First Aid Flashcards
What are the 3 Ps?
Preserve life
Promote recovery
Prevent worsening
When would you use an arm sling?
- For upper arm injuries
- Wrist injuries
- Patients who can bend their elbows
What is the benefit of using an elevation sling?
- supports fore arm and hand
- supports the arm
- can control bleeding from hand/arm
- reduces swelling
What is the process of applying dressings and bandages
- clean wound to reduce risk of infection
- use a damp dressing to prevent sticking
- secure with a Bandage
What is the definition of hazard
Anything that has the potential cause harm eg infections and diseases
What is the definition of a risk
The likely hood that the hazard will actually cause harm combined with the severity of the harm that it could result from
What are examples of PPE
- gloves
- apron
- eye protection
- sleeve protectors
- mask
- respirator hoods
- gowns/suits
- appropriate work boots
- helmets
- hi-vis
When is consent valid?
Voluntarily - not be pressured by medical staff
informed - treatment physician must give all info about treatment
Capacity - patient must have capacity
What does it mean if the patient is primary survey positive
- Patient is likely time critical
- requires timely assessment
- management of symptoms
- time critical transfer to hospital
Primary survey negative
- no abnormalities present during primary survey
- within normal parameters
- continue with following history assessment observations
What are different types of infections
- Viral
- Bacterial
- Parasitic
- Fungal
- Prion disease
What is the impact of healthcare associated infections
- Longer hospital stays
- increased antibiotic resistance
- can cause death
Chain of infection
1- Infectious agent
2- reservoir
3- portal of exit
4- mode of transmission
5- portal of entry
6- susceptible host
What are the standard precautions for infection, prevention and control
- hand hygiene
- safe disposal of sharps
- decontamination of equipment
- managing blood and bodily fluids
- training
5 moments for hand hygiene
- before touching a patient
- before aseptic procedure
- after bodily fluid exposure
- after touching a patient
- after touching a patient’s surroundings
What to do in case of a sharps injury
- bleed it
- wash it
- cover it
- report it
What are the different levels of risk when it comes to handling equipment?
High risk - equipment that enters a sterile body cavity
Medium risk - equipment that touches the skin
Low risk - equipment that doesn’t touch broken skin
What is cleaning?
The use of water and detergent doesn’t necessarily destroy micro organisms