First Aid Treatments Flashcards
Diagnosis: Hyperventilation
- lead casualty away to a quieter place
- encourage to do breathing exercises
Diagnosis: Asthma
- administer inhaler
Diagnosis: Croup
- reassure casualty
- create steamy atmosphere
Diagnosis: Penetrating Chest Wound
- seal the chest
- three tape
- ask them sit down
Diagnosis: Shock
- Ask them to lie down and elevate legs
- Loosen tight clothing
Diagnosis: External Bleeding
- Direct Pressure
- Elevate / Support injured part
Diagnosis: Impalement
- support body weight of casualy
- it is to ensure that the item doesnt penetrate the wound further-
Diagnosis: Amputation
- wrap the part in plastic bag / kitchen film
- wrap bag in gauze / soft fabric and place in container full of cold (ice / water)
Diagnosis: Crush Injury
- if more than 15min alr then don’t remove cause of injury
- if less then control bleeding and support fracture (ifany)
Diagnosis: Cuts and grazes
- clean wound (run under water)
- area around the wound cleaned with soap & water
Diagnosis: Bruising
- Raise and support
- Cold Press
Diagnosis: Blisters
- wash with water and rinse
- cover with adhesive dressing/blister plaster
- do not burst
Diagnosis: Foreign Object in Wound
- Apply pressure around object (wrap with padding)
Diagnosis: Scalp and Head Wounds
- Help causalty lie down (head and shoulders slightly raised)
Diagnosis: Eye Wouds
- keep both eyes still
Diagnosis: Bleeding from Ear
- tilt head towards injured side (let blood flow out)
Diagnosis: Nosebleed
- sit up and tilt head forward
- ask to not SSCSS
- breathe through mouth
speak, swallow, cough, spit or sniff
Diagnosis: Finger Injury
- Secure finger with tubular wound dressing (just wrap the finger with round dressing)
Diagnosis: Wound to the palm
- ask casualty to clench his fist over steril dressing
- bandage 4 finger no thumb
Diagnosis: Any Fractures
- immobilise the injured limb to the uninjured limb
Diagnosis: Open Fracture
- cover wound with sterile dressing/large non-fluffy pad
- apply pressire around injury
Diagnosis: Strains and Sprains
- Secure it with a support bandage that extends next join
Diagnosis: Burns
- flood burn for 10 - 20 mins
Diagnosis: Heat Stroke
- give plenty of fluids
- wrap in cold, wet sheet
- shade
Diagnosis: Hypothermia
- give casualty warm drinks and high-energy foods
Diagnosis: Anaphylactic Shock (after applying epipen)
- ask casualty to sit up right
Diagnosis: Fainting
- Elevate legs