First Aid Flashcards
Definition of First Aid
First aid is the immediate care that you give someone with an illness or injury before someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over
Reasons to refer patients to ER
heart attack
spinal or neck injury- do not move the patient unless there is an immediate threat to life such as fire
Severe breathing difficulty- rule out choking
Severe bleeding- have patient apply pressure to wound while someone else calls for help
Rescuer duties
Asking to provide first aid
Supplying the first aid kit
asking to provide first aid
before you provide first aid, it is important to ask the ill or injured person if you may help
Supplying the first aid kit
Keep the supplies of the first aid kit in a sturdy, watertight container that is clearly labeled
Know where the first aid kit is
Replace what you use as soon as possible so the kit will be ready for the next emergency
Victim and Rescuer Safety:
Access the scene-
Danger- look out for danger to you or the injured person; move the injured person only as needed, and if you can do so safely
Help- Look for individuals who can help you (adults if possible) and where the nearest telephone is; Have the person phone 911
Who: Figure out how many people are ill or injured and see if you can figure out what happened
Where: Be specific (address, floor or location in the building) when calling 911 dispatcher
Victim and Rescuer Safety:
Washing hands-
- Wet hands with clean running water (warm if available and apply soap)
- Rub hands together and rub all surfaces of hands and fingers for at least 20 seconds
- Rinse hands with lots of running water
- Dry hands using a paper towel or air dryer. Use your paper towel to turn off the faucet
Victim and Rescuer Safety:
Universal precautions-
Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect you.
PPE include:
- Gloves, eye protection, mask (if giving breaths)
Follow these steps for universal precautions:
- wear PPE whenever necessary
- Place all disposable equipment that has touched blood or body fluids containing blood in a biohazard waste bag
- To dispose of the biohazard waste bag, follow your company’s plan
- Wash hands well with soap and lot of water after properly taking off gloves
Victim and Rescuer Safety:
Exposure to blood-
Rescuers should wear personal protective equipment such as gloves and eye shields (goggles) to avoid catching blood-borne diseases (HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C)
Victim and Rescuer Safety:
Taking off gloves-
- Grip 1 glove on the outside of the glove near the cuff and peel it down until it comes off inside out
- Cup it with your other (gloved) hand
- Place 2 fingers of your bare hand inside the cuff of the glove that is still on your hand
- Peel that glove off so that it comes off inside out, with the glove inside it
- If there is blood on the gloves, dispose of the gloves properly
- Wash your hands after you give first aid