First Aid/Medical/CPR/DC/ORM Flashcards
Pressure point?
A point on the body where a mail artery lies near the skin surface and over a bone
Three objectives of first aid?
Prevent further injury, infection, loss of life
How many pressure points are on each side of the body?
Superficial temporal artery
Facial artery
Common carotid artery
Subclavian artery
Collar bone
Brachial artery
Inner/upper arm
Brachial artery
Inner elbow
Radial/ulnar artery
Femoral artery
Upper thigh
Iliac artery
Popliteal artery
Anterior/posterior tibial artery
First degree burn
Produces redness, warmth and mild pain
Second degree burn?
Causes red, blistered skin and severe pain
Third degree burn?
Destroys tissue, skin and bone in severe cases, pain may be absent due to nerve endings being destroyed
What are two types of fractures?
Closed/simple or open/compound
What is electrical shock?
When a person comes into contact with an electrical energy source
What is an obstructed airway?
Obstruction of the upper airway
What are two types of heat related injuries?
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke
Heat exhaustion?
Disturbance in blood flow to the brain, heart and lungs. Skin is cool, moist, and clammy and the pupils are dial acted.
Heat stroke?
Break down of the sweating mechanism of the body. Hot and/or dry skin, uneven pupil dial action, and a weak rapid pulse.
Three types of cold weather injuries?
Hypothermia, superficial frostbite, deep frostbite
What is hypothermia?
General cooling of the body. Pale,slow and shallow breathing, faint pulse or unpredictable, tissue feels semi-rigid, arms and legs stiff
What is superficial frostbite?
When ice crystals are forming in the upper skin layers after exposure to a temperature of 32 degrees or lower
What is deep frostbite?
Develops when ice crystals are forming in the deeper tissues a after exposure to a temperature of 32 degrees or lower
Septic shock
Resulted from bacteria multiplying in the blood and releasing toxins
Anaphylactic shock
A type of severe hypersensivity or allergic reaction.
Carcinogenic shock
Occurs when the heart is damaged and unable to supply sufficient blood to the body
Hypovolemic shock
Caused by severe blood and fluid loss
Neurogenic shock?
Caused by spinal chord injury
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What does CAB mean?
Circulation / airway / breathing
What are the steps of the survival chain?
Recognition/Activation of CPR,chest compressions, AEd/defibrillator, rapid defibrillation, effective advanced life support (EMTs), integrated post-cardiac arrest care
Breath to compression ratio?
30 to 2
How deep should the compressions be?
2 inches
What is the head tilt chin lift?
Used to introduce air into the lungs
What is ORM?
Operational risk management
What are the five steps to ORM?
Identify hazards, assess hazards, make risk decisions, implement controls, supervise
Name the different classes of mishaps?
Class A, B, C
Class A
Property damage 2,000,000 or more; or an injury resulting in a fatality or permanent total disability
Class B
Property damage 500,000 or more, but less than 2,000,000; or an injury resulting in a partial disibility
Class C
Property damage is 50,000 or more but less than 500,000; a non-fatal injury that causes any loss of time beyond the day or shift.
What is PPE?
Personal protective equipment
Give examples of PPE?
Cranial, eye protection, hearing protection, impact protection, gloves, foot protection
What does CBR stand for?
Chemical, biological and radiological warfare
What are some types of chemical agents?
Nerve, blister, blood, choaking agents
What is M9 chemical agent paper detect?
Liquid chemical agents- turns red
What is atropine/2pam chloride?
Used as a specific therapy for nerve agents
What are two types of biological warfare?
Pathogens and toxins
What is IPE?
Individual protective equipment
What type of gas mask do we use?
What does ACPG stand for?
Advanced chemical protective garment
How many MOPP levels are there?
Issue PPE, accessible within 5 minutes
JSLIST, mask, gloves readily accessible
Mask carried, decon supplies staged
GQ, install filters, don over-boots
Don mask/hood, gloves, circle William, countermeasure wash down
What is radiological warfare?
Deliberate use of radiological weapons to produce widespread injury and death of all life
What is a high altitude burst?
Occurs at altitudes in excess of 100,000 ft, with ionosphere disruption and EMP
What is an air burst?
Where the fireball does not reach the surface. Vacuum created collects debris caused by the severe blast damage resulting in radiation fallout.
What is a surface burst?
Has the worst fallout due to the fireball touching the surface which results in massive radioactive fallout.
What is a shallow underwater burst?
Has a small fireball and blast wave, causes large waves and water contamination
What is a deep underwater burst?
Similar to the shallow underwater burst but with less visual effect and yields greater contaminated water
What is a ready shelter?
Stations are just inside the weather envelope, with access to deep shelter
What is a deep shelter?
Low in the ship and near the centerline. Provide maximum shielding from nuclear radiation
What is the DT-60 dosimeter?
Non-self reading high range causality dosimeter. Determines the total amount of gamma radiation to which the wearer is exposed in the 0-600 roetgens
What is the three parts of the firefighting triangle?
Heat,oxygen, fuel
What is an alpha fire?
Occur in combustible materials that produce an ash such as burning wood.
What is a bravo fire?
Occur with flammable liquid substances such as gasoline, jet fuels, oil, and other petroleum based products.
What is a Charlie fire?
Energized electrical fires that are attacked by using non-conductive agents
What is a delta fire?
Combustible metals such as magnesium and titanium.
What is AFFF?
Aqueous film forming foam
What’s the mixture of AFFF to sea water?
94% water, 6% AFFF
What is halon 1211?
Colorless, faintly sweet smelling, electrically no conductive gas that leaves no residue to clean up. Primarily used for class B and C fires.
What is PKP?
Potassium bicarbonate (purple K powder) intended for class B fires, breaks the combustion chain
Methods to control bleeding
Direct pressure, elevation, pressure points, tourniquet