FIRST 6 Flashcards
Medical health model
There are different types of health models. Health is the absence of the 4DS disease, death, disability, discomfort
This is in regards to do with the ecosystems and the surroundings and how that would impact ones health.
Such as living conditions, access to water and food and health care and air quality
This takes in account the individuals physiological mental social emotional ideas of health. Such as self heath and prevention
A diseases is basically a disorder of the body and mind that destroys good health. It can physical or mental and the symptoms also follow that.
It can be scuttle meaning sudden and lasts a short time or Cronin which means may continue for months or years
It can be communicable. 70% of deaths worldwide. Or non communicable so passed on
Health determinants part 1
Genetic- this is to do with any disease that may be hereditary due to the genes passed down via parents.
Life style - such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, poor diet, lack of exercise
Environmental- this is to with quality of life, income, job, availability of health care. As well as air pollution, drinking water
Health determinants part 2
Health care services- if is it accessible. Vaccination family planning clinics
Gender- Women go to the doctors more than men. Men are considered risk takers. They die earlier. Women are more likely to suicide but men succeed more
Religion dictates what people eat and drink.
Population size and growth
More developed countries have lower growth eaters than LEDC.
LECE have rapid growth rates in population due to higher birth rates and lower death rates.
According to DTM first is high death and high birth. Then decreasing death rate but high brith rate. Then both begin to fall
Population compositions
Total dependency ratio= pop below 15 above 65 and is divided by the population of those working x100
Human pyramid. Expansive, constrictive and stationary
Developing countries have younger populations. Less developed have you beat population. Developed have much older populations
Fertility and reproductivity
Crude birth rate= live births/ pop mid year * 1000
Not a good estimate of fertility bc variation in age will affect the results
General fertility rate= number of live births /women between ages of 15-49
Total fertility rate is the average number of children that would be born to a women if she lived through all her child bearing years
Net reproduction rate is the number of daughter that will be born to a woman is she passes through all her reproductive years
Can be biological, behavioural and environmental
Crude death rate=number of deaths/ total pop mid year *1000
This is a general indicator
Gender specific death rates after higher for men than women
Standard mortality rate is used to compare crude mortality rate between populations that have different age distributions
Cause specific death rates. This is in relevance to a particular disease. Number of people killed by disease/ mid year pop at risk *1000
Infant mortality and life expectancy
Infant mortality is the number of children that die before the age of one/ number of live births
Neonatal begins at births and 28 days after birth
Post neonatal begins on the 29th day after birth and ends with completion on one year of life
This is the study of various diseases and how they prevail in particular regions and in various groups of people
Deals with groups of people and populations rather than individuals
Main concepts of epidemiology
Risk regarding an outbreak
Population at risk eg: particular group of people more at risk than others risk population
Exposure levels and duration that relates to the individual and their health
Incidence the measure of new cases that occur and develop
Prevalence is the number of existing cases and how likely they are to occur
Levels of diseases
Sporadic- irregular pattern of occurrence
Epidemic- significant increase in the number of people affected by a disease
Endemic- a disease that is established in a population but remains fairly stable
Pandemic- widespread universal penetration over a white geographic area
Epidemiological study
Clear definition about the case
Clear definition in exposed person
Assessment of exposure like interviews recordings and frequency of exposure
Observational studies
Describe the distribution of disease and in a population but doesn’t directly intervene
There are 2 types descriptive and analytical
Descriptive takes into account the distribution of the disease geographically and hit it related to the characteristics of the person along with the time and place it occurred
Advantage is that you have information regarding the character of the individuals and also a time and place regarding the disease. CN generate hypothesis
Can’t test for hypothesis between exposure and disease
Analytic I’m the other hand tests for exposure and disease by testing various hypothesis
Case report
This is w presentation of a single case and is usually regarding rare cases
Case series
Is a group of patients with similar diagnosis and symptoms
They have unique symptoms So perhaps a rare disorder
Advantages-useful for hypothesis generation
Disadvantage-cannot study cause and effect relationship
Cross sectional prevalence
Provide a snapshot of of a population at a point in time
Prevalence rates of those with and without the exposure and disease is compared
Advantages: easy and economical over short term period
Disadvantage: not appropriate for use on rare diseases
Case control
A group of people with a disease and a group of people with out or unaffected