first deck "task" Flashcards
Definition: The humane and painless killing of an animal, especially to end suffering.
Example Sentence: The veterinarian administered euthanasia to the terminally ill dog to alleviate its pain and distress.
Pronunciation Guide: yoo-thuh-ney-zhuh
Definition: Inflammation of the skin.
Example Sentence: The cat was diagnosed with dermatitis, which led to redness and itching of the skin.
Pronunciation Guide: dur-muh-TAHY-tis
Definition: The study of blood and its disorders.
Example Sentence: The veterinary clinic offers comprehensive hematology tests to assess the blood health of animals.
Pronunciation Guide: hee-muh-TOL-uh-jee
Definition: Inflammation of the ear.
Example Sentence: The dog was treated for otitis, which caused discomfort and discharge from the ear.
Pronunciation Guide: oh-TAHY-tis
Definition: Difficult or labored breathing.
Example Sentence: The horse exhibited signs of dyspnea after physical exertion, indicating respiratory distress.
Pronunciation Guide: disp-NEE-uh
Definition: The branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.
Example Sentence: The veterinary ophthalmologist specializes in the treatment of ocular diseases and conditions in animals.
Pronunciation Guide: op-thuh m-OL-uh-jee
Definition: Inflammation of the joints.
Example Sentence: The aging cat developed arthritis, leading to stiffness and discomfort in its joints.
Pronunciation Guide: ahr-thrahy-tis
Definition: A condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood.
Example Sentence: The veterinarian diagnosed the dog with anemia, characterized by weakness and pale gums.
Pronunciation Guide: uh-NEE-mee-uh
Definition: Inflammation of the urinary bladder.
Example Sentence: The cat exhibited signs of discomfort due to cystitis, prompting a visit to the veterinarian.
Pronunciation Guide: si-STIT-is
Definition: Abnormally rapid heart rate.
Example Sentence: The dog’s tachycardia was a cause for concern, prompting immediate evaluation by the veterinary cardiologist.
Pronunciation Guide: tak-i-KAHR-dee-uh
Definition: Relating to the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth.
Example Sentence: The veterinarian identified periodontal disease in the dog’s gums, requiring dental intervention.
Pronunciation Guide: per-ee-uh-DON-tl
Definition: Any disorder or disease of the brain.
Example Sentence: The cat’s encephalopathy manifested as neurological symptoms warranting neurological examination.
Pronunciation Guide: en-sef-uh-LAH-puh-thee
Definition: Inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane lining the abdominal cavity.
Example Sentence: The rabbit’s peritonitis led to abdominal pain and discomfort necessitating urgent treatment.
Pronunciation Guide: per-i-tn-AHY-tis
Definition: Inflammation of the heart muscle.
Example Sentence: The dog’s myocarditis caused symptoms of heart failure, requiring cardiology evaluation.
Pronunciation Guide: mahy-uh-kahr-DAHY-tis
Definition: Formation of urinary stones or calculi within the urinary system.
Example Sentence: The diagnosis of urolithiasis in the cat called for a specialized diet to prevent stone formation.
Pronunciation Guide: yoo-roh-luh-THAHY-uh-sis
Definition: Surgical removal of the spleen.
Example Sentence: The splenectomy was performed to address the dog’s ruptured spleen caused by trauma.
Pronunciation Guide: spli-NEK-tuh-mee
Definition: Abnormally low levels of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the blood.
Example Sentence: The neutropenia in the kitten left it vulnerable to infections, requiring vigilant care.
Pronunciation Guide: noo-truh-PEE-nee-uh
Definition: Examination of the larynx (voice box) using a specialized instrument.
Example Sentence: The laryngoscopy revealed a growth in the dog’s larynx, causing breathing difficulties.
Pronunciation Guide: lar-ing-GOS-kuh-pee
Definition: Surgical incision into the stomach.
Example Sentence: The gastrotomy was necessary to remove a foreign object from the dog’s stomach.
Pronunciation Guide: gas-TRAH-tuh-mee
The natural process of bone formation or hardening.
Example Sentence: The ossification of the kitten’s bones was observed during its growth and development.
Pronunciation Guide: os-uh-fi-KAY-shuhn
Definition: Abnormally rapid breathing rate.
Example Sentence: The kitten’s tachypnea indicated respiratory distress, warranting immediate attention.
Pronunciation Guide: tak-ip-NEE-uh
Definition: Excessive urination.
Example Sentence: The polyuria observed in the dog raised concerns about its kidney function.
Pronunciation Guide: pol-ee-YOOR-ee-uh
Definition: Enlargement of the liver.
Example Sentence: The hepatomegaly in the ferret was identified during a routine physical examination.
Pronunciation Guide: hep-uh-toh-MEG-uh-lee
Definition: A stitch or row of stitches holding together the edges of a wound.
Example Sentence: The veterinarian applied a suture to close the surgical incision on the horse’s leg.
Pronunciation Guide: SOO-chur
Definition: Surgical incision into the chest wall, often to access the heart or lungs.
Example Sentence: A thoracotomy was performed to address a thoracic injury in the cat.
Pronunciation Guide: thaw-ruh-KOT-uh-mee
Definition: Surgical incision into the chest wall, often to access the heart or lungs.
Example Sentence: A thoracotomy was performed to address a thoracic injury in the cat.
Pronunciation Guide: thaw-ruh-KOT-uh-mee