first Flashcards
what is the equation for yield strength of pipe
describe the classification categories of cements (letter)
What is a pore pressure prediction method
what does a “Grade” of casing tell you
what is cement solid additives referenced to/by?
what is assumed for the external pressure when designing the surface and intermediate casing for burst pressure
what is the equation for plastic collapse pressure
letter constants given
Many abnormal pore pressure processes are simply the _______ of those which effect subnormal pressures
d-exponent relates the _______ with the drilling rate
pore pressure
what is the assumed pressure inside the casing when desinging production casing
describe design of christmas tree and wellhead
The d exponent ______ R and N, and changes in response to a change in the drilling rate.
R = rate of penetration
N = rotary speed
what are three results of exceeding burst pressure of casing
what are the equations for triaxial and biaxial collapse pressure
biaxial doesn’t conisder internal pressure
What is pore pressure prediction used for
what is yield strength Fy
The amount of strength before the pipe goes from elastic yield to plastic yield
what is compaction theory
what is the equation for elastic collapse pressure
describe how salt diapers can create an overpressured zone
Most pore pressure prediction techniques rely on _______ or ______ porosity
what are the properties of cement after setting
What two mud weight curves are used for casing design
What is the equation for fracture pressure
what is a drive pipe
what does a flex joint do
compensates for horizontal movement
What is W
weight on bit
what is the equation for dc exponent
how do you do liner interpolation for pipe grades
what is a tie back?
liner that is extended to the surface at a later date after installation
Describe downfaulting and overpressured zones
What is the horizontal method for undercompaction
cements are classified into categories by ____ grade
what are lightweight additives
what is mew
poisson ratio
Describe how abnormal pressure can be achieved by man-made methods
A decrease or flattening of the d exponent indicates a transition into an _____ pore pressure region (if all other parameters, including drilling fluid density do not change in the interval).
what is the base reference measurement for cement mixtures
matrix interval transit time is also a _______ of porosity
What is the equation with bulk density
what are the variables and exponents
R = rate of penetration
W = rate on bit
N = rotary speed
db = drill bit size
What is NCT
normal compaction trend (normally pressurized)
what is the equation for overburden stress
what is the relationship with porosity and depth
what is the casing design criteria for burt pressure
Give examples of pressure seals
what is the fineness of cement
What is a pore pressure prediction method (graphical)
Older formations normally present a degree of compaction _____ than new ones
what are the properties of cement in the fluid period
what are the types of cement
Bulk density depends on what
what is pipe (or casing) displacement
what is happenign here
transition zone into overpressured zone
what is meant by a state of stress in a formation
what are heavyweight additives
when adding additives to cement, extra _____ may need to be added to compensate for additives
what is the equation for pore pressure
how many ranges of casing joints are there
What are the two methods to determine matrix stress
what are low water additives
what is the middle curve
external pressure (right curve) minus internal pressure (left curve)
waht is the right curve
external pressure
what is the equation for horizontal matrix stress
What does an overpressured reservoir look like
what is the equation for the depth of the neutral point of casing
waht is the assumed internal pressure when designing production casing
What does normally pressured mean
What is the equation for posity versus depth
How can pore pressure be predicted durign drilling
These seismic data are, sometimes, the only _____ about the sedimentary rocks underground (in wildcats, for example).
what is the equation for transition collapse pressure
letter coefficients given