First Check Point Flashcards
All present
All seeing / all knowing
All powerful
All loving
What is the first cause theory
Thomas Aquinas’ theory of that everything was caused by something, so god caused the universe
What is evidence for the first cause theory
That change is normally triggered by something, but it can’t keep going back for ever, so it eventually comes to god
What are challenges to the first cause theory
What caused god
It could just go on for ever
What is the design argument
William Paley’s theory that all complex things have to be designed, and the universe is complex, so the only thing powerful enough to create the universe is god
Evidence for the design argument
Most complex things have to be designed, eg a pocket watch, so there for god designed the universe
Arguments against the design argument
What designed god
List a scientist who was religious
Newton was very devout
How can science and religion co-exist together
Some religious groups say that god could have caused the Big Bang
4 ways god can be experienced in the world
Prayer, visions, the holy book and sacred places
How is god present in prayer
Prayer is how Christians communicate with God.
Gives Christians comfort as they feel that God is listening and may send messages back.
Can be set or not
How is god present in the holy book
Christians believe that the Bible is different from
any other book because it is God’s word.
They believe God reveals himself through the Bible.
How is god present in sacred places
By visiting these places, it can bring the believer closer to God.
How is god present in visions
Some people believe they have or can experience God’s presence in the world
through something called a ‘special revelation’.
These experiences can often have a huge impact on someone and change
their life.