First aid all Flashcards
red cross
non-profit organization that improves the lives of the vulnerable and offers help where it is needed
7 fundamental principles
Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, universality
the symbol
symbolises neutrality and is recognised in over 190 countries
how does the red cross help
disaster management, international operation, first aid programs, swimming and water safety, respect, community health and wellness
4 reasons someone is hesitant to help
bystander effect, unpleasant injures or illness, fear of catching the disease, fear of mistake
caregivers must provide first aid to infant, must offer first aid, minimum call 911, act in good faith
your role as a first aider
recognise emergencies, protect yourself and others access help and act according to your skill and training
what is poison
a substance that may be harmless in some cases but when coming into contact with the body can cause injury, illness or death
prevention for poison
keep meds, and products out of reach, use locked cupboards, never call medicine candy, teach children hazard stories, poison control number
poison symbols
flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive
types of poison
SWALLOWED - enters through mouth lip and stomach, burns around mouth, vomit, cramps, seizures, dizziness, unresponsive
ABSORBED - enters through the skin. rash and hives, burning itching, swelling
INJECTED - bites or stings. punctures, problems breathing, redness, and swelling
INHALED - enters through breathing. breathing difficulties, irritated eyes, nose, and throat, dizziness vomiting
bodies temp raises too high, causes; heat wave, chronic illness, burns, too much sun, no water. Prevention - remain indoors, slow down, take breaks, wear light clothing and hat
Heat stroke
signs- high body temp, red moist skin, odd behavior, loss of consciousness, seizures, weak pulse
what to do - call 911 and AED, ABC, rest in cool place, drink water, provide care
Heat exhaustion
signs - normal low temp moist skin, nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness anxiety,
what to do - call id vomiting or unconscious, ABC, rest in cool place, lossen tight clothing, cool skin, give water, check again
Heat cramps
signs - mild muscle contractions, body temp is normal, moist skin
what to do - normally no call, ABC, reast in cool place, water, check again, massage cramp
a drop in body temp
causes - cold, wet ,windy, sweating in the cold, immersed in cooled water, dehydration
what to do - call 911, ABC, remove wet clothes, wrap in warm blankets, use heating pads, warm drinks
superficial: hardened skin, pale, pain, stinging numb
deep: pale, cole, numb, clusters
what to do - call if hypothermic as well, remove from cold, ABC, blisters cover lightly
freezing of skin to metal
call 911 if you cant remove, never pull off, pour warm water until it breaks free treat any rips
snow blindness
occurs when eyes are exposed to ultraviolet rays. light reflected from snow, ice, sand, or water
wear sunglasses
signs- redness of the eye, pain, itchiness, during sensations, change in vision
care - put in dark room, cover eyes with damp warm cloth, go see doc if it gets worse
Causes - Dehydration, pain, heat, fever, Stress, fear, not moving enough, Not eating enough
Sign/symptoms -Paleness, sweating, dizziness, nausea
What to do -Check, Call 911 and get AED if they do not wake up within a couple minutes Have a pre-existing condition Have a life threating injury Is pregnant Unsure
Care: have them lie down, place them in recovery position and monitor ABCs if its not life threatening
hyperglycemia vs hypoglycemia
hyper = high
hypo = low
Diabetic emergencies
Happen when the body cannot control the level of sugar in the body
Causes - Exercise, food intake, production of insulin
Prevention - If known to be diabetic check blood sugar levels, Ensure med are taken as prescribed, Keep quick sugar foods handy
What to look for - Changes in consciousness, Changes in behavior, confusion, aggression Rapid breathing, Cool place sweaty skin, Seizures, looks intoxicated
What to do - Call 911 and AED IF
* Child is not fully awake
* Child has a seizure
* Childs condition does not improve within 10 mins
* If they can swallow give them sugar
* After 10 mins call 911 if it does not improve
causes - head injury, fever, heat sroke, posin, drig, infection, video game, medical conditions
what to look for - eyes rolling up, frool foam, hallucinations, uncotrolable muscle movements
what to do - check scens, abcs, call 911 if:
its longer than 5 mins, get injured, under water, several in a row, has diebeted, don’t know the cause
- never put anything in the mouth, allow to move with out restiction, roect from injury, out blacnket around head
- check ABC, treat injury, place in recovery, keep comfy
Febrile fever
convulsions in young children with fever over 39
caused - spike in body temp when they have virus
look for seizure signs
what to do - give tylenol, sponge bath, remove clothes, if first time seek medical attention
call 911 if it last longer than 5 minutes, involved only some body parts, turns blue, has another in 24hrs, has to take anti meds
mental health crisis
look for - inabilty to think, hallucinations, depression, mood swings, no motivation
call professional if self harm is suspected
provide reassurance and support, help with strategies and breathing
bandaging guidelines
Use sterile dressings
Check temp and color below the injury before bandaging
Prior to bandaging if color is pale or temp is cold call 911
If this occurs when bandaging loosen it
To stop bleeding apply pressure with a clean sterile bandage
If bandage become blood soaked do not remove add another on top
Once bleeding stopped run under water
Apply antibiotics, and observes for signs of infection
caused by germs entering the body
signs - redness, warmth, pain, pus, discharge, fever, nausea
prevention - wash hands before helping, wear gloves, be sterile, use antibiotics, clean wound, keep dry
cuts and scrapes
if bleeding apply pressure with clean bandage until it stops
rinse with running water for 5 mins
apply antibiotics with clean bandage
if there is severe pain or suspected internal bleeding or cant move call 911
otherwise apple cold pack wrapped in towel for 20 mins and remove for 20
use a pair of tweezers, treat as cut, watch for infection
call 911 id its longer than 15 mins
have them sit for 10 -15 leaning forward
knocks out teeth
call 911 if serious, bote own on clean gauze to stop the bleeding, pock tooth up by the crown and place in egg white, milk
go to dentist
eye injuries
call 911 if object in or near eye or I eye is damaged if chemical contact
otherwise blink, gently flush, for 15 minutes
ear injury
call 911 if there is blood or liquid or explosion
otherwise, tilt head and gently tap to loosen object use tweezers to pull
impaled objects
call 911, leave object where it is, stabilize without pressure, secure in place
causes by chemical, heat, electricity, radiation
3 levels ; superficial, partial thick, full thick
call 99 if there difficulty breathing, its full, large, it covers neck, face , hands, genitals, blisters and broken skin
how to care for different types of burns
heat related - cool are with running water for 10 mins, remove jewelry, don’t break listers
chemical - put gloves, if dry brush off, cool with water for 15
electric - 2 wound entry and exit
shit electrical current
do not touch
respitory distress
a person is having difficulty breathing
causes- hyperventilation, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, allergy, heat attack, drugs, mental health
look for - short breath, gasps, trouble speaking, wheezing, gurgling, cool moist, bluisg, dear dizzy, headache
what to do - call, care
respiratory arrest
Person has stopped breathing
can lead to cardiac arrest
a person is breathing faster than normal and is upseting balnca of oxygen
causes - emotions, injuries exercise
look for - rapid breathing, feeling suffocated, fear, anxiety dizziness, numbness, muscle contractions
to do - call if unresponsive, care , never offer paper bag
causes - pollution, allergies, temp, odors, illness, exercise, anxiety
signs - same as respiratory more difficulty breathing
to do - use spacer - inhaler
allergic reactions
signs = runny, itchy, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, nausea, vomiting, rash, hives, tingling mouth, coughing, weak, dizzy
to do - call if problems breathing is severe, try to identify allergen, calm reasure, help if they have meds
medication - antibiotics, ASA, iodine
use EpiPen if there’s respiratory, cardiovascular gastrointestinal, skin distress
2 types of chocking
partial = airway is partially blockes, child can still breath, cough and talk
What to look for -The universal sign for chocking is hands clutching there throat, look of panic. forceful or weak coughing
What to do - Call, Care encourage them to cough, sit them straight, and monitor the condition till it dislodges
complete - child can no longer breath, cough, talk, turn blues or lose consciousness
what do do:
Back blows, abdominal thrusts, chest thrusts, used for kids over 1 year and adults
For babies less that 1 - Call and get AED if baby is making high pitched noises, wheezing or cannot make a sounds, administers first aid
choking in general
causes - medical, eating, small objects, dental,, large food, small toys
prevention - always supervise when eating, teach to eat slow, chew not talk, no toy smaller than 4 cm, choke tester
special considerations when chocking
if alone - call 911, try to move where notices, try to dislogen with abs thrust on object
pregant- 5 back 5 chest
larger person - 5 back 5 chest
wheel chair - lock wheels, 5 back, 5 chest
head, neck and spinal injuries
causes - car accident, sports, falls, blows, assault
signs - pain, blood leaking, bruises around eyes, ears, seizures, loss of body function, week tingly, no balance
to do - call 911, keep as still as possible, support their body
happens when there is a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to shake, resulting bleeding or swelling of brain
signs - drowsy, loss memory, sensitive to light noise emotions, children may sleep eat cry different
to do - call if vomiting, non-responsive, dizzy, bad headache, have person rest and go to doc
Shacken baby syndrome
baby is shaken and it causes fracture of skull, ribs, arms, legs, heavy bleeding, bruising, swelling
when to move person with head/spine injury
if you need to clear the airway, suspect injury, scene is unsafe, there no organizes EMS response (45 mins away)
4 types of bone, muscle, joint injury
Strain - stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon
Sprain - the stretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint
Fracture - a break, chip or crack in a bone
Dislocation - an injury that moves a bone out of its normal position at a joint
bone, muscle, joint injury
Causes - Falls, Motor-vehicle collisions, Repetitive forces such as running, A direct blow to the body, Awkward or sudden movements, Many contact and non-contact sports
Prevention - Ensure safety in daily activities and environments, ensure they know the risks and the rules, wear protective equipment, helmets are needed make sure they are tight fitting, stretch before exercising
What to look for - Pain, deformity, swelling, bruising, Limited use of movement, sound or a snap or pop when it happened, A broken bone or bone fragment sticking out of the skin or wound, A sensation or sound of bones grating, muscle cramps, shock
What to do - Check scene and ABCs - Call 911 and get AED if
There is a problem with ABCs
Injury involves head or spine
Injury make walking difficult
More than one injury
Is injured on thigh or pelvis, is in-out of consciousness
Care - Ensure ABCs, treat non life threatening conditions, use RICE methods
- R = have child rest
- I = immobilize the injury
- C= cool for 20 minutes
- E = elevate the injury above heat
- Note: if moving causes pain don’t elevate
splints and slings
Check temperature and skin colour below injured area before and after immobilization
If area feels cold before immobilization call 911
If its cold after, it could indicate that its too tight and needs to be loosened
Remove any jewellery
Immobilize as it was found
Splint should be long enough to go around the injury
For comfort pad slings and splints
4 types of splints and slings
soft splints - blanket, towel, pillow, bandage
rigid splints - immobilize body part by secure rigid board, newspaper branch
anatomical splint - another body part for support
slings - regular slings and tubed - loop around neck to support an arm, hand, wrist, or shoulder
circulatory systems
moves blood throughout body providing it with oxygen and nourishment while taking away waste. Made up of the heart and various blood vessels
circulation emergencies
sudden injury or illness that involves the system cuz the cells need oxygen to survive
persons survival depend on first aiders
cardiovascular disease
causes arteries to narrow and harder
increases risk of artery becoming blocked causing heart attack or stroke
heart attack
when heart muscle cannot get enough oxygen cuz of blockage
signs - pressure, tight, heavy, pain in chest arms haw neck, dizzy, unresponsive, sweating, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, short breath
to do - call, have person rest, chew aspirin, don’t repeat does, if there have nitroglycerin help them take it
heart needs more oxygen than its getting cuz arteries are narrow, heart needs more oxygen
causes - painful squeezing, suffocating, burning feeling in chest
signs- like heart attack but triggers by exercise of stress
TREAT it like a heart attack
Happens when the blood flow to part of the brain is interpreted, any age can have a stroke
Causes - permanent damage must take quick action
What to look for - sudden, severe headache, dizziness or confusion, unresponsiveness or temporary loss of responsiveness, sudden loss of bladder, bowel control, FAST
to do = call, rest, place in recovery if they are drooling, unresponsive, take notes of symptom, monitor
F = facial numbness or weakness, usually one side
A = arm numbness, usually one side
S = abnormal speech, difficulty speaking or understanding others
T = time is important, call 911 immediately
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Mini-stoke caused by a temporary drop in blood flow to part of the brain or a tumor or clot in the story in the brain
Signs - same as stroke
A person who has TIA is high risk of having a stroke within 3 months and half happen 48 hours after TIA
life-threatening bleeding
large amounts of blood loss external or internal
occurs when blood vessels are broken needs to be controlled
if blood flows freely or fails to clot:
call, expose the wound, apply pressure, apply dressing, bandage, secure, continue applying pressure until bleeding stops or apply tourniquet
Applying a tourniquet
when to use - if bleeding doesn’t stop with pressure, cannot access wound, must move
applying - 5 - 10 cm above injury unless its close to a joining than 2.5 sm above joint, tighten until bleeding stops, secure, document the time,
life-threatening internal bleeding
look for - bruising pain in injured area, soft tissue is tender swollen hard, blood, saliva, vomit, severe thirst, anxiety
to do - call, rest till EMS comes. never give liquids
clinical vs biological death
Clinical death = Occurs when breathing stops and heart stops, person without a heartbeat is clinically dead but permeant brain damage does not begin till 4 to 6 minutes so it is reversible with immediate care and intervention
Biological death = Occurs when brain becomes irreversibly damaged which happens after 8 to 10 minutes without oxygen, “brain dead”
cardiac arrest
causes - cardiovascular disease, drowning, suffocation, electrocution, drug, chest injury
look for - sudden collapses, person is unresponsive with agonal breathing
to do - call always but if you’re alone with a baby or child do 5 cycles of CPR before calling, perform CPR
when can you stop CPR
if EMS takes over, you are alone and too tired, scene is unsafe, noticeable signs of life, you did 5 cycle on baby and need to call, AEDis available
compression-only CPR
Compression-only CPR uses chest compressions (without rescue breaths) to pump the heart. If you are unwilling or unable to give rescue breaths for any reason, compression-only CPR is acceptable.
If you are caring for a child, a baby, or any person who is in cardiac arrest because of a respiratory problem (e.g., choking, drowning, anaphylaxis, or asphyxiation), the person may not have much oxygen remaining in his or her blood, and circulating deoxygenated blood is not very useful. In these circumstances, traditional CPR with rescue breaths is the recommended method of care.
Special Considerations for CPR
One hand compressions - if you have arthritis or your hands are not string enough for regular compressions, place the heel of one hand in the middle if the persons chest, grasp the wrist of the hand with your other hand, begin compressions
CPR for pregnant woman - Raise her right hip 7.6 cm this will help blood return in the heart then begin CPR
Vomiting - Turn the person onto their side, facing you, quickly wipe the persons mouth clean , reposition the person onto their back and continue CPR