First Aid Flashcards
How would you respond in an emergency situation?
In emergency situations, respond by being calm, alert and persist with calling for help/helping in any way you can.
What does DRSABCD stand for?
D Danger
R Responsive
S Send
A Airway
B Breathing?
D Defibrillator
what is cow
Can you hear me?
open your eyes
What’s your name
Squeeze my hand
what is the order of treatment for
○ Minor wounds
○ Fractures
○ Bleeding/Burns/Wounds
- Shock
- Bleeding/Burns/Wounds
- Fractures
Minor wounds
When should you cease CPR?
When you see an obvious sign of life, such as breathing, comes under exertion cannot physically continue, emergency/danger.
How many compression and breaths do you do in cpr
- 30 compressions: 2 breaths = 1 cycle
5 cycles within 2 minutes
What are the signs and symptoms of a fracture?
If the bone is protruding through the skin, bleeding, broken skin, pain in leg, swelling
What is a sprain?
caused by ligaments being stretch too far and often in the wrong direction. Most common are when ankles ligaments are overstretch or completely torn.
What are the signs of a sprain?
swelling around joints, rapid bruising.
What are the Symptoms of a sprain?
intense pain, restricted movement.
What are the common causes for sprains and strains?
○ Playing Sports
○ Overuse
○ Awkward Movements or Positions
- Avoid HARM
- Seek medical aid
*Ice 15 mins every 2 hours (first 24 hours), then 15 mins every 4 hours after. Ensure ice is covered by cloth/towel to prevent ice burn from direct contact with skin.
What is RICER?
Rest Minimise any physical activity
Ice Applying ice to the injury
Compression Apply pressure: bandages, etc.
Elevation Elevate the area of injury, pillow
Referral Get referral to further medical assistance
What is HARM?
Heat Don’t apply hot temperatures to the injury
Alcohol Do not apply any products containing alcohol
Running Don’t run whilst having an injury
Massage Don’t massage injury instead apply pressure
What is a dislocation?
Dislocation is when a bone/part of your body is disturbed or moved from its correct position