First Deck Flashcards
Identify the type of bacteria that causes tetanus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis,and diphtheria.
Which type of bacteria is responsible for food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome?
Diseases that can be spread trom one person to another are said to be communicable or…
The presence of pus is a sign of…
To effectively disinfect tools, ethyl alcohol must be no less than what percent
What is sodium hypochlorite?
What should you do with your latex gloves after performing a service or cleaning up contaminated implements and surfaces?
What does motile mean in terms of microbes?
OSHA guidelines are important because they address issues relating to handling, mixing, storing, and
disposing of products; general safety; and, most important, your right to know the ___________
in the products you
use in the workplace.
There are four categories of potentially infectious microorganisms that are important in the practice of
What is the role of non-pathogenic bacteria?
The thousands of different bacteria fall into these two categories:
What does disinfection mean?
Dirt, oils, and microbes are:
You should be wearing ______ and _______ when disinfecting implements?
Cocci are transmitted:
What are bloodborne pathogens?
An aseptic procedure involves handling sterilized and disinfected equipment and supplies to prevent them from becoming contaminated:
What is a fourth-degree burn?
Cells are composed of ________, a colorless, jelly-like substance in which food elements and water are present.