First Amendment - Religion Flashcards
What are the religion clauses in the First Amendment?
1) Establishment Clause
2) Free Exercise Clause
What is the Establishment Clause?
Cannot make a law that furthers or establishes a religion.
What is the Free Exercise clause?
Government cannot prevent or interfere with the exercise of person’s religion
What is the Lemon Test for the Establishment Clause?
A law must have these to fulfill the Establishment Clause:
1) A secular Purpose;
2) A Secular Effect;
3) Excessive Entanglement
Welsh v. US
Will the Court determine whether a belief is true or false when deciding their claim?
No. The court will not determine the truth of the religion. They will only examine whether the individual believes their beliefs. The court will examine their sincerity and the role the belief plays in their life.
US v. Ballard
What are the two freedoms included in the freedom of religion?
1) The freedom to believe whatever they want.
2) The freedom to act in accordance with that belief.
The freedom to believe is absolute, however, the freedom to act is not.
Does an individual have to believe their religion the same way as the majority of the religion, or can they follow the beliefs in their own way to get the First Amendments protection?
The Court has stated that the dominant views in a faith are not determinative in assessing whether a particular belief is religious in nature.
An individuals belief may differ from the mainstream religion, but those beliefs are still protected if they are sincere.
What is the overarching rule of the Free Exercise Clause?
Government cannot compel or punish religious beliefs; people may think and believe anything they want. However, the government may regulate the conduct of beliefs.
Employment Division v. Smith
What is the current scrutiny for the Free Exercise Clause?
Rational Basis Review
Religion cannot set the laws, the government cannot examine religion when making laws.
Employment Division v. Smith
What is the only time freedom of religion will bar application of a generally applicable law?
When the freedom of religion is combined with another Constitutional law.
Wisconsin v. Yoder
Can the Government require compulsory schooling, even if it violates a person’s religion?
No. The court will not require compulsory schooling if it will violate a person’s religious beliefs.
US v. Lee
Can individuals claim their religion does not allow them to pay social security taxes?
No. The Court stated that the free exercise clause should not interfere with the governments ability to run their procedures.
Bowen v. Roy
Can the Free Exercise Clause dictate government procedures?
No. The Free Exercise clause affords an individual protection from certain forms of government compulsion, however, it does not afford the individual a right to dictate government’s procedures.
Hosanna Church v. EEDC
Can the government regulate whom a church makes their ministers?
No. The religions have the final say as to whom their ministers will be, even if their decision is discriminatory.
Cutter v. Wilkinson
Can the government accommodate religions?
Yes. The Government can accommodate religious practices without violating the establishment clause.
Cutter v. Wilkinson
What is the test for how much government accommodation is allowed?
Elevating the accommodation of religious observances over an institutions need to maintain order and safety.
The accommodation must be measured so that it does not override other significant interests.
Must also fulfill a compelling government interest, the context of the statute also matters.
Locke v. Davey
Can a state limit the application of a scholarship to a field that is non-religious in nature?
Yes. The state can deny funding for religious beliefs and not violate the free exercise clause.