Firms production or closure decision (costs and supply) Flashcards
What are the two broad types of cost?
Fixed and variable costs
What is a fixed cost?
These are costs incurred regardless of the scale of operation. i.e do not change with output
What is a variable cost?
These vary according to the level of output of the firm.
What are the different types of fixed costs?
Sunken costs, on going fixed costs and recuperable fixed costs
What are sunken costs?
You incur these just once but can never get them back.
What are ongoing fixed costs?
You incur them every time period.
e.g every year you rehire your office
What are recuperable fixed costs?
These don’t vary with scale, but you can get them back.
How do you workout short-run marginal costs?
(change in total variable costs)/(change in output)
What is the short run?
The firm can only make partial adjustments of its inputs to a change in conditions as it operates in a given capacity
E.g. the firm may be able to vary the amount of labour, but cannot change capital.
What is the long run?
A period long enough for the firm to adjust all its inputs to a change in conditions
How do you work out long run marginal costs?
(change in all avoidable costs)/(change in output)
What is a firms closure decision if is making a loss in the short term?
If is above fixed costs then they can’t make a profit and should close but if it less and above variable costs, they can survive and the accounts may write it off as an extraordinary loss
What is the production function?
Specifies the maximum output which can be produced given inputs
What is a factor of production?
A factor of production (“input”) is any good or service used to produce output
What are the factors of production?
.1) Land
-Various types of land and natural resources
.2) Labour
-Different types of labour including acquired skills
3) Capital
-Various types of machinery, equipment, buildings etc.
-Reputational capital (requires investment )
-Should skills be seen as ‘human capital’?
4) Entrepreneurship
What is the long run total cost curve?
The long run total cost curve describes the minimum cost of producing each output level when the firm is free to vary all input levels.
What is the long run average cost? and usual shape?
. Total cost divided by the level of output.
. often assumed to be U-shaped
What are economies of scale? and what causes it?
Economies of scale – or increasing returns to scale – occur when long-run average costs decline as output rises
1) fixed costs/ barriers to entry needed to enter industry-costs are spread as output increases
2) specialisation- more workers can have individual tasks and business becomes more efficient as output rises
3) large scale needed to cover costs of expensive macinery
What are decreasing returns to scale?
Occur when long-run average costs rise as output rises
What are constant returns to scale?
Occur when long-run average costs are constant as output rises
What is the minimum efficient scale?
Lowest output at which the LAC curve reaches its minimum
what is the firm’s long-run output decision in respect to LRAC, LRMC and MR?
. The marginal condition is found where LRMC=MR to find the best output provided the firm stays open
. LRAC is then compared at this output with the price to see if the best possible output yields a profit or a loss
How do you work out SRTC?
Short-run total cost (STC) = short-run fixed cost (SFC) + short-run variable cost (SVC)
What is the marginal product of labour
The marginal product of labour is the increase in output obtained by adding 1 unit of the variable factor(labour) but holding constant the inputs of all other factors (capital-machines).
What is the law of dimishing returns?
Holding other thing constant, beyond some value of the variable input further increases in the variable input lead to steadily decreasing marginal product of that input.
E.g. trying to increase labour input without also increasing capital will bring diminishing returns
Explain the firm’s short run output decision
. Firm sets output at Q1, where SMC=MR
. if price is above SATC1 firm produces Q1 at a profit
. if price is between SATC1 and SAVC1 firm produces Q1 at a loss but stays open in the the short run
. if price is below SAVC1 firm produces zero output.
Explain the LRAC curve
LRAC curve is always below the SRAC curve, except at the point where they touch. Acts as an envelope of the SRAC curves. The LRAC curve shows the minimum cost way to produce a given output when all factors can be varied