First Aid Respiratory/ MSK Flashcards
(a) Pathology
(b) Physical exam finding
(c) CXR finding
Emphysema = obstructive pulmonary disease (causes air trapping)
(a) Air space enlargement, reduced recoil and diffusion capacity, increased compliance
Increased elastase activity => loss of elastase fibers => increased compliance
(b) Pursed lip breathing = self PEEP
Exhaling thru pursed lips increases airway pressure
(c) CXR: barrel chest (increased AP diameter 2/2 air trapping)
Name the term that describes max volume that can be expired after a max inspiration
Vital capacity
2 things diphenhydramine is indicated for besides allergy
Motion sickness, sleep aid
2 histologic features of thyroid papillary carcinoma
- Orphan annie cells = empty-appearing nuclei
- psamomma bodies
- also seen in meningiomas and ovarian cystadenoma
Which lung cancer is associated w/
(a) Small dark blue cells
(b) Keratin pears
(c) Nests of neuroendocrine cells
(d) Glandular pattern on histology
Lung cancers: small cell and non-small cell (adenocarcinoma, squamous cell, large cell, bronchial carcinoid)
(a) Small dark blue cells = small cell (neoplasm of neuroendocrine cells)
(b) Keratin pearls seen in squamous cell carcinoma (central, RF: smoking)
(c) Nests of neuroendocrine cells = bronchial carcinoid tumor
(d) Glandular pattern = adenocarcinoma
What is pulmonary compliance?
(a) Example of disease that reduces pulm compliance
Pulmonary compliance = amount of volume change per unit of pressure
-so high compliance means it takes a lot of volume w/ a little pressure
(a) Decrease in pulmonary compliance w/ pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary edema (decreases efficacy of diffusion surface)
Pathology of bronchiectasis (2 mechanisms)
(a) Associated conditions/RFs
(b) Clinical symptoms
Bronchiectasis = chronic inflammation and inability to clear mucoid secretions
(a) CF, primary ciliary immotility (Kartageners), smoking
(b) Productive cough, recurrent infections, hemoptysis
Differentiate Bohr and Haldane effect of H+ on Hb
Bohr effect in tissues where high H+ promotes O2 unloading
Haldane effect in the lungs where high O2 promotes H+ dissociation and CO2 formation
Tumor marker for medullary thyroid cancer
-medullary thyroid cancer = of parafollicular (C-cells)
Compare the prognosis of lung cancers:
- large cell
- bronchial carcinoid
Bronchial carcinoid has excellent prognosis, while large cell carcinoma has a poor prognosis (less responsive to chemotherapy)
Obstructive vs. restrictive pulmonary disease
(a) Lung volumes
(b) FEV1/FVC ratio
(a) Air trapping => increased volumes
(b) Pathognomonic reduces ratio (under 80%) b/c both are reduced by FEV1 is more significantly reduced
(a) Decreased volumes, expansion is restricted
(b) Ratio is normal, at or over 80%
MC cause of fat emboli
Long bone fracture
Typical presentation: pt fractures femur then becomes suddenly SOB w/ CP
Two places pain from the diphragm radiates
Pain from diaphragmatic irritation (ex: air or blood in peritoneal cavity) can be referred to the shoulder (C5) and trapezius (C3,C4) b/c C3,4, and 5 keep you breathing and alive (phrenic nerve)
Give example of causes of hypoxemia with
(a) Normal A-a gradient
(b) Elevated A-a gradient
Normal Alveolar-arterial gradient = 10-15mmHg
(a) Hypoxemia w/ normal gradient: high altitude, hypoventilation (ex: opioid overdose causing respiratory depression)
(b) Hypoxia w/ elevated A-a gradient from V/Q mismatch or a limitation in diffusion (ex: fibrosis), or right to left shunt
(a) CXR
(b) CT
(c) Histology findings
(d) How is severity graded?
(a) B/l alveolar infiltrates
(b) CT: found glass opacities, dependent consolidations
(c) Histo: diffuse alveolar damage w/ exudate (protein-rich leakage) forming intra-alveolar hyaline membrane
(d) Severity graded on PaO2 / FiO2 ratio or by required PEEP
Tx of ARDS- 2 parts
- Tx underlying cause: pneumonia, sespis, acute pancreatitis, uremia
- Vent w/ high PEEP and low tidal volumes
- high PEEP to prevent airway collapse at end-expiration and to recruit collapsed alveoli
- LOOWWW tidal volumes
Give a brief overview of basic asthma tx
Acute rescue inhaler = beta-agonist (to cause bronchodilation) Albuterol
For persistent asthma- start w/ daily meds
- Low dose ICS (inhaled corticosteroid fluticasone, budesonide) or can use monteleukast (antileukotriene)
- add LABA (Salmeterol) or monteleukast
- oral steroids if acutely in need
MC cause of primary spontaneous pneumotohorax
Rupture of apical blebs or cysts, MC found in tall young thin males
Chronic bronchitis
(a) Clinical definition
(b) Pathology
(c) Physical exam findings
Chronic bronchitis = obstructive pulmonary disease
(a) Productive cough for 3+ mo of the year for 2 or more years (not necessarily consecutive)
(b) Hyperplasia of mucus secreting secreting glands in the bronchi
(c) Wheezing, crackles, cyanosis, CO2 retention (hypercapnia) => secondary polycythemia
Malignancy associated w/ asbestosis exposure
Complications of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
(a) Heart
(b) Lungs
(c) If give supplemental O2
(a) Patent ductus arteriosus b/c not a big enough increase of O2 tension that usually occurs at birth to close the shunt
(b) Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
(c) Giving 100% O2 can cause free radical damage of eyes and lungs => blindness, pulmonary dysplasia
Sleep apnea
(a) Differentiate central vs. obstructive
(b) Presenting symptoms
(c) Lab abnormality
Sleep apnea = repeated breathing arrest for at least 10 seconds during sleep
(a) Central due to lack of respiratory effort from reduced CNS drive. Obstructive from physical obstruction of the airway
(b) Daytime sleepiness
(c) Polycythemia- chronic hypoxia stimulating EPO release
What are club/Clara cells?
Club/clara cells = bronchiolar exocrine cells
- secrete detoxifying substance
- act as stem cells to regenerate bronchiolar epithelium
Mechanism of pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine
(a) Indication
(b) Toxicity
Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are both alpha agonists (Sudafed)
(a) Used as nasal decongestants- wrk by reducing edema, nasal congestion
(b) Toxicity- HTN, anxiety for pseudoephedrine 2/2 CNS stimulation
2 complications of pancoast tumor
Pancoast tumor = carcinoma in the lung apex
- invasion of cervical sympathetic chain => Horner’s (ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, anihidrosis)
- SVC syndrome- medical emergency of blocked SVC drainage
Predictive factor for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
L:S ratio in amniotic fluid under 1.5
-indicating not enough surfactant => fetal lungs have high surface tension causing alveolar collapse
(lecithin:spingomyelin ratio)
Which drug is especially good for aspirin-induced asthma
Monteleukast (antileukotriene)
Which cancers have Psammoma bodies
Psammoma: concentric, laminated, calcified spheres
High yield: PSaMMoma Papillary thyroid carcinoma Serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary Meningioma Mesothelioma (lung)
Which lung cancers are central
‘Sentral’: small cell, squamous cell
Squamous cell: hilar mass arising from the bronchus
What is Homan’s sign?
Physical exam finding of DVT
-calf pain upon dorsiflexion of the foot
Differentiate guaifenesin and dextromethorphan
Guaifenesin (Mucinex, Robittusin) is an expectorant- doesn’t suppress the cough reflex, just thins respiratory secretions
Dextromethorphan (Robittusin) is an antitussive (antagonist of NMDA glutamate receptors)
-abusive potential, mild opioid effect when used in excess
-Robittusin actually has both expectorant and antitussive
Describe the cell type lining the upper vs. lower respiratory tract
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar cells to the terminal bronchioles, then cuboidal cells in bronchioles
Next line of tx for allergic asthma resistant to inhaled steroids and LABA
Omalizumab = monoclonal anti-IgE antibody
-binds to unbound serum IgE
Ferrous vs. ferric
(a) Hgb form
Just the “2 of us” => ferrous = Fe2+
Ferric = Fe3+
(a) Hgb w/ Fe2+ has high affinity for O2, while methemoglobin is oxidized (Hb-Fe3+) and has lower affinity for O2
3 criteria of Light’s criteria for exudative pleural effusion
- Fluid:serum protein over 0.5
- Fluid:serum LDH over 0.6
- Fluid LDH over 2/3(ULN)
46 yo F admitted for severe pancreatis, w/in 24 hrs develops severe hypoxemia requiring vent support w/ high FiO2
- rhonci and crackles of exam
- ABG on 60% FiO2: pH 7.43, pCO2 35, PO2 108
Dx = ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
- acute inflammatory lung injury w/ increased vascular permeability of the lungs
- PaO2 / FiO2 ratio grades severity
- leakage of protein-rich (exudative) fluid causes noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
Differentiate diphenhydramine from loratadine
(a) Side effect
(b) Indication
Diphenhydramine (benadryl) is a first generation H1 histamine receptor blocker, toxicity includes sedation
-so is dimenhydrinate (dramamine)
Loratadine (Claritin) is a second generation w/ much less CNS entry (b/c lipophobic) => far less sedating
-so is fexofenadine (Allegra) and cetrizine (Zyrtec)
-allergy indicated for both, diphenhydramine also indicated for motion sickness and sleep aid
B/l hilar lymphadenopathy w/ noncaseating granulomas
Sarcoidosis = restrictive pulmonary lung disease
Utility of the alveolar gas equation
Use the alveolar gas equation to calculate partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli, then can use this to calculate the A-a (Alveolar-arterial) gradient
Exposures to the following affect the upper or lower lobes?
(a) Asbestosis
(b) Coal
(c) Silica
(a) Asbestosis affects lower lobes
(b,c) Coal and silica
3 parts of Virchow’s triad
Endothelial damage (exposed collagen triggers the clotting cascade)
Thyroid cancer
(a) MC
(b) Not from follicular cells
(c) Worst prognosis
(d) Associated w/ Hashimoto’s
(e) MC benign thyroid neoplasm
Thyroid cancer
(a) 90% are papillary thyroid cancer, excellent prognosis => thyroidectomy
(b) Medullary thyroid cancer is from parafollicular (calcitonin, not PTH, secreting) cells
(c) Anaplastic/undifferentiated (only 1-2% of thyroid cancers) progress rapidly and have poor prognosis
(d) B-cell lymphoma associated w/ Hashimoto’s
(e) MC benign thyroid neoplasm = follicular adenoma
Which lung cancer cells may produce
(a) Carcinoid syndrome
(b) Cushings
(d) Hypercalcemia
(e) beta-hCG
(f) Lambert-Eaton
Lung cancer paraneoplastic syndromes
(a) Carcinoid syndrome (flushing, diarrhea, wheezing 2/2 5-HT secretion) by bronchial carcinoid tumor
(b) Cushings (2/2 ACTH secretion) by small cell
(c) SIADH by small cell
(d) Hypercalcemia 2/2 PTHrP secretion by squamous cell carcinoma
(e) beta-hCG can be secreted by large cell carcinoma
(f) Lambert-Eaton 2/2 antibodies against pre-synaptic Ca2+ channels 2/2 small cell carcinoma
Which 4 structures (and at what vertebral level) perforate the diaphragm?
“I ate 10 eggs at 12”
IVC T8, T10 esophagus, aorta T12
T8- vena cava (IVC)
T10- esophagus and vagus (CN X at T10)
T12- aorta