First Aid: Rapid Review Flashcards
Diagnose: Acute abdominal pain, ascites and hepatomegaly
Budd-Chiari Syndrome (post-hepatic venous thrombosis)
Diagnose: Achilles tendon xanthoma.
Familial Hypercholesterolemia type II.
Diagnose: Adrenal hemorrhage, hypotension, DIC
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome from meningococcemia
Diagnose: Anterior drawer sign
ACL injury
Diagnose: Arachnodactyly, lens dislocation, aortic dissection, hyperflexible joints.
Marfan Syndrome
Diagnose: Athlete with polycytemia
EPO injection
Diagnose: Back pain, fever, night sweats, weight loss
Pott disease
Diagnose: bilateral hilar adenopathy, uveitis
Diagnose: Blue Sclera
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Diagnose: Bluish line on gingiva
Lead poisoning (Burton line)
Diagnose: Bone pain, bone enlargement, arthritis
Paget Disease of Bone
Diagnose: Bounding pulses, diastolic murmur, head bobbing.
Aortic regurg
Diagnose: Butterfly facial rash and Raynaud’s on a young female
Diagnose: Cafe-au-lait spots, Lisch nodules (iris hamartomas)
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Look for pheo and optic neuromas)
Diagnose: Cafe-au-lait spots, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, multiple endocrine abnormalities.
McCune-Albright Syndrome
Diagnose: Calf psuedohypertrophy
Muscular Dystrophy
Diagnose: Cherry-red spots on macula
Tay-Sachs (w/o hepatomegaly) or Niemann-Pick (w/ hepatomegaly)
Diagnose: Chest pain on exertion.
Diagnose: Chest pain, pericardial effusion, friction rub, persistent fever following an MI.
Dressler Syndrome
Diagnose: Child uses hands to stand from squat.
Gower sign of Muscular Dystrophy
Diagnose: Child with fever later develops red rash on face that spread to body
Parvovirus B19
Diagnose: Chorea, dementia, caudate degeneration
Huntington disease
Diagnose: Chronic exercise intolerance with myalgia, fatigue, painful cramps, and myoglobinuria.
McArdle Disease
Diagnose: Cold intolerance
Diagnose: Conjugate lateral gaze palsy, horizontal diplopia
Internuclear opthalmoplegia (damage to MLF due to stroke or MS)
Diagnose: Continuous machine like heart murmur?
Diagnose: Cutaneous/dermal edema due to connective tissue deposition
Myxedema (caused by Graves disease)
Diagnose: Dark purple skin/mouth nodules in a patient with AIDS
Kaposi sarcoma
Diagnose: Deep, labored breathing/hyperventilation.
Kussmaul respirations (DKA)
Diagnose: Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea.
Pellagra (The three Ds of B3)
Diagnose: Dilated cardiomyopathy, edema, alcoholism or malnutrition
Wet Beriberi
Diagnose: Dog or cat bite resulting in infection
Pasteurella Multocida
Diagnose: Dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
Sjorgen Syndrome
Diagnose: Dysphagia (esophageal webs), glossitis, anemia
Plummer-Vinson syndrome from iron deficiency
Diagnose: Elastic skin, hypermotility of joints
Diagnose: Enlarged, hard left supraclavicular node
Virchow Node (mets from abdomen)
Diagnose: Erythroderma, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical T cells
Mycosis fungoides (cutanous T-Cell lymphoma) or Sezary syndrome (same + atypical T cells in the blood)
Diagnose: Facial muscle spasm upon tapping
Hypocalcemia (Chvostek sign)
Diagnose: Fat, female, forty, and fertile
Diagnose: Fever, chills, headache, myalgia following antibiotic treatment for syphilis
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (rapid lysis of spirochetes results in toxin release)
Diagnose: Fever, cough, conjunctivitis, coryza, diffuse rash
Diagnose: Fever, night sweats, weight loss
B symptoms (particularly of lymphoma)
Diagnose: Fibrous plaques in soft tissue of penis
Peyronie disease
Diagnose: Gout, intellectual disability, self-mutilating behavior in a boy
Diagnose: Green-yellow rings around peripheral cornea.
Wilson Disease (Kayser-Fleischer Rings)
Diagnose: Hamartomatous GI polyps, hyperpigmentation of mouth, feet and hands.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Diagnose: Hepatosplenomegaly, osteoporosis, neurologic symptoms
Gaucher’s Disease
Diagnose: Hereditary nephritis, sensorineural hearing loss, cataracs.
Alport syndrome (mutation in collagen IV)
Diagnose: Hyperphagia, hypersexuality, hyperorality, hyperdocility.
Kluver-Bucy syndrome (amygdala)
Diagnose: Hyperreflexia, hypertonia, Babinski sign
UMN lesion
Diagnose: hyporeflexia, hypotonia, atrophy, fasciculations
LMN lesion
Diagnose: Hypoxemia, polycythemia, hypercapnia
Chronic bronchitis
Diagnose: Indurated, ulcerated genital lesion
If painless Syphilis, if painful w/ exudate Haemophilus Ducreyi.
Diagnose: Infant with cleft lip/palate, microcephaly or holoprosencephaly, polydactyly, cutis aplasia.
Patau syndrome
Diagnose: Infant with failure to thrive, hepatosplenomegaly, and neurodegeneration.
Niemann-Pick disease
Diagnose: Infant with hypoglycemia, failure to thrive, and hepatomegaly.
Cori (de-branching enzyme) or Von Gierke (glucose-6-phosphatase)
Diagnose: Infant with microcephaly, rocker-bottom feet, clenched hands, and structural heart defect
Edwards Syndrome
Diagnose: Jaundice, palpable distended non-tender gallbladder.
Courvoisier sign (distal obstruction of biliary tree)
Diagnose: Large rash with bull’s-eye appearance.
Erythema Migrans from Lyme
Diagnose: Lucid interval after traumatic brain injury.
Epidural hematoma
Diagnose: Male child, recurrent infection, no mature B cells.
Brutons disease (X-linked agammaglobulinemia)
Diagnose: Mucosal bleeding and prolonged bleeding time.
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia (defective GpIIb/IIIa)
Diagnose: Muffled heart sounds, distended neck veins, hypotension.
Becks triad of cardiac tamponade
Diagnose: Multiple colon polyps, osteomas/soft tissue tumors, impacted/supernumary teeth.
Gardner syndrome (Sub-type of FAP)
Diagnose: Myopathy (infantile hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), exercise intolerance.
Pompe Disease (acid maltase AKA alpha-glucosidase)
Diagnose: Neonate with arm paralysis following difficult birth
Erb-Duchenne Palsy (C5-C6 superior trunk)
Diagnose: No lactation post-partum, absent menstruation, cold intolerance
Sheehan Syndrome (Pituitary Infarction)
Diagnose: Nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech, bilateral internuclear opthalmoplegia.
Multiple Sclerosis
Diagnose: Oscillating slow and fast breathing.
Cheyne-Stokes respirations (In CHF or with high intracranial pressure)
Diagnose: Painful blue fingers/toes, hemolytic anemia.
Cold Agglutinin disease caused by Mycoplasma Pneumonia.
Diagnose: Painful, pale, cold fingers and toes.
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Diagnose: Painful, raised red lesions on pad of fingers or toes.
Oslers nodes of infective endocarditis.
Diagnose: Painless erythematous lesions on palms and soles.
Janeway Lesions of infective endocarditis.
Diagnose: Painless jaundice
Cancer of the pancreatic head obstructing the bile duct. Or Gilbert Syndrome.
Diagnose: Palpable purpura on buttocks/legs, joint pain, abdominal pain (child), hematuria.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (IgA Vasculitis)
Diagnose: Pancreatic, pituitary and parathyroid tumors.
MEN 1 (Autosomal dominant)
Diagnose: Periorbital and/or peripheral edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia.
Nephrotic Syndrome
Diagnose: Pink complexion, dyspnea, hyperventilation.
Emphysema (“pink puffer”)
Diagnose: Polyuria, renal tubular acidosis type II, growth failure, electrolyte imbalance, hypophosphatemic rickets.
Fanconi Syndrome (proximal tubule reabsorption defect)
Diagnose: Pruritic, purple, polygonal planar papules and plaques.
Linchen Planus
Diagnose: Ptosis, Miosis, Anhidrosis
Horner Syndrome
Diagnose: Pupil accomodates but does not react.
Argyll Robertson pupil (neurosyphilis)
Diagnose: Rapidly progressive leg weakness that ascends following GI / upper respiratory infection.
Guillain Barre Syndrome
Diagnose: Rash on palms and soles
Coxsackie A, 2o Syphilis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Diagnose: Recurrent colds, unusual eczema, high serum IgE.
Hyper-IgE syndrome (Job syndrome, autosomal dominant deficiency in Th17 cells)
Diagnose: Red “currant jelly” sputum in alcoholic or diabetic patients
Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Diagnose: Red “currant jelly” stools
Acute mesenteric ischemia or intussusception depending on the age.
Diagnose: Red, itchy, swollen rash of nipple/areola
Paget disease of the breast
Diagnose: Red urine in the morning, fragile RBCs
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Diagnose: Renal cell carcinoma (bilateral), hemangioblastoma, angiomatosis, pheochromocytoma.
von Hippel-Lindau disease
Diagnose: Resting tremor, rigidity, akinesia, postural instability.
Parkinson Disease
Diagnose: Retinal hemorrhages with pale centers.
Roth Spots (bacterial endocarditis)
Diagnose: Severe Jaundice in a neonate
Crigler-Najal syndrome (unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
Diagnose: Severe RLQ pain with palpation of LLQ.
Rovsing sign (acute appendicitis)
Diagnose: Severe RLQ pain with rebound tenderness.
McBurney sign (acute appendicitis)
Diagnose: Short stature, increase incidence of tumors/leukemia, aplastic anemia.
Fanconi Anemia (Genetic loos of DNA cross-link repair; progresses to AML)
Diagnose: Single palmar crease
Down syndrome
Diagnose: Situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, infertility
Kartagener’s Syndrome (dyenin arm defect affecting cilia)
Diagnose: Skin hyperpigmentation, hypotension, fatigue
Addison Disease (1o adrenocortical insufficiency causes increase ACTH and alpha-MSH)
Diagnose: Slow, progressive muscle weakness in boys
Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy
Diagnose: Small, irregular red spots on buccal/lingual mucosa with blue-white center.
Koplik’s Spots (measles, rubeola)
Diagnose: Smooth, flat, moist, painless white lesion on genitals
Condyloma Lata (2o syphilis)
Diagnose: Splinter hemorrhages in fingernails
Bacterial Endocarditis
Diagnose: “Strawberry tongue”
Kawasaki vasculitis, toxic shock syndrome or Scarlett fever
Diagnose: Streak ovaries, congenital heart disease, horseshoe kidneys, cystic hygroma at birth, short stature, webbed neck, lymphedema.
Turner Syndrome (45 XO)
Diagnose: Sudden swollen/painful big toe joint, tophi
Gout (hyperuricemia)
Diagnose: Swollen gums, mucosal bleeding, poor wound healing, petechiae.
Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency)
Diagnose: Swollen, hard, painful finger joints
Diagnose: Systolic Ejection Murmur (crescendo-decrecendo)
Aortic Stenosis
Diagnose: Thyroid and parathyroid tumors, pheochromocytoma
MEN 2A (aut dom ret mutation)
Diagnose: Thyroid tumors, pheochromocytoma, ganglioneuromatosis
MEN 2B (aut dom ret mutation)
Diagnose: Toe extension/fanning upon plantar scrape
Babinski sign for UMN lesion
Diagnose: Unilateral facial drooping involving forehead
Facial nerve LMN palsy
Diagnose: Urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis in a male
Reactive arthritis associated with HLA B 27
Diagnose: Vascular birth mark (port-wine stain)
Hemangioma (bening, but associated with Sturge-Weber syndrome)
Diagnose: Vomiting blood following gastroesophageal lacerations.
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome (alcoholic or bulimic syndrome)
Diagnose: Weight loss, diarrhea, arthritis, fever, adenopathy
Whipple Disease
Diagnose: “Worst headache of my life”
Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage
Lab: Anticentromere antibodies
CREST syndrome (limited scleroderma) Bonus: What does CREST stand for.
Lab: Antidemoglin (epithelial) antibodies
Phemphigus vulgaris (w/ + Nikolsky sign)
Lab: Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies
Goodpasture syndrome (Rapidly Progressive Cresenteric Glomerulonephritis)
Lab: Antihistone antibodies
Drug induced SLE (Hydralazine, INH, Phenytoin, Procainamide)
Lab: Anti-IgG antibodies
Rheumatoid Arthritis (Systemic inflammation, joint pannus, boutonniere deformity)
Lab: antimitochondrial antibodies
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (female, cholestasis, portal hypertension)
Lab: Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)
MPO-ANCA/P-ANCA = Microscopic Polyangitis or Churg-Strauss PR3-ANCA/c-ANCA = Granulomatosis with polyangitis
Lab: Antinuclear antibodies (ANA: Anti-Smith and anti-dsDNA)
SLE (Type III Hypersensitivity)
Lab: Anti-platelet antibodies
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura
Lab: Anti-topoisomerase antibodies
Diffuse Systemic Scleroderma
Lab: Anti-transglutaminase/anti-giadin/anti-endomesial antibodies
Celiac disease
Lab: “Apple core” lesion on abdominal x-ray
Colorectal cancer
Lab: Azurophilic peroxidase (+) granular inclusions in granulocytes and myeloblast
Auer rods AML (especially M3 t(15,17) = PML-RARA)
Lab: Bacitracin response
Sensitive: Strep pyo
Resistant: GBS
Lab: “Bamboo spine” on xray
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Chronic inflammatory arthritis, HLA-B27)
Lab: Basophilic nuclear remnants in RBC
Howell-Jolly bodies (2o to splenectomy)
Lab: Basophilic stippling on RBCs
Lead poisoning or sideroblastic anemia
Lab: Bloody tap on LP
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Lab: “Boot-shaped” heart on x-ray
RVH (such as Tetralogy of Fallot)
Lab: Branching gram-positive rods with sulfur granules
Actinomyces Isrealii
Lab: “Brown” tumor of bone
Hyperparathyroidism or osteitis fibrosa cystica (deposited hemosiderin from hemorrhage gives brown color)
Lab: Bronchogenic apical lung tumor on imaging
Pancoast tumor (Horner syndrome)
Lab: Cardiomegaly with apical atrophy
Chagas disease (Trypanosoma Cruzi)
Lab: Cellular crescents in Bowman capsule
Lab: Chocolate cyst of ovary
Endometriosis (frequently involves both ovaries)
Lab: Circular grouping of dark tumor cells surrounding pale neurofibrils
Homer-Wright Rosettes (Neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, retinoblastoma)
Lab: colonies of mucoid Pseudomonas in lungs
Cystic Fibrosis (autosomal recessive mutation in CFTR gene -> fat soluble vitamin deficiency and mucous plugs)
Lab: Decreased AFP in amniotic fluid and/or maternal serum
Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormality
Lab: Degeneration of dorsal column nerves
Tabes Dorsalis (3o Syphilis), or Subacute combined degeneration (B12 or E)
Lab: Depigmentation of neurons in the substantial nigra
Parkinson’s Disease (basal ganglia disorder, rigidity, bradykinesia, resting tremor)
Lab: Desquamated Epithelium Cast in Sputum
Curschmann spirals (bronchial asthma; can result in whorled mucus plugs)
Lab: Disarrayed granulosa cells in eosinophilic fluid
Call-Exner bodies (granulosa-theca cell tumor of the ovary)
Lab: Dysplastic squamous cervical cells with nuclear enlargement and hyperchromasia
Koilocytes (HPV: predisposes to cancer)
Lab: Enlarged cells with intranuclear inclusion bodies
“Owl Eye” appearance of CMV
Lab: Enlarged thyroid cells with intranuclear inclusion bodies
“Orphan Annie” eyes nuclei (papillary carcinoma of the thyroid)
Lab: Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion in liver cells.
Mallory Body (alcoholic liver disease)
Lab: Eosinophilic Cytoplasmic Inclusion in nerve cell.
Lewy Body (Parkinson disease)
Lab: Eosinophilic globule in liver
Councilman Body (toxic viral hepatitis, often yeller fever)
Lab: Eosinophilic inclusion bodies in cytoplasm of hippocampal and cerebellar nerve cells.
Negri bodies of rabies
Lab: Extracellular amyloid deposition in gray matter of brain
Senile Plaques of Alzheimer disease
Lab: Giant B cell with bilobed nuclei with prominent inclusions (“owl’s eye”)
Reed-Sternberg Cell of Hodgkin Lymphoma
Lab: Glomerulus-like structure surrounding vessel in germ cells
Schiller-Duval bodies of a yolk sac tumor
Lab: “Hair on end” (crew cut) appearance on x-ray
Beta-thalassemia or Sickle Cell (marrow expansion)
Lab: hCG elevated
Choriocarcinoma or a hydatidiform mole (occurs with and without embryo, and multiple pregnancy)
Lab: Heart nodules (granulomatous)
Aschoff Bodies (Rheumatic fever)
Lab: Heterophile Antibodies
Infectious Mononucleosis (EBV)
Lab: Hexagonal, double pointed, needle-like crystals in bronchial secretions.
Bronchial Asthma (Charcot-Leyden crystals: eosinophilic granules)
Lab: High level of D-Dimer
Lab: Hilar lymphadenopathy, peripheral granulomatous lesion in middle or lower lung lobes (can calcify)
Ghon Complex (1o TB)
Lab: “Honeycomb lung” on x-ray or CT
Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
Lab: Hypercoagulability leading to migrating DVTs and vasculitis
Trousseau Syndrome (adenocarcinoma of pancreas or lung)
Lab: Hypersegmented Neutrophils
B12 of Folate Def
Lab: Hypertension, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis.
Conn Syndrome (hyperaldosteronism)
Lab: Hypochromic microcytic anemia
Iron deficiency, lead poisoning, thalassemia
Lab: Increased AFP in amniotic fluid and/or maternal serum
Dating error, spin bifida, anencephaly
Lab: Increased Uric Acid levels
Gout, Lesch-Nyhan, tumor lysis syndrome, loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics
Lab: Intracellular eosinophilic droplet-like bodies
Cowdry Type A bodies (HSV or CMV)
Lab: Iron-containing nodules in alveolar septum
Ferroginous bodies (asbestosis, increasing chance of mesothelioma)
Lab: Keratin pearls on skin biopsy
Squamous cell carcinoma
Lab: Large lysosomal vesicles in phagocytes, immunodeficiency
Chediak-Higashi disease (congenital failure of phagolysosome formation)
Lab: “Lead pipe” appearance of colon on barium enema x-ray
Ulcerative colitis (loss of haustra)
Lab: Linear appearance on IgG deposition on glomerular basement membrane
Goodpasture Syndrome
Lab: Low serum ceruloplasmin
Wilson Disease (hepatolenticular degeneration)
Lab: “Lumpy Bumpy” appearance of glomeruli on immunofluorescense
Pos-Streptococcoal Glomerulonephritis (depositions of IgG and C3 immune complex)
Lab: Lytic “hole punched” bone lesions on x-ray
Multiple Myeloma
Lab: Mammary Gland “blue domed” cyst
Fibrocystic change of the breast
Lab: Monoclonal Antibody Spike
Multiple myeloma (IgG or IgA) Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS consequence of aging) Waldenstrom (M protein = IgM) macroglobulinemia Primary Amyloidosis
Lab: Mucin Filled Cell with Peripheral Nucleus
Signet Ring Cell (Gastric Carcinoma)
Lab: Narrowing of bowel lumen on barium x-ray
“String Sign” Crohn’s Disease
Lab: Necrotizing vasculitis (lungs) and necrotizing glomerulonephritis
Granulomatosis with Polyangitis (Wegener’s, PR3-ANCA, c-ANCA) or Goodpasture Syndrome (anti-GBM)
Lab: Needle Shaped Negatively Birefringent Crystals
Gout (Monosodium urate crystal)
Lab: Nodular Hyalinedeposits in glomeruli
Kimmelstein-Wilson Nodules (diabetic nephropathy)
Lab: Novobiocin Response
Sensitive = Staph Epidermidis Resistant = Staph Saprophyticus
Lab: “Nutmeg” appearance of liver
Chronic congestion of liver due to right heart failure
Lab: “Onion skin” periosteal reaction
Ewing Sarcoma (malignant round-cell tumor)
Lab: Optochin response
Sensitive: Strep Pneumo
Resistant: Strep Viridans or Strep Sanguis
Lab: Periosteum raised from bone, creating triangular area
Codman triangle on xray (osteosarcoma, Edwing sarcoma, pyogenic osteomyelitis)
Lab: Podocyte fusion or effacement on electron microscopy.
Minimal Change Disease (child with nephrotic syndrome)
Lab: Polished. “ivory-like” appearance of bone at cartilage erosion
Eburnation (osteoarthritis resulting in bony sclerosis)
Lab: Protein aggregates in neurons from hyperphosphorylation of tau protein.
Neurofibrillary Tangles (Alzheimer’s Disease) and Pick Bodies (Pick Disease)
Lab: Psammoma Bodies
Papillary thyroid tumors
Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of ovary
Malignant Mesothelioma
Lab: Pseudopalisading tumor cells on brain biopsy
Glioblastoma Multiforme
Lab: RBC casts in urine
Acute Glomerulonephritis
Lab: Rectangular, crystal like, cytoplasmic inclusion in Leydig cells
Reinke Crystals (Leydig cell tumor)
Lab: Renal Epithelial Cast in Urine
Acute Toxic/Viral Renal Injury
Lab: Rhomboid crystals, positively birefringement
Pseudogout (Calcium Pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals)
Lab: Rib Notching
Coarctation of the aorta
Lab: Ring-enhancing lesions in AIDS
Toxoplasma gondii or CNS Lymphoma
Lab: Sheets of medium-sized lymphoid cells with scattered pale, tingible body-laden macrophages (“Starry sky” histology)
Burkitt Lymphoma (t(8,14) causes c-myc activation, associated with EBV, “black sky” are the malignant cells)
Lab: Silver staining spherical aggregation of tau protein in neurons.
Pick bodies (Pick disease: progressive dementia with changes in personality)
Lab: “Soap bubble” in femur or tibia on x-ray
Giant cell tumor of bone (generally benign, epiphyseal, 20-40 years old)
Lab: “Spikes” on basement membrane, “dome like” sub epithelial deposits.
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Lab: Stacks of RBCs
Rouleaux Formation (High ESR, Multiple Myeloma)
Lab: Stippled vaginal epithelial cells
Clue cells of bacterial vaginosis with Gardnerella Vaginalis
Lab: “Tennis Racket” shaped cytoplasmic organelles (EM) in Langerhans cells
Birbeck Granules (Langerhans cell histiocytosis or histiocytosis X: eosinophilic granuloma)
Lab: Thrombi made of white/red layers
Lines of Zhan (arterial thrombus, layers of platelets/RBCs)
Lab: “Thumb sign” on lateral x-ray
Epiglottitis (H Flu)
Lab: Thyroid-like appearance of the kidney
Chronic Bacterial Pyelonephritis
Lab: “Tram track” appearance of capillary loops of glomerular basement membrane on light microscopy.
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
Lab: Triglyceride accumulation in liver cell vacuoles
Fatty Liver Disease (alcoholic or metabolic)
Lab: “Waxy” cast with very low urine flow
Chronic End-Stage Renal disease.
Lab: WBC Cast in urine
Acute Pyelonephritis
Lab: WBCs that look “smudged”
CLL (Almost always B cell)
Lab: “Wire loop” glomerular capillary appearance on light microscopy.
Lupus Nephropathy
Lab: Yellowish CSF
Xanthochromia (eg. due to subarachnoid hemorrhage)
Treatment for absence seizures
Treatment for acute gout attack
NSAIDs, Steroid, Colchine
Treatment for Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia M3
All-trans retinoic acid
Treatment for ADHD
Methylphenidate, amphetamines
Treatment for Alcohol use disorder
AA + disulfiran, naltrexone or acamprosate
Treatment for Alcohol withdrawal
Treatment for anorexia
Nutrition, psychotherapy
Treatment for anticoagulation during pregnancy
Treatment for arrhythmia in damaged cardiac tissue
Class Ib (Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Tocainide)
Treatment for B12 deficiency (supplement + ?)
B12 supplement + Schilling test
Treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Tamsulosin, Finasteride
Treatment for bipolar disorder
Lithium, Valproate, Carbamazepine, Lamotigrine
Treatment for breast cancer in postmenopausal women
Anastrozole (aromatase inhibitor)
Treatment for Buerger disease
Smoking Cessation
Treatment for bulimia nervosa
Treatment for candida albicans
Amphotericin B for systemic, nystatin for oral thrush and azoles for vaginitis.
Treatment for carcinoid syndrome
Treatment for Chalmydai trachomatis
Doxycycline (+ ceftriaxone for gonorrhea), Erythromycin drops for prophylaxis in neonates.
Treatment for chronic gout.
Probenecid (to improve secretion) or Allupurinol (to reduce production), Febuxostat
Treatment for chronic hepatitis
Treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
Imatinib (anti BCR-ABL)
Treatment for clostridium botulinum
Treatment for clostridium difficile
Oral metronidazole or oral vancomycin
Treatment for clostridium tetani
Antitoxin + vaccine booster + diazepam
Treatment for CMV
Gancyclovir or Foscarnet
Treatment for Crohn Disease
Corticosteroids, infliximab, methotrexate, azathioprine
Treatment for Cryptococcus neoformans
Flucytosine + Amphotericin B followed by Fluconazole prophylaxis
Treatment for Cyclophosphamide induced hemorrhagic cystitis
Treatment for depression
Treatment for diabetes insipidus
DDAVP (central), hydrochlorathiazide, indomethacin, amiloride (nephrogenic)
Treatment for diabetes mellitus type 1
Dietary intervention + insulin
Treatment for diabetes mellitus type 2
Dietary intervention, oral hypoglycemics, and finally insulin if refractory.
Treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis
Fluids, insulin, K+
Treatment for enterococci
Vancomycin/ampicillin + aminoglycoside
Treatment for erectile dysfunction
Sidenafil, vardenafil
Treatment for ER+ breast cancer
Treatment for Ethylene Glycol/methanol intoxication
Prophylaxis for Haemophilus influenza type B
Treatment for generalized anxiety disorder
Treatment for Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
Cyclophophamide, Corticosteroids
Treatment for heparin toxicity
Protamine sulfate
Treatment for HER2/neu + breast cancer
Treatment for hyperaldosteronism
Treatment for hypercholesterolemia
Treatment for hypertriglyceridemia
Treatment for immediate anticoagulation
Treatment for infertility
Leuprolide (pulsatile, GnRH agonist) Clomiphene
Treatment for influenza
Ramantadine, Oseltamivir
Treatment for legionella pneumonia
Treatment for long term anticoagulation
Coumadin = Warfarin
Treatment for malaria
Chloroquine/Mefloquine + Primaquine (for liver hypnozoite)
Treatment for malignant hyperthermia
Treatment for medical abortion
Treatment for migraine
Treatment for MRSA
Treatment for multiple sclerosis
INF-beta, immunosuppression, natalizumab (anti-alpha4-integrin)
Treatment for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Rifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol
Treatment for Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Ceftriaxone (add doxycycline for chlamydia)
Treatment for Neisseria Meningitidis (active & prophylaxis)
Penicillin/Ceftriaxone, Rifampin (prophylaxis)
Treatment for neural tube defect prevention
Folic Acid
Treatment for osteomalacia/rickets
Vitamin D
Treatment for Osteoporosis
Allendronate + Calcium + Vitamin D
Treatment for patent ductus arteriosum
Treatment for pheochromocytoma
Phenoxybenzamine (irreversible alpha antagonist)
Treatment for pneumocystis jirovecii
TMP-SMX (prophylaxis in AIDS patients)
Treatment for prolactinoma
Treatment for prostate cancer or uterine fibroids
Leuprolide (GnRH agonist, continuous)
Treatment for prostate carcinoma
Treatment for pseudomonas aeruginosa
(Ticarcillin or Piperacillin) + Aminoglycoside
Treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (3 options)
Sildenafil, Bosantan, Epoprostenol
Treatment for Rickettsia rickettsi
Doxycycline or Chloramphenicol
Treatment for ringworm infections
Terbinafine, Griseofulvin, Imidazole
Treatment for Schizophrenia (negative symptoms)
Atypical antipsychotics (Olanzepine, Clonazepine, Quietapine, Ripseridone, Arepiprazole, Ziprasidone)
Treatment for Schizophrenia (positive symptoms)
Typical Antipsychotics (Halaperidol, Fluphenazine, Trifluoperazine, Thioridazine, Chlorpromazine)
Treatment for SIADH
Demeclocycline, lithium, vasopressin receptor antagonist
Treatment for Sickle cell anemia
Treatment for Sporothrix schenckii
Oral potassium iodine
Treatment for stable angina
Sublingual Nitroglycerin
Treatment for Staphylococcus Aureus
MSSA: Nafcillin, Oxacillin, Dicloxacillin
MRSA: Vancomycin
Treatment for Streptococcus Bovis
Penicillin prophylaxis; evaluation for colon cancer if linked to endocarditis
Treatment for Streptococcus Pnuemoniae
Penicillin or Cephalosporin for systemic infections. Vancomycin for meningitis.
Prophylaxis for Streptococcus Pyogenes
Treatment for temporal arteritis
High dose steroids
Treatment for tonic-clonic seizures
Phenytoin, Valproate, Carbamazepine
Treatment for Toxoplasma Gondii
Pyrimethamine + Sulfadiazine
Treatment for Treponema Pallidum
Penicillin G
Treatment for Trichomonas Vaginalis
Metronidazole (+ treat partner)
Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia
Treatment for ulcerative colitis
5-ASA=Mesalazine, infliximab, colectomy
Prophylaxis for UTI
Treatment for warfarin toxicity
Fresh frozen plasma (acute) Vitamin K (chronic)