First Aid Flashcards
What is first aid?
It’s the first care given to injured soldiers before medical personnel are available.
What army manual covers first aid for soliders?
FM 4-25.11.
What are the 4 life saving steps of first aid?
- Clear the airway and restore breathing
- Stop the bleeding
- Treat and dress the wounds to prevent infections
- Prevent shock
Whose first aid dressing should be used on the casualty?
Use the casualty bandage
When should a tourniquet be used to stop the bleeding?
As a last resort when everything else has failed to stop the bleeding or when a limb has been cut off
What are the four types of burns?
Electrical, thermal, chemical and laser
What is the single most common cause of airway blockage?
THe tongue
How do you stop bleeding?
- Apply a field dressing
- Apply manual pressure
- elevate the injured limb
- Apply a pressure dressing
- Apply a tourniquet
What are the 3 types of bleeding And how do you recognize them?
Arterial: blood is bright red and spurts with the heartbeat
Venous: blood is dark red and flows in a steady stream
Capillary: blood oozes from the wound
Where is a tourniquet applied?
Around a limb, between the injury and heart, 2-4 inches above wound and never place a tourniquet directly on a joint
How tight should a tourniquet be ?
Until the bleeding has stopped
What must be done to indicate the casualty has a tourniquet?
Mark the casualty a forehead with a “T” and note time of application
When should you loosen or remove the tourniquet?
You should never loosen or remove a tourniquet
Define manual pressure?
Firm pressure on the dressing for 5-10 mins
What is HIV
Human immunovirus
What should be applied if bleeding continues after you apply a field dressing?
Apply a pressure dressing after manual pressure and elevate the injury
What are the two types of artificial respiration?
Mouth to mouth method and back pressure-arm lift method
Should a casualty be given water to drink?
Casualties should not eat or drink
What are the signs of shock
Cool, pale, damp (clammy) skin. Confusion, nausea /vomiting. Restlessness, thirst, fast breathing, fainting spells, sweating, bluish skin around mouth and lips
When should a casualty not be placed in the shock position
When there is a head injury, abdominal wound, or un splinted fractured leg(s)
What is the measure for checking the tightness of bandages
Two fingers should slip under the bandage
What items should never be used as a tourniquet
Wire or string
What procedure is used to restore heart beat
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation also known as CPR
What is the treatment for shock
Move to cover if possible. Lay the casualty on their back, elevate the legs,loosen the clothing at neck, waist and feet, prevent chilling or overheating, keep them calm
When it scones necessary to give CPR what is the ratio of pumps to breaths for a one man rescue and a two-man rescue
One man : 15 pumps/2breaths
Two man: 5 pumps/1 breath
When may resuscitation measures be stopped?
- When a doctor tells you to stop
- When you are relived by others
- When you can’t physically continue
- When the casualty starts breathing on their own
What is the correct method of artificial respiration during an NbC attack and why?
The back-pressure-arm lift method because you will both be masked during an nbc attack
When is a casualty a clothing not removed to expose the wound
When the clothing is stuck to it, or during an NbC environment
What is unique about type “o” blood?
It can be used on anybody
Why should wounds be treated as soon as possible?
To control bleeding, and to protect against contamination by germs
What is a heat injury?
General dehydration of the body brought on by loss of water and salt through activity in the heat
What are the 3 categories of heat injuries
Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke
Describe the signs of heat cramps
Muscle cramps of the legs, arms or abdomen, excessive sweating
Describe the treatment for heat cramps
Move the casualty into the shade, loosen the clothing, and give cool water
Name the signs of heat exhaustion
Pale, moist cool clammy skin, headache, muscle cramps. Excessive sweating, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, cramps, urge to defecate, chills, rapid breathing, confusion, tingling hands/feet
How should heat exhaustion be treated
Move the casualty to a cool, shaded area, loosen any tight clothing, have him or her drink a canteen of cool water, elevate the legs and monitor
Describe the signs of heat stroke
The person stops sweating, dry skin and hot, rapid pulse, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, weakness and seizures
How should a heat stroke be treated
Immerse the casualty in coldest water available. Remove clothing and wet entire body, transport to nearest medical facility
What are the two types of fractures
Open (compound) and closed (simple)
What is an open fracture
A broken bone that breaks through the skin
What should you be done first for an open fracture
Stop the bleeding
What are the signs and symptoms of fractures?
Pain at site, discoloration and deformity
Why is a fractured immbolilized
To prevent sharp edges of the bones from moving and cutting tissue, muscle, blood vessels and nerves. Doing this also reduces pain and help prevent and control shock
What is shock and why is it dangerous
Shock is inadequate blood flow to vital organs and tissues, if shock is uncorrected it may result in death even though the injury or conditions causing shock appear to be less than fatal
What is the basic proven principle in splitting fractures
Splint them where they lie
What does the key word “cold” mean in cold weather protection
Cold stands for Clean, avoiding Overheating, wearing Loose clothing in layers, and keeping it Dry
Name 5 types of cold weather and wet weather injuries
-frostbite: actual freezing of a part of body
-hypothermia: lowering of body temperature
-immersion foot/trench foot: occurs between 32 and 50 degrees
Snow blindness: pain in and around eyes
Describe the sings and symptoms of frostbite
Loss of sensation or numb feeling in any part of the body
Sudden whitening of the skin in affected area, followed by a momentary tingling feeling
Redness of skin in light skinned soliders, grayish coloring in dark skinned soliders
Swollen or tender areas
Loss of previous feeling of pain in affected area
Pale, yellow waxy looking skin
Frozen area that feels solid or wooden to the touch
What is hypothermia
The body loses heat faster than it can produce it
What are the two types of hypothermia
Mild and severe
What precautions should be followed with hypothermia
Don’t soak the frost bitten part
Don’t rub it with snow
Don’t expose it to an extreme heat source
Don’t rub or move the frost bitten part in any way to increase circulation
Don’t allow the casualty to drink alcohol or smoke
Do not treat the seriously frostbite Parts if the casualty must walk or travel to receive further treatment
Describe the symptoms of hypothermia
Casualty is cold. Shivering stops, but the body temp is low . Consciousness may be altered. Movement is uncoordinated, shock and coma may result of lowered body temperature
What is the treatment for frostbite
Warm the area at the first sign of frostbite with the casualty or a buddy’s hands, underarm or abdomen.
Face ears or nose cover the area with casualty or buddy’s. Hands
Feet. Place the casualty bare feet under clothing against the body of another solider
Hands. Place them inside clothing against the body, close the clothing
Loosen or remove tight clothing and any jewelry
Cover the casualty with a blanket or another dry source
Is a camel spider bite poisonous
No, camel spiders are not venomous however their bites can easily pierce human skin. If the bite is left untreated it may become infected
What are some common diseases one could contract while performing disaster relief missions
Malaria, cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV
Is there a cure for aids
Give two distinguishing characteristics of a non-poisonous snakes
Oval shaped head and round pupils
How can you identify a poisonous snake
Small deep pits between nostrils and eyes on each side of the head
Name the four poisonous snakes found in the us
Rattlesnakes, copperhead, water moccasins, and Coral snakes
Give two examples of pit vipers
Rattlesnakes, bushmasters, copperheads, fee-de-lance, Malayan pit vipers, and water moccasins
What does PTSD stand for
Post traumatic stress disorder
What is an STD
Sexually transmitted disease
What does aids stand for
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
What causes aids
The HIV virus
How is poised oak, sumac or ivy treated
- Expose affected area, remove jewelry
- Clean area with soap and water
- Apply rubbing alcohol ( if available) to area
- Apply calamine lotion
- Avoid dressing the affected area
- Seek medical help, especially if rash is severe, on genitals or face
Should any medical cream be put on a burn
Should blisters be opened
They should be protected and allowed to drain nAurally unless it is in an area where friction is going to cause it to break open
How should blisters be treated
- Wash area with soap and water
- Sterilize needle
- Open blister by sticking it at the lower edges
- Drain the blister by pressing it and removing the fluid with a clean cloth
- Apply a bandage
How are open blisters treated
Clean with soap and water , apply bandage
What are the skin reactions to poison oak, ivy or sumac
Redness, swelling, itching, rashes, or blisters.
Secondary infection may occur when blisters break, burning sensation , general headaches and fever
Can all snakes swim
Yes all species of snakes can swim
When are snakes most active
During the period from twilight to daylight
What is the best position for a casualty with a stomach wound
On his back with knees flexed
What is the first aid for bee stings
- Remove stinger with knife or fingernail
Don’t squeeze the vermin sac on the stinger - Wash the area
- Apply ice or freeze pack if available
- If symptoms of allergic reaction occur be prepared to preform basic life saving measures and seek medical aid immediately
If you found a casualty with a hole in his or her chest what would be the first thing to do
Check the back for an exit wound
What is an indication of a sucking chest wound
Frothy fluid bursting with each breath
Would you elevate the legs if there was a head injury
Should large amounts of water be given to a burn victim
No, 1 quart per hour is sufficient
What is self aid
Emergency treatment applied by oneself
What are the 4 life saving steps
- Clear the airway
- Stop the bleeding
- Protect the wound
- Treat for shock
What is the first aid given for snake bites
Do not attempt to cut open or suck the venom out of the bite, if the venom should seep through any damaged or lacerated tissues you could lose consciousness or die
Bite in arm or leg. Place a constricting band one or two finger widths above and below the bite, band should be tight but not cut off circulation, if there is swelling move the bands to the edges of the swelling
Keep the injured area below the level of the heart
Keep the casualty immobile and quiet
If possible wash the area with soap and water do not use any ointments
Never give the casualty food, alcohol, coffee, tea drugs or tobacco.
Remove all jewelry and watches from affected limb
Identify the snake of kill it for identification
Seek medical attention
What is the most common condition which requires first aid assistance
An open wound
How would you treat a sucking chest wound
Cover the area with plastic to stop air flow. Bandage the wound and lay the casualty o. The wound if possible or have the person sit up
How much water should be given to a person with an abdominal wound
What is the best one man carry that can be used for transporting a casualty long distance
The pistol belt carry
Describe the three degrees of burns
1st- reddening of skin
2nd- blistering
3rd- charred flesh
What is the most important thing to do in case of serious burns
Keep the burn clean and apply a dry sterile dressing
What is snow blindness
The effect of glare from a nice field or snow field has on the eyes
Will snow blindness only occur when the sun is shining
No it can occur during cloudy weather also
Is snow blindness permanent
No the condition usually heals In a few days without permanent damage
How should snow blindness be treated
Blindfolding or covering both eyes with dark cloth which stops the eye movement, rest, protect from further exposure to light. Seek medical care
What are the symptoms of snow blindness
A sensation of grit or sand in the eyes, pain in and over the eyes which feels worse when the eyeball moves, watering, redness, headache, pain on exposure to light
What is the treatment for hypothermia
Immediately reward body evenly with heat source
Keep them dry and protect from elements
Warm liquids gradually given if their conscious
Be prepared to start basic life support measures
Seek medical treatment immediatley. It’s a medical emergency that needs to be treated as soon as possible.
What are the signs and symptoms of immersion foot
Affected parts cold numb and painless. Then parts become hot with blistering and shooting pains, in advanced stages the skin is pale signs bluish tint, pulse decreases, blistering swelling, heat, hemorrhage so and gangrene may follow
How is trench foot/ immersion foot acquired
It results from fairly long exposure of the feet to cold and wet (50-32 degrees Fahrenheit)
Inactive feet in damp or wet socks or boots or tightly laced boots which impair circulation
How is trench foot/ immersion for treated
Reward in just gradually by exposing it to warm air Do not massage it Do not moisten the skin Do not apply heat or ice Protect area from further trauma Keep injury dry, avoid walking Seek medical treatment
What are the symptoms of chilblain
The affected areas red, swollen, hot, tender and itchy. Continue exposure will lead to blisters or bleeding lessions
Describe the treatment for chilblain
The affected are usually responds to locally applied rewarding with body heat, don’t rub or massage the area
Name 4 of the 9 line medevac request
- Location of pick up site
- Radio frequency, call sign and suffix
- Number of patients by precedence
- a: urgent
- b: urgent special
- c: priority
- d: routine
- e: connivence - Special equipment required
- number of patients
- Security at pick up site
- Method of marking pick up site
- Patient nationality and status
- NBC contamination
Is a camel bite poisonous
No. Camel spiders are not venomous. Bower their bites can easily penetrate the skin and if let untreated can become infected
What are some of the common diseases one could contract when performing dis eastern relief missions?
Malaria, cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV
How is poison oak, poison sumac, or poison ivy treated?
- Expose affected area and remove clothing and jewelry
- Clean area with soap and water
- Apply rubbing alcohol (if available) to the affected area
- Apply calamine lotion
- Avoid dressing the affected area
- Seek medical help, especially if the rash is severe or on the face or genitals
What are the symptoms of skin reactions to poison ivy, poison sumac, or poison oak?
Redness, swelling, itching, rashes, or blisters.
Secondary infection may occur when blisters break
Burning sensation, general headaches and fever
How are open blisters treated
- Cleanse area with soap and water
2. Apply a bandage
Should any medication or cream be put on a burn
Should unbroken blisters be opened?
They should be protected and allowed to drain naturally unless in an area of friction is going to cause it to break open
How should blisters be treated
- Wash area with soap and water
- Sterilize a needle
- Open blister by sticking it at the lower edge
- Drain blister by pressing it and removing the fluid with a clean cloth or gauze
- Apply a bandage