Firefighting Ops Flashcards
Normal internal temps of Catalytic Converter _______. Normal outside surface temp _______. FFOps 1
1300-1600, 1000 degrees
Fuel Evaporation Control System vacuum relief set to operate at ____ and a pressure relief valve set to open at _____. FFOps 1
3/8 psi, 1 psi
The act of cooling the fuel tank on auto fires with a second hose should be considered appropriate from both a tactical and safety standpoint. FFOps 1
Veh Fire apparatus positioned at least ____ in front of veh and at least ____ to rear of veh. FFOps 1
50 feet; 100 ft
1st handline goes to the ___________ with 2nd handline going to the __________ using a _________ pattern. FFOps 1
passenger comp, fuel tank, wider fog
You should not remove the fuel cap ofvehicles on firefor the purpose of relieving excess pressure. FFOps 1
If the temp produced by the veh fire reaches in excess of ____ degrees, auto ignition make occur rupturing a protective disk and venting argon. FFOps 1
At ____ degrees the initiator component of undeployed airbags will auto ignite. FFOps 1
Some airbags are designed to auto inflate at repeated and prolonged temps above _______ degrees. FFOps 1
Tell tale sign of an Electric Vehicle (EV or Hybrid Electric Vehicle BEV) is the international _______ color associated w/the wiring system. FFOps 1
In EV cars there is a delay of _____ mins b/t the time the power is cut and the system is de-energized of all of it’s stored energy. FFOps 1
5 to 10
Large EV fires can be safely controlled w/water; if the fire involves the batteries & is minor in nature consider utilizing a “type” D dry chem extinguisher. FFOps 1
Use a ________ to dilute toxic smoke from a burning sodium and sulfur battery. FFOps 1
Water fog
With more plastics in today’s vehicles currently there is over_____ lbs of combustible material in vehicles. FFOps 1
Isolate E85 spill for at least_____ ftin all directions. FFOps 2
150ft or 50 meters
Be cautioned that E85 has a very___ flash point; use of water spray when fighting fire may be inefficient. FFOps 2
To extinguish large fires involving E85 fuel you should use straight streams. FFOps 2
For large spills of E85, consider downwind evac for at least __________. FFOps 2
1000ft or 300 meters
If a tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in an E85 fire, isolate for ___________ and consider evacuation for ___________ in all directions. FFOps 2
1/2 mile or 800 meters, 1/2 mile or 800 m
Metro fleet buses contain___ CNG tanks that operate at_____ psi. Each tank has an independent shut-off located at the end of each tank. FFOps 3
7, 3600
There are ___ PRDs (pressure relief devices) located in the roof area which will activate @ ___ psi or when the tank is heated to ____ degrees. FFOps 3
8, 5400, 220
There are___ methane sensors located on the bus w/2 in the tank compartment & 2 in the engine compartment. Sensors alert the driver to leaks in 2 modes: “trace” and “significant”. If a______ alert is activated the engine will shut down. FFOps 3
4, significant
CNG burns w/ an _______ flame and has a flashpoint of _____ degreesFFOps 3
orange, 560
On Metro CNG buses temperature sensors release an extinguishing agent when reaching a temp of ______which can also be manually activated by the driver near his driving position. FFOps 3
The 7 tanks are filled w/a CNG that is mostly made up of __________. FFOps 3
The fueling compartment door is located_______ and contains a fuel shut off located inside the door. To shutdown the system turn the lever____ degreesor ____ to the piping. FFOps 3
in the right rear of the bus, 90, perpendicular
For CNG minor leaks remove ignition sources ____ ft and ____ ft for major leaks. FFOps 3
100, 300
Although some vehicles running Propane are marked, there are no federal or city regulations that require the labeling or placarding of such vehicles. FFOps 4
Propane gas is _____ than air, has a vapor density of ____, and an expansion ratio of ___________. FFOps 4
heavier, 1.6, and 270 to 1
Propane gas fueled vehicles have fuel cylinders that hold approx ___ gal located in the ____ of the vehicle. FFOps 4
25, trunk
The greatest danger after a helicopter crash is ________. FFOps 5
All onlookers should be kept a minimum of_____ft from the helicoptercrash scene. FFOps 5
Members should expect a potential____ gal of fuel on board the aircraft at any crash scene. FFOps 5
The safest area of a helicopter crash is __________. FFOps 5
inside the helicopter
Helicopter landing zoneson streets and thoroughfares stop traffic ____ ft in all directions w/lead vehicles lights turned off. FFOps 5
Helicopter landing zones in a field or park a minimum diameter of _______ ft is preferred. FFOps 5
When aircraft is grounded post a guard at the rear of the aircraft just outside the perimeter (____ ft) to alert people of tail rotor. FFOps 5
________ It will react violently w/water and depending on the volume involved________extinguishers are required. FFOps 5
Magnesium, class D (dry powder)
_________ Although lightweight it presents extreme extrication challenges. FFOps 5
_________ LIghtweight and will lose structural support @ the melting point of ______ to _____ degrees. FFOps 5
Aluminum, 700 to 800
If two fog streams are of the same_______ and the water droplets had the same initial ______, the one containing the most water will have the greatest reach b/c it will have greater momentum. FFOps 6
diameter, velocity
Fog streams are superior to solid streams when their heat absorption qualities are compared, but fog streams must have sufficient volume to penetrate the heated area. FFOps 6
Water cannot absorb its full capacity of heat unless it is completely converted into _______. FFOps 6
Tests have shown that_________ motion of the nozzle is usually more satisfactory. FFOps 6
The number of fog streams to use should be determined by the______ ______area involved & the______ of the nozzles. FFOps 6
cubic foot, volume
The____ degreeangle produces a good combination of reach and fog pattern, no matter what the size of the hose. FFOps 6
In order to produce images that better distinguish b/t objects in the overall temp range, the TIC will automatically operate b/t what’s called LOW and HIGH sensitivity modes.HIGH sensitivity mode operates up to approx _____ degrees. FFOps 7
The TIC does not transmit thru glass or water, may reflect off of smooth surfaces, not able to view objects thru dense material, will not define a hole in the floor, and images may be affected by two way radios. FFOps 7
NONE of the TIC’s currently in use by DCFD are rated as intrinsically safe. FFOps 7
The TIC will focus on an object from ______ ft to ________. FFOps 7
3, infinity
The TIC shows the user a ________ dimensional view therefore the user must scan all sides at all levels of each area or room. FFOps 7
____________ will carry their assigned TIC and will first scan the ________ area and end the scan on the ________. FFOps 7
Truck OICs, ceiling, floor
All _________ team members and the __________ and _______ will carry and operate their assigned TIC on all structure fire incidents. FFOps 7
rescue squad, 2nd due BFC, SO
Once the 12v battery cables of Hybrid vehicles are cutthe high voltage relays will de-energize shutting down all high voltage to the vehicle. FFOps 8
If the”______” light on the dash is illuminated, then there is a possibility that the converter will supply power to the high voltage control module and high voltage power will still be running through the orange cables. FFOps 8
The “Smart Key” does not have to be in the ignition only within ____ to _____ feet of the vehicle. FFOps 8
10 to 15
Some hybrid vehicle airbags will maintain power for a few mins after battery is disconnected. FFOps 8
A Fire Watch is required to be implemented for system outages for maintenance of ____ hrs or longer, blocked or locked means of egress, etc. FFOps 9
After normal bus hours, the________________________ is the designated Fire Marshal representative. FFOps 9
on-duty fire investigations unit platoon commander
If a Fire Watch is implemented by a Fire Marshall representatitve thena journal entry shall be recorded at FIU and a SR detailing all relevant info shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal w/in____ hrs. FFOps 9
If a fire watch cannot be implemented w/in___ hour or the problem mitigated, it will be the responsibility of the Fire Marshal’s Office rep to remain on the scene and institute a call back for Fire Prevention personnel to institute a fire watch. FFOps 9
DC Fire Dept does not consider the testing and maintenance of fire protection system’s to be an “outage” if the system is restored w/in___ hrs. FFOps 9
_____ ______is recommended when fire suppression activities are in the vicinity of electrical equipment. FFOps 10
Fog pattern
Priority __ Electrical Emergency: Any electrical problem in a structure that prohibits “fire overhaul” b/c the main electrical switch cannot be controlled to interrupt power to that location. FFOps 10
Priority __ Electrical Emergency:Any vehicle accident that has a downed power line or power pole, but does not hinder rescue or emergency care.
FFOps 10
Priority ___ Electrical Emer:Include power outages b/c of blown fuses, tripped transformer, tree limbs on wires or loose guy wire. FFOps 10
If the wire is found already down upon arrival and no fire has resulted, or is likely to result, companies may report in service, provided a member of__________ is at the scene to warn persons of the danger. FFOps 10
the police dept
___________ An engine w/ a supply of LDH staffed w/ a min of a driver. FFOps 11
Water Supply Engine (WSE)
____________ a WSE in tandem w/ shared house engine company. FFOps 11
Water Supply Engine Company (WSEC)
_____________ (3) WSECs and a BFC
Water Supply Task Force
Radio channel _____ will be the designated channel for the Water Supply Task Force to operate. FFOps 11
The IC may designate a _______ _________ Chief the Water Supply Task Force Leader. FFOps 11
Logistics Section
The _________ ( or ________) will direct the staging, positioning and the operations of the apparatus. FFOps 11
Task Force Leader, Logistics Section Chief
When arriving on the scene, WSTF shall stage ___________ away to access to the 3rd and 4th due engines. FFOps 11
2 blocks
When in staging companies should identify a water source ideally greater than _______ gpm in the area. FFOps 11
Companies can identify a water source by contacting the FLO on _____ or by Google Earth on the MDC. FFOps 11
Companies will select high flow hydrants greater than 1000 gpms within 1000ft or roughly 2 blocks but not more than the hose bed capacity of _____ ft. FFOps 11
The “_____ ______ ___” allows the full potential of the hydrant to be used by allowing a direct path for the water to enter the pump on the right side steamer connection. FFOps 11
Heavy Hook Up
Companies should open the hydrant after connecting and note the ________ _________. FFOps 11
Static Pressure
The Fire Commander provides cavitation protection when in the __________ mode. FFOps 11
When ordered, begin filling the LDH with ________ pressure only. FFOps 11
Once your intake guage returns to the original static pressure place the _____ ___ _____. FFOps 11
pumps in gear
After a constant flow on the fireground is established the______ pressure on the_____ gauge will be noted to calculate the hydrant capacity.FFOps 11
residual, intake
3 times the current flow avail at the hydrant ___________ FFOps 11
Less than 10%
2 times the current flow avail at the hydrant ____________ FFOps 11
11 to 15%
1 time the current flow avail at the hydrant _____________ FFOps 11
16 to 25%
An amount less than the current flow avail at the hydrant _____________ FFOps 11
greater than 25%
Maintain no less than ____ psi of intake pressure. FFOps 11
When discharging water, calculate to allow ___ psi at the portable hydrant and figure ___ psi at the next pump in a relay. FFOps 11
20, 20