
four major types of models commonly used to describe food and nutri system
-food chains
-food cycles
-food weds
-food contexts
food chain models focus on…?
flow of mats and objects through a seq of steps
ordered and linear
food cycle models focus on…?
feedback within the system
address concers sa output at each levels of the system
food web focuses on…?
interrelationship among driver nodes
inside and outside the system
food context models focus on…?
ecological perspective
the rel of the system to it’s environment
3 major system
each subsystem involves _____(#) stages that accomplish which things?
input, transformation, and output
nine stages representing the key processes in the whole system
1- production
2- processing
3- distribution
4- acquisition
5- preparation
6- consumption
7- digestion
8- transport
9- metabolism
food and nutrition system operates within a context consisting of other systems which are…?
-biophysical and social environments
food and nutri system has the ff components
-resource inputs
-nine stages
-health outcomes
resources from the environments of the food and nutrition system provide basic inputs into the system
resource inputs
includes biophysical factors such as materials, bioplasm, energy, air, land, and water
resource inputs
this subsystem emphasizes the creation of
foodstuffs and uses economic indicators as key measures of commodity production
producer subsystem
producer subsystem
transforms resources into crops and commodities
collect foods from the envi through hunting/fishing
food production
producer subsytem
transfers raw agricultural goods and harvested food resources into foodstuffs
food processing
producer subsystem
transfers output from production and processing through multiple channels to places where food acquisition occurs
food distrib
subsystem focuses on obtaining foods and uses utilities of various types as measures of food consumption.
it also focuses on the household as a unit that acquires foodstuffs, and then prepares these into meals and/or snacks for consumption.
consumer subsystem
consumer subsystem
involves procurement at various market distribution channels of raw, processed, or prepared foodstuffs and foods.
food acquistion
food choices and selection by consumers are shaped by…?
life course, social influences, and personal systems
consumer subsystem
involves the transformation of raw foodstuffs into consumable foods
food preparation
consumer subsystem
involves the selection, serving, and eating of food items.
food consumption
how can consumption occur without eating??
medical procedures of enteral and parenteral nutrition (not oral_
the _________ is the link between the consumer subsystem and the nutrition subsystem
this subsystem focuses on obtaining nutrients and avoiding contaminants, this also uses physiological indicators as measures of biological functioning.
nutrition subsystem
nutrition subsystem
foods enter the gastrointestinal tract to be broken down into nutrients
nutrition subsystem
after the food is absorbed, it goes to specific sites in the body
nutrition subsystem
involves the metabolism of particular nutrients for use
in the body, where food components are involved in metabolic processes and homeostatic mechanisms.
major outcome of the food and nutri system
refers to the resulting condition of the body resulting from intake, absorption, and use of nutrients.
nutritional status
state of imbalance of the body
serves as conceptual models for thinking about relationships among various sectors.
7 major frameworks presented
1- relationship of the FNS to selected other systems
2- schema showing main linkages between FNS and an indiv’s nutri stats
3- conceptual framework of food systems for diet and nutri
4- conceptual framework for understanding possible causes of malnutrition
5- nutrition and development
6- nutrition ecology and econutrition
7- food and nutrition security
the conceptual framework of food systems for diet and nutri highlights 5 major drivers
1- biophys and envi
2- innovation, tech, and infrastrac
3- political and economic
4- socio-cultural
conceptual framework of food systems for diets and nutrition driver
includes natural resource capital, ecosystem services, and climate change
biophys and envi drivers